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The Courtship of Peregrin Took  by PIppinfan1988 5 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/21/2005
All of the sudden I am getting this feeling about Diamond and her fear of ponies. Maybe a past event that she doesn't quite remember? I could be way off, but it just hit me while I was reading this one. Pippin is really having a time with his match-making older sisters isn't he? LOL Still enjoying this one very much.

Author Reply: No, you're not way off--I gave a little bit of a background when Sapphira was "turning over" with Diamond, can't remember exactly which chapter--maybe 10 or 11? But yes, Diamond has a fear of ponies who aren't tied up. It's all coming out in wee bits towards 21 and 22--oops! I haven't posted 22 yet...darn. ;-)

I am glad that you're enjoying this! Thanks for reading!


Hai TookReviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/5/2005
Poor Diamond! All thse rude lads not wanting to dance with her becasue she has a scar! I'm glad Pippin spoke to her though, I'm sure they will both have a more enjoyable time with one another than they would have in anyone else's company!

Pippin "shadowing" Paladin was great! He obviously wasn't fooled with who Pippin was shadowing either! I liked that Pippin bought Diamond the doll, very sweet. That she wouldn't take it unless some kind of bargain was put on it. Now they are certain to have a few more games.

Looking forward to more, and seeing how the dance goes!

Author Reply: At this point, Diamond is still an employee of Pippin's sister, thus she would not allow such a gift without some sort of compensation--even if it comes from the Thain's son. She's an honest and forthright lass in this regard.

Yes, I must say that I got a kick out of writing the "shadowing" bit. We'll just have to wait and see, but I think Pippin might have a thing or two to say to one of them.

Thanks for reading!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/5/2005
Very satisfying. And I wonder how many were told off by Pippin's sisters to leave Diamond alone, hmm? Funny thing....

Author Reply: Fortunate for the lads, none of Pippin's sisters witnessed any of of her embarrassment.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/4/2005
*very big grin*

Beautiful chapter; the romance is coming along nicely, and now they have finally admitted to one another their true feelings! Oh, well, it's Bart's and Tolo's and Nick's etc. losses, and Pippin's gain! Won't those jerks be surprised!

Looking forward to more!

Author Reply: I have to admit, I also liked that bit of Pippin expressing his heart to Diamond. I had that one in my head for so long and I was finally able to write it in, LOL. Oh, Pip's got something up his sleeve for those cowards, and anyone else who has a "say" in his dancing with a working-lass. I am so glad you enjoyed this--I enjoyed writing it, although I think that bit with Pearl needs sorry; it was late at night and at the time it all made perfect sense. Thanks for reading!


Connie B.Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 8/4/2005
I really liked this. I laughed out loud at Paladin's remark about Pippin shadowing someone but sure wasn't him.:)

Poor Diamond. That whole part of the day must have been awful. First the fright over the ponies and then the line of rejections by the lads.

Pippin has fallen, and hard. But it looks like Diamond has fallen just as hard. I wonder what the talk will be when he dances with her. First he's the son of the Thain dancing with a hired lass, and then add to that the fact that her face is scarred. Oh the snobs and biddies are gonna have field day with this one.

Looking forward to the rest of the tale.

Connie B.

Author Reply: Oh, yes...the dance is coming up. :-) And yes, there will be a bit of excitement there...! Thank you for reading, Connie! Gotta go and write...


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