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Flowers in His Hair  by LKK 5 Review(s)
LeawardReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/2/2005
LOL, Wonderful! I guessed Legolas and Thranduil, I didn't get Aragorn though until I read your notes! And all done with dialogue. Well done!

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 1 on 9/23/2004
I saw your other challenge post today and decided to take a quick look at some of your other writings (I love Thranduil). This one is great too. I am still chuckling. I can certainly see this entire conversation. Fabulous.

Author Reply: It's such a pleasure to receive a review on an older story, especially this one which was my first fanfic. Thank you for taking a look at my other stories, elliska; I'm very grateful. I'm glad you liked it. :)

Fan81981Reviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/17/2003
How about a sequel to that? For something which had only dialogue it was remarkably clear. I would like to imagine the King was Thranduil - but I could be wrong. You could clearify with another chapter - it would be much appreciated.

Aww heck - another chapter please. This was cute - I want to see the "Presentation Ceremony". With oranage flowers no less.


Author Reply: You flatter me by requesting another chapter to "Flowers in His Hair".
I respond well to flattery. ;-)

I wrote a sequel called "A Circlet of Orange Flowers". It's also posted here at Stories of Arda. Feel free to give it a view.

And thank you very much for your kind words. :-)


LOTRloverReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/15/2003
Oh, this is choice! Thranduil, you are such a bastard. I love it.

Very well written, too. You do a great job of getting all the info across through dialogue only. Fabulous.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 1 on 8/14/2003
Still made me laugh. I can so imagine Aragorn up in front of everyone with a wreath of flowers in his hair. HE will take it well though. And the glory is - he cannot ever get Thranduil back. *grin*

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