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A Healer's Tale by Lindelea | 6 Review(s) |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 26 on 6/14/2005 |
Poor Estella. I think Merry needs to work on convincing her that she's not a second-best duty wife, but the wife he needs to hold him together. It must be hard for both Diamond and Estella to deal with these two - they are so close, but not to the exclusion of the others in their lives. If anyone needs to understand the Shadow, I would have thought it would be Woodruff. Whatever she might have guessed or worked out, she needs to be told by someone. And her words to Estella are very well-chosen. I like to see Estella steeling herself to continue to fight for Merry. By the way, I like the effect a sip of Ent-draught is having on her! She needs reviving at the moment, I would think. It's probably as well that Pippin survives this night - it wouldn't go down too well with the Tooks if Woodruff had withdrawn healer attention, whatever Pippin wanted. More please! Author Reply: Y'know, I think Merry does need to work on that, for Estella's sake. I would hate for her uncertainty to turn to bitterness. Of course, I know that it doesn't, but it really does appear that they need to have a little talk. Thanks for the suggestion. Will see if I can work it in. As to Woodruff and the Tooks... Gee, I hadn't thought of that... good thing hobbits don't form lynching mobs! (And it's a good thing Pippin survives the night) Thanks. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 26 on 6/13/2005 |
Oh, this one was apparently posted during the last breakdown. It is lovely, Lindelea, lovely. And glad Pippin has announced enough is enough. They all need their sleep! And love that what Frodo had said is now seen as foresight. Author Reply: Um, let's see, it was posted last night. Or very early this morning. (Stayed up too late, can you tell?) Guess I ought to take a page out of my own book and try to keep more regular sleeping hours... Author Reply: p.s. is your computer feeling better? (I hope!) | |
Andrea | Reviewed Chapter: 26 on 6/13/2005 |
Woodruff is a remarkable person! From all the bits of information she collected throughout the years she draws the right conclusion! Estella must have been amazed and maybe a little frightened of the knowledge the healer has about her husband and his cousins! But Woodruff can also assure her, that Merry really loves her and needs her to carry on. I loved it to see that Pippin doesn't want all the fuss made about him and only longs to be left alone with his Diamond, and to die, if he must, like a plain hobbit. 'I'm not afraid of the dark,' he says. 'It is only a curtain, and beyond is the white shore of a fair green country, where a feast is spread and waiting... I have only to put out my hand and the curtain will part...' I just hope, he will recover completely! Author Reply: Woodruff is remarkable at collecting information and putting pieces together. I'm glad she was able to reassure Estella, who loves Merry so desperately, yet has never been sure that he loves her to the same degree. As to your last comment, I will not offer a spoiler, but there is hope, and light at the end of the tunnel, but we are not quite there yet. Thanks! | |
Connie B. | Reviewed Chapter: 26 on 6/13/2005 |
Lovely chapter, full of great imagery. I especially liked the last couple of papagraphs. The talk between Woodruff and Estella was good. I think they both have a clearer understanding of things now. The part where Pippin tells Woodruff to go away was perfect. I think he would want to be treated just like any other hobbit; no special attention just because he's the Thain. This is what I would truly call an interlude.:) Thanks. Connie B. Author Reply: It's always nice to hear what you especially liked. Thanks! | |
Pearl Took | Reviewed Chapter: 26 on 6/13/2005 |
A tender scene indeed. Yes, Pippin has been near to death's curtain before, I can see him not wanting all that fuss. You show so well the love Woodruff has for her charges and their loved ones. VWD Author Reply: Thank you. She does love them deeply, and fights fiercely for them. Definitely a Took, even though by adoption and marriage. | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 26 on 6/13/2005 |
I do love this little heart-to-heart between Woodruff and Estella, as Woodruff gradually comes to realize what kind of thing the Travellers must have faced in the outer world. It had not occurred to me that Estella would misunderstand the nature of Merry's love for her; yet in your world, where she was "second choice" to his intended bride who died, it makes a good deal of sense. These interludes are every bit as enlightening as the main part of the story. Author Reply: Well, I realised what a difficult position I'd put Estella in, while writing this story. If everyone knew that Pippin and Merry were "joined at the heart", how would that make Estella feel, knowing that her beloved might choose to follow his cousin rather than remain with her? I really didn't deal with it until I was writing the chapter with her arrival, and then I was stuck with the situation as I'd already set it up. Sometimes it's a challenge, instead of rewriting, to lie in the bed one has made and figure out how to make it work. I'm so glad that Woodruff was able to offer some reassurance, comfort, and understanding. Thanks! | |