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A Healer's Tale by Lindelea | 10 Review(s) |
Anso the Hobbit | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/13/2005 |
I do love your Bilbo. This is so sweet! :) Author Reply: Thanks! Yes, I figure Bilbo has learned a thing or two in his travels, his long life, and the people he hangs out with... *g* | |
FantasyFan | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/9/2005 |
I have always wondered if there wasn't someone who wanted to match Frodo with Pearl. Of all the handy lasses, she is of the most appropriate age, and I would think that they were in each other's company often enough for the suggestion to come up. And now that you've put the notion in Pippin's head, I'm surprised even more that Frodo didn't end up marrying her. Pippin doesn't let go of an idea too easily! Author Reply: Well, I never thought much about it until I read one of Ariel's stories, and then looking up the family trees I saw that they were pretty close in age. I had rather thought he might marry a Brandybuck if things had been different... Pippin doesn't let go of an idea too easily, and Bilbo will have occasion to regret the joke, and try to remedy the situation... (hope that's not too much spoiling) Thanks! | |
Connie B. | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/8/2005 |
Clever twist to have there be a whole kit and kaboodle of those teapots floating around.:) Poor Ferdi. That has to be just awful. And your description of what had happened when Woodruff had allowed someone in his condition to eat was just heart-sickening. Definitely looking forward to an update soon. Connie B. Author Reply: Yes, there are more of those teapots floating around--not as many as used to be, considering how breakable china is, and that the peddler went round the Shire when Bilbo's mother was a young girl, quite awhile ago! Poor Ferdi. And poor Woodruff! But things will be looking better soon. | |
Ariel | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/8/2005 |
Yes, it just might come true! LOL! Very nicely done. Author Reply: LOL. I had never considered Frodo-and-Pearl until I read one of your stories, so I suppose you get some credit! | |
SlightlyTookish | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/8/2005 |
What a great chapter! How lucky for Pippin that Bilbo had a similar teapot and that Robin found it. I love how Bilbo turns it around and makes it seem as if Robin conjured it. And the bit at the end about Frodo marrying Pearl was fun :) Author Reply: It is fun to start to pull things together and find solutions to problems! Thanks! | |
Hai Took | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/8/2005 |
Well that was lucky for Pippin! Hopefully he wont be expecting all conjurors to produce the things he needs. Wise of Bilbo to steer him well away from the idea of Elf-glue! Now they are on their way back to Whittacres where they will surely find some distressing news! I wonder how long Woodruff with worry over Ferdibrand? I'm sure it must be difficult for her not allowing him to eat! Looking forward to more and hearing what happens next! Author Reply: Hmmm. Do you suppose his faith in conjurors is going to be a bother to Gandalf? (Remembering Gandalf's irritation with him at the doors of Moria) Yes, the next "Whittacres" chapter is distressing, but things will get better after. | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/8/2005 |
Very wise of Bilbo to insist on the absence of his special elf-glue. Or he's never be safe from the optimistic arrival of a hopeful Took. And give Jack the credit. Why not? He's not going to be called on to pull rabbits from hats on impossible tasks! I love Jack wintering in the Prancing Pony and being trusted to make the breakfasts - and wandering back to the Shire come spring. You wouldn't consider adding to Jack's story, now, would you? He's a very endearing character - and I'd like to see more of him. Poor Ferdi. And his family. I'm extremely pleased I know he survives this one without too much in the way of ill-effects. How long before Woodruff agrees to let him relieve his hunger, though? And poor Nell is able to be cross with the lad again - for putting them all through so much stress. I'm surprised Pippin let Frodo escape from marrying Pearl - now the idea has been put in his head. Having Frodo as a brother would almost have compensated for having him have to do yucky things like kiss her. Things are progressing nicely. One way and another. Looking forward to more. Author Reply: Glad to hear you like Jack. He has an entire story of his own, mostly "background" to other stories, because I wonder who would read a story almost entirely OC... (though Woodruff hasn't done so badly). He might appear in at least one more story in the works, related to his journey to Gondor where he saw Pippin and Diamond with Farry-the-faunt when they were visiting there. So if I ever get that story written, he'll make an appearance, at least a cameo. | |
Andrea | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/8/2005 |
"Conjuror's tricks weren't wanted at the Pony" - That's very true! Our four hobbits will learn this lots of years later ;-) I'm fascinated how easily Robin "solved" the teapot problem! Who would have thought that Bilbo had a similar one? Pippin is quite taken with the idea, that Frodo might marry Pearl!In that case, he would not only be his cousin, but also his uncle. Imagine Pippin trying to bring them together - that would be funny! Poor little Ferdi. I hope, Woodruff can save his life! Author Reply: Yup, those Breefolk are rather down-to-earth. It was quite a coincidence that Bilbo had a similar teapot. Thank goodness for that peddler with his waggon-load of teapots that he brought to the Shire when Bilbo's mother was little! | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/8/2005 |
So, the lost has been replaced, and "magically" at that. And I suppose some years later Robin came to be known as Jack? It would be fitting, I must say. And Stelliana is riding as fast as she can to come to Ferdi's bedside. I'm just glad to know already that he recovers. Poor Ferdi, to be through so much in his life--life-threatening injuries, blindness, the terror of being made the Took and Thain.... Well done, as always. Author Reply: Yes, some years later, Robin comes to be known as "Jack". to be through so much in his life... LOL, adding "the terror of being made Took and Thain" is the perfect touch! | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 41 on 8/8/2005 |
Oh how lovely! I had a hunch, from your hint of Bilbo's memory being stirred, that he might know where a duplicate teapot could be found, but it never occurred to me that he'd actually *have* one, nor that it would be "Robin" who would "conjure" it. What a wonderfully delightful explanation for the little Took! (And I wonder, years later as an adult, thinking back on this episode from a more sophisticated adult viewpoint, what he would make of what happened then, and if he'd still consider it "magic"?) I also like that Robin knew his way around a hobbit hole enough to make a nice hobbity breakfast--I think any Man (or Elf or Dwarf or Wizard) who spent very much time at all among hobbits would soon find himself taken with their ways, and in fair danger of becoming a hobbit himself, LOL! (Good Guys, of course; Bad Guys scarcely count.) So, that was Ferdi's mother they saw on the pony? Now I'm looking forward to another "breakfast surprise" coming up in one of the interludes. *grins*rubs hands in gleeful anticipation* Author Reply: Hmmm, it is interesting to consider what Pippin's view of the matter would be, years later. It must have been a crushing blow to Robin, years later, when the King's Edict was put in place. Poor fellow. Yes, that was Ferdi's mother, and Ferdi's uncle Ferdibrand, for whom he was named, riding as if all the Furies were after them. "Breakfast surprise", er... well, I suppose you could call it that, though the Tooks and guests will actually be at dinner. Pippin will be newly awakened, after all! And yes, it's coming soon. | |