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All's Fair  by Inkling 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/7/2005
Oh, you CAN'T do that to my Frodo! Poor, poor lad!

Author Reply: Well, at least he got a good kiss in before the rude interruption!
Thanks Larner.

Breon BriarwoodReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/6/2005
Oh, that horrid, nasty Coronel! He just can't stand the thought of not being the one the girl wants! I'm sure Frodo's probably going to get punished to within an inch of his life so I'm glad he got at least one kiss beforehand.

*hugs Frodo*
*kicks Coronel in the jools*
"Take that you jealous,interfering, no good ol' mumblemumblemumble....."

Author Reply: So now he’s got you mumbling, LOL! Hoo boy, Coronel is certainly making a lot of enemies…and deservedly so, the stinker!
But at least for the moment Frodo’s happy, and even Coronel can’t take that away from him…
Thanks Breon!

estelnalissiReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/6/2005
A chapter of this charming story a week, just like the weekly 25 cent allowance I got when I was little, only bettter!

Author Reply: LOL! I’m honored to know that my chapters are anticipated like a weekly allowance! In our house the allowance was sporadic, but every Tuesday night was “ice cream night,” and you can bet we all looked forward to THAT!
Thanks Estelnalissi…and if you send me any more reviews, can you tell me what your name means? Hope…something, but I’ve no idea what!

AndreaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/6/2005
Yay, the first kiss - that's what I've been waiting for!
But it was rudely interrupted by Hortensia - that's such a shame.
After all, Hyacinth has clearly shown that her sympathy belongs to Frodo, not to Coronel!
So, Coronel wanted Hortensia to find him with Hyacinth? Why? What was he up to? I just don't understand that guy! Well, we'll see.

Even if Hortensia tells old Rory about the incident, I don't think he'll be angry. He will understand. As we've seen before, he has a lot in common with Frodo!

Author Reply: Yes, that kiss was a long time coming…hopefully it was worth waiting for!
As for Coronel, knowing that he was now out of favor with Hyacinth and which way her sympathies had turned, he was trying to disrupt what he (correctly) suspected might be happening in the garden…
You'll hear what Rory has to say about it in the next chapter.
Thanks for your review!

ArielReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/6/2005
What an incredibly delightful chapter! Just delicious! At least Hyacinth has taste! LOL!

Author Reply: Thanks Ariel…yes, poor Frodo got a break at last! He certainly needed it…
Glad you enjoyed the chapter…I’d thought you might! *grin*

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