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That Which is Hidden  by naiad 1 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/11/2005
This was gorgeous! I do not believe I have read another story to touch upon these events in quite such depth. And I have to say that I liked the subtle blend of book- and movie-verse towards the end.

I liked your Galadriel very much, and your Celeborn definitely earned his reputation for wisdom in this story. You kept the focus on Galadriel's temptation and her passing of the test, and more so on her growing love and admiration for a small creature of another race, who proved in the end to be the mightiest of them all.

Author Reply: Dear Dreamflower,
Thank you for understanding my intentions so well and for reviewing each segment. You are a very astute reader! Your words make the writing and rewriting all worthwhile.
Re: the omission of Sam, the similarity to movie verse was coincidental, not intentional. Hopefully the Notes in the last segment/chapter explain sufficiently (you deduced correctly, yourself).
I'm so glad you enjoyed this and took the time to say so.
Cheers and best wishes*

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