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The True Face of Courage  by FirstMate 13 Review(s)
pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 4 on 7/1/2005

You had me hanging on the edge of my seat. I want to hear more.
Elrohir, is missing and hurt and Elledan is going after him...

Please...Update this soon... Great job...

Author Reply: I'm TRYING to get the next chapter written...really. It's just taking an inordinate amount of time since RL keeps getting in the way. The chapter's fully outlined and the first half or so is written, but the second half just isn't coming very quickly. I'm glad you've enjoyed it so far...please hang in there with me and I'll update as soon as I can!

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/27/2005
Forgot to mention that it's me, DeepBlueSomething. I have changed my screen name and forgot to tell you.

Author Reply: I think you'd mentioned that in a previous message. Or maybe I read it in someone else's review. Thanks, though. It's always nice to keep track of folks!

LaurelinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/16/2005
Arrrgggghhh....not a cliffy!i hope Elladan is not going to have too much trouble finding his twin and in one piece he's one brave elfling.This story has me totaly hooked i'm always checking for updates please keep up the wonderful writing Thanx Laurelin

Author Reply: Is that a cliffie? I guess so since Elrohir isn't rescued yet, but it did seem like a good stopping point. Sorry...I don't try to over-dramatize things with cliffies. Anyway, I do think Elladan is very brave, even as a little fellow. He would do anything for Elrohir, but it still must be hard to crawl into unknown darkness. And he will find him without much trouble. Of course, getting him out is another issue....

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/12/2005
Oops! Forgot to mention that I loved the analogy with the shoes. It really brought the whole chapter together in a very angsty fashion and made the idea of the twins' special relationship more concrete. Great job!

Author Reply: I really like the shoes analogy myself (if I do say so myself!) It's how I see the twins--separate unique beings, but really truly complete when they're together.

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/12/2005
Great story! I've been meaning to review since you started, but have only now done so.

You did a great job portraying Estel as a moody teenager. (No offense to all the teenagers out there). You did such a good job, in fact, that I had a strong urge to slap him. After reading some of your other reviews, I think most of your other readers agree with me. I really enjoyed it when Elladan got up in spite of his injuries to confront Estel. His concern that Elrohir had to go through his nightmare again on his account was very touching.

I felt so sorry for Elrohir. Sounds like he had a horrendous experience. Those other boys didn't mean any harm, but it doesn't excuse their behavior. I have a feeling their mothers will punish them adequately.

I almost felt sorry for the two boys when they had to tell Elrond what they did. That must have been a scary experience. I kind of shudder when I think of Elrond in full fury. However, Celebrian may be the one to watch. She is too worried about Elrohir at the moment to feel much anger. I think when Elrohir is safe, she may be scarier than Elrond. I can't wait to find out. Mommies with threatened babies can be a force to be reckoned with.

Anyway, I am really enjoying this story. I will look forward to the next update.

Author Reply: Hi BEE! I'm glad you're enjoying the story. Yeah, a lot of reviewers did seem to want to give Estel a slap. I hope I didn't offend any teenagers either, but they CAN be a bit...uh...opinionated at times. Of course, they can also surprise you with their generosity and kindness at others. I think the teenage years are the hardest, so I can understand Estel, although I do think he could have used a kick in the rear! I enjoyed writing Elladan's fury.

Definitely I wouldn't want to be either of the boys facing Elrond and Celebrian. It's hard enough to admit when you've done something stupid, but something stupid that might have seriously harmed a little horrid! I haven't sketched out Elrond and Celebrian's final reactions once Elrohir is safe, but I agree that Celebrian might be less forgiving of the boys' behavior.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/11/2005
Love the title of this chapter. It was quite profound. Poor Elrohir being so alone for so long. I love your depiction of the kids and terrified adults in this. Very well done. Can't wait for more!

Author Reply: Glad you liked the chapter title. The whole shoe thing was a last-minute addition that came to me when Elladan was zipping up the wall away from his father. Sometimes details just seem to fall into place. Elrohir really DOES need to be rescued soon, though, so I'll have to get working harder on that next chapter!

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/11/2005
I would not want to be in those two Elven boys shoes when Elrond and Celebrian get their hands on them after all of this is over. And then, they're more than likely have to face Glorfindel as well. Not good, deserved, but still not good.

Hoping Elladan can get Elrohir out of that cave w/the little one's broken ankle. Please don't wait so long between updates. Pllllleeeeaaassseeee!!!!!

Author Reply: Not sure yet what the punishment will be for Johir and Belmandren. I'm thinking that their parents would give them much harsher punishments than what Elrond and Celebrian would. I do like the idea of giving them to Glorfindel for punishment, though...hmmm...

I'm REALLY sorry that I haven't finished the next chapter yet. Between work and home I haven't had time to write for weeks. It just doesn't work unless I can have some real time to sit down without distractions. I envy those people who can whip out stories quickly, but I'm just not one of them...sigh.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/11/2005
I feel so sorry for Elladan in this chapter. He doesn't understand the bond with Elrohir yet, but knows something is very wrong. I think the saddest part was when he awoke in the morning to see Legolas, not Elrohir. I liked Elrond's reaction in listening to his son, and accepting his sense of unease - not dismissing it with 'he'll be back soon!'

Poor Celebrķan, crawling down the tunnel, finding the shoe, and then not being able to go further. She must have felt she'd failed Elrohir. How on earth is Elladan going to get his twin out though, if no-one else can get down the tunnel?

I liked the analogy at the end with the shoes - separate in themselves, but part of a whole.


Author Reply: Elladan is having a tough time right now and unfortunately it will only get worse when he finds Elrohir and has to come to terms with the fact that he can't get him out alone (ah...but there is someone else who can get down the tunnel!)

I am enjoying working the twins' bond into the story. I think as little fellows they just wouldn't understand it yet. It's so much a part of who they are that they don't question just IS. I don't see it ever becoming telepathy, though...more of a sense or a feeling, especially strong emotions. I imagine Elrond would have some kind of basic understanding that there was a bond, but since he didn't have the same with his twin (well, at least not in my stories), he can only guess as to what is possible.

I'm glad you liked the shoe analogy--it kind of popped into my head as I was writing (maybe a kindly muse tossed it my way). I had decided to have Elrohir lose his shoe so there would be some clue as to where he went, but then when Elladan was escaping his father, the rest of it just all fell into place. One of the fun things about writing!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/11/2005
Elrond is a great father. He handled the two little intruders in his council so well. Many other parents would have been angry and thrown them out, no matter why they came and how worried they were. I am glad he took them seriously and started the search.
It must be very hard for Elrohir's parents not to know what had happened to their son and so much harder for Celebrķan to turn back after finding the shoe as a first track of her missing son. I certainly wouldn't be in their place now!

It was good their mothers took Johir and Belmandren to Elrond - to tell him what they had done to his little son must have been quite difficult for them, and they deserved it. It would have been much to easy if their mothers had told Elrond and Celebrķan. I wonder how they will be punished. Hopefully they will think twice in the future before doing anything like this again!

You described Elladans growing awareness of his bond with his brother without really knowing what it was very well. He is too young to understand it, but he is acting upon it nonetheless out of instinct, I think. And I liked it how he slipped away, knowing they can't stop him. He will find his brother, although I wonder how he will help Elrohir back in spite of the broken ankle as long as the adults aren't able to reach them, and I don't think Elladan is able to carry his brother. Maybe they should send Legolas through this tunnel, too ...

I can't wait for more and hope you can update soon - you can't want me to die from the suspense, do you?

Author Reply: You been peeking at my draft? You're right that Elladan won't be able to get Elrohir out on his own and he's going to need the help of a certain blond elfing. (Hopefully I'm not spoiling things by giving away things before the chapter's posted).

Personally, I would NOT have wanted to be Johir or Belmandren's mother and had to tell my lord and lady what my son had done. Not a very happy thought! Fortunately, my son is actually a really nice young man and is more the type to help out the younger kids rather than play mean tricks on them. Actually, though, I don't see Johir and Belmandren as really bad kids either...they were just stupid and didn't think through the possible consequences of what they were doing. Not much comfort to their mothers at this moment I suppose, however.

And please hang in their a bit longer and don't die from suspense! :) I really am trying to get the next chapter written, but my muses are not being very cooperative. No...that's not fair to them, it is really more that I haven't had much time to sit down and write. I'm aiming for week after next.

perellethReviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/11/2005
The atmosphere is so stiffling! Poor Celebrķan, having to turn back when she was almost there! The tension is so vivid! And those two "valiant" big boys! My, I cannot think of a suiting punishment, I let that to your imagiantion, something truly creative, please!

Poor Elrohir must be thoroughly disoriented by now, no wonder he would hate caves and rats for the rest of his inmortal life! Thankfully, it is Elladan to the rescue, now, but I wouldn't like be in Elrond or Celebrian's shoes for nothing in this world! Such anguish! LEt's hope this is now going for the best!

Author Reply: You know, I haven't actually put much thought into what the punishment should be for the two pranksters. They already feel lower than worms, but you're right in that I should be creative with their punishments...hmmmm....any thoughts?

As for Elrohir, fortunately for him he's currently unconscious and thus no longer afraid. And Elladan is on his way and will find him soon. Er...well, soon in the next chapter, which is somewhat stalled at the moment so it might not be very soon in real time. Ah well...things ARE going in the right direction, though.

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