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Lesser Ring by Larner | 5 Review(s) |
Szepilona10 | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 6/10/2009 |
Does Hildigor smoke? (I think he's handsome!:D) Author Reply: I'm not certain whether or not Hildigor smokes, really. And of course he's handsome--he is Dunedain, after all! Good to hear from you. I do have a pair of Halbarad drabbles in "'Neath Anor, Ithil, and Gil," by the way! And am so glad you are enjoying this story! | |
Radbooks | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/17/2005 |
Yikes! You just know something is going to happen... of course, I knew it was going to, but still. :) I'm anxious to see what you have planned. Once you lose trust it is so hard to regain it and that's even if you want to regain it and you work really, really hard at it! I feel bad for Ankhrabi for even having this guy in his family, but you can't always choose your relatives - especially the distantly related ones! :) I do hope that some of these Haradric people get to go to Gondor sometime - that would be fun to read about. *hint hint* Author Reply: Yes, once trust is lost it is difficult to earn once more. And, yes, something again is ready to happen. As for a trip to Gondor by the Haradrim--may happen, but am not certain it will happen in this specific story. I still have to offer closure on Benai and his people, of course. | |
lindahoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/17/2005 |
At least someone from Harad is sorry about insulting Pippin !I have a feeling the one who suported Sauron might be plotting something nasty for our heroes next. I am loving this story and ampleased you are enjoying mine too. Author Reply: I enjoy yours, as it is such a different view of the same people. That's the fun of FanFic--seeing how many different ways the same folks might have developed and the experiences they might have had. Am so glad you are enjoying this, and things are indeed likely to become more heated soon. | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/17/2005 |
Just as I thought. Shefiramun is in for some rude awakenings, I suspect. I don't much imagine they will be welcome, either. And forgive me if I harbor this teensy little fantasy that when push comes to shove, it's Troll's Bane he finds at his throat. Upsetting Pip like that. Faugh! Author Reply: Well, perhaps more likely at his belly than at his throat--but you are right the confrontation is coming. Am trying to keep ahead in the writing, although now and then I find I have to go back and do a few revisions when I find I've made an error or two. | |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 8/17/2005 |
How thoughtful and courteous of them to go out to smoke! (I'm myself not fond of smoking at all and appreciate this behaviour!) Oh yes, I remember this bit about the forces of Harad and thought of it when it was mentioned Sherfiramun fought for Mordor! Another reason to distrust him heavily, and I am glad they all think so. Hopefully they are able to prevent harm if they are cautious. I loved Rustovrid's comment at the end - it is obvious *he* knows very well what respect and trust or distrust of Aragorn and his friends mean and can appreciate the trust they show to all who are worthy of it. And it is somehow relieving to see he can confide in Ankhrabi in this and that Ankhrabi is of the same mind. Author Reply: I agree about Ankhrabi and Rustovrid, and the meaning of trust from those of Gondor and its allies. To lose the trust of Aragorn is to lose a treasure of great value. Sherfiramun does not as yet realize just how much in jeopardy he has put himself by his actions and words, or how much of his nature and motivations he has revealed. Author Reply: PS--I have proven to be highly sensitive to tobacco smoke, so my home is now a smoke-free zone. I tried smoking once, at the tender age of three or four; I've not done so again, but grew up in a family of smokers, and my husband smoked most of his life, then suddenly gave it up one day. After he did that, I stopped getting such frequent colds and all; that's when we realized just how sensitive I really was to second-hand smoke. And so, just as in The King's Commission, I've made Aragorn a thoughtful smoker. | |