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Pitfalls of the Palantir  by Haleth 4 Review(s)
ziggyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/30/2005
Ah- yes, that 'wine-soaked determination' stage. I know it well!
I love the juxtaposition you have with these two, Inglor's perfection and the 'rumpled look' sported by our heroine.I htink travelling with Inglor would make anyone sick acutally- how can you even hope to keep up and Haleth is quite right to drown her sorrows with increasing irresponsibitly -I would be right there with her commiserating. She has real panache- swiping that bottle of rather good wine and swigging it like beer.. or lemonade even. LOvely images with poor old Inglor really at a loss. You just dont know whether to hug him or smack him up the side of his head!I rather think Haleth is heading the way of violence. Your writing style reminds me of another writer and friend of mine, Mary Gentle, she has that same wicked humour and slightly slightly? I mean very sardonic wit. I hope you take that as a compliment- it is intended as such.

Author Reply: Hello, Ziggy.

Thank-you for a glowing review.

One of the biggest sources of conflict in this story is the differences between Elves and Men. The High Elves, like Inglor, are perfect...always calm, always clean and seemeingly always in control. With the possible exception of Elros' line (when they had ready access to a bathtub), no human could hope to compare. This causes Haleth a great deal of consternation. The assumptions and misunderstandings between the two kindreds were just too good a source of humour to ignore.

Again, my thanks for taking the time to review and my apologies for taking so long to respond.

Now I'm off to look for Mary Gentle's writings.


perellethReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/22/2005
I wasn't sure this could go worse (in a good sense, of course) for poor Haleth, but you're definitely being sadistic with her... first she's caught naked,and *nothing* happens, now she's inebriated, and I bet *nothing* worth of her troubles (and hangover)shall happen... what else, oh evil author? :-)

And now you have me wondering about this wonderful super boy. How did they meet? How does he know that she doesn't give up any of her tasks? How did they happen to be together?PArdon, *traveling* together! Why does he think now that she would like to remain in Bree rather than going on with him to Gondor? What is he thinking? I know, I know, that would give away most of the enjoyment, but.. shall we have some insight as to what's going on in his head? His puzzlement and occasional mild exasperation are so endearing... I'm still waiting for him to ask courteously about his silver flask and his T'ang...

Author Reply: Thank-you, perelleth

Well, you're right. It gets worse. Haleth has a very bad evening ahead of her. At least she manages to keep her clothes on this time.

About the torturing of the character...someone once suggested that I write a story about the character Haleth actually confronting the author.

How did they meet? That's another story all on its own...


TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/21/2005
Good, another chapter! But still this...thing between Inglor and Haleth. I'm hoping the Dorwinion will loosen her up enough or Inglor's annoyance will push him to the point that they finally address the elephant in the corner. Actually, now I understand Haleth's distress. I'd feel repulsive in the presence of an elf too. BUT, I still suspect her past has something to do with it as well. It is so hard waiting for whatever it is that's coming! ~TF

Author Reply: Thank-you, TithenFeredir

I've never thought of Haleth's attraction to Inglor as an elephant in the corner, but it's a really good analogy. It's amazing what people can ignore when they really put their minds to it.


DaynawaynaReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/21/2005
Again I say, Poor Haleth! I really can't wait to find out more about her background... she's such an intriguing character! and it's my personal belief that Inglor is not quite as obvlivious to her feelings (or his own) as she may think. ::Sigh::

Didn't I read somewhere that this is posted in its entirety? Please tell me where! Unless you've revamped it and it would just confuse me. You are so gifted with this story... keep up the good work!

Author Reply: Thank-you, Daynawayna

It's hard to say what Inglor thinks. He's an elf, he's fairly old and he doesn't seem to feel the same urgency to life as Haleth does.


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