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Reflections from the Paradise of Elves  by Bodkin 6 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 70 on 9/7/2005
Aha--Pooh-sticks for Elves, and a small bit of gold allowed to return to its source, coined and then returned.

Lovely images throughout.

Legolas paddling has its attractions, I think. :-)

Author Reply: Thank you.

There's one where he strips off and swims - I can't remember which one now. And another where he is - er - less than fully clothed and chopping dead wood.

Sometimes I think I enjoy writing the elves-and-nature ones as much as the ones with more of a story.

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 70 on 8/22/2005
*GRIN* Absolutely enjoy these three together doing whatever. You teach lessons about what really matters in such an entertaining way.

But now, I wonder what their reaction would have been if the nugget were mithril instead of gold? Maybe then the Sindar in all of them would have shown more interest...?

Naw, it's just not worth the trouble it causes.

Author Reply: E2 aren't too interested in mithril either - neither Elrond nor Celeborn would consider it worthy of disrupting the harmony of the forest, I think. Not so sure about Galadriel - or Celebrian, but I think they would subdue any thought of exploiting it. I wonder if Legolas would find that his love for Gimli had made him unexpectedly interested in true-silver? Probably not. (Elerrina might be rather bemused by their indifference.)

Water, rocks, the sun gleaming through fresh green leaves. The presence of the kind of friends who can accept and understand you. A perfect way to spend a day. Who needs gold?

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 70 on 8/22/2005
You know, after the busy weekend I had, I completely love seeing three elves and the only thing on their minds is where to throw in their twig so it will go down the stream the fastest. We are not elflings. We can spend a pleasant afternoon together without descending to infancy.’ *Snort* But why would they want to. ;-) I love their playfulness in this. I needed it this morning--I think these fluffy types of Reflections are my favorites.

Author Reply: There is something about rocky streams, deciduous trees, sunshine - and games. And elves. Such a relaxing combination. Some of my favourite days have been spent with four of the five.

It's good for E2L to play like elflings at times - and they know just when they can drop their responsibilities and allow themselves to be frivolous. (Good thing they have understanding families!)

Writing these 'playing in the woods' type Reflections is fun - but I'm always worried that they might get a bit repetitive. Sometimes the need is just irresistible, though.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 70 on 8/21/2005
That's a nice, peaceful little scene. I like their indifference to gold, but then it's always puzzled me why things like that are valuable. It seems like it's only because people agree they are. They're not like food or fire or something.

Author Reply: I don't reckon E2 are very interested in gold, despite their Noldor bloodlines. Too much Elrond in them - people are more important. And Celeborn - interest in the natural world.

I always rather like the cultures that use shells to represent wealth. I suppose it's whatever is rare - the possession of rare items indicating status.

Sunny hours passed sitting by rocky streams, playing in clear water. It's always been one of those images of the perfect day to me. Reminds me of a day in Ireland back in the last century. And a day in Devon with los hijitos. And, come to that, a stream in Scotland. Not to mention several in France. OK, everywhere I go. Almost.

Jay of LasgalenReviewed Chapter: 70 on 8/21/2005
Great to see an update on this! Lazing by the stream and playing Pooh-sticks is just the thing on a hot day.

As always, I love the insults between these three: ‘They are good in trees,’ Elrohir remarked, ‘but water is a little too much for them.’ Poor Legolas! I was just thinking how cat-like his air of 'I meant to do that' was myself.

I think E2L's reaction to finding the gold is extremely elvish: 'I believe so,' is *not* the comment I would be likely to make.

Elrohir's false dignity is not very convincing: ‘We are not elflings. We can spend a pleasant afternoon together without descending to infancy.’ Really?? Could have fooled me ...


Author Reply: A perfect day. And spent with the kind of friends who never need explanations - or their egos pandering. And insults between them are never hurtful, either.

E2 are showing their Sindar side, I think. I'm sure that there are elves to whom gold would be interesting, but they don't include the twins - and Legolas, of course, is far too Wood Elfy to be really interested in metal. Even after a long friendship with Gimli.

They can act grown up! There are some people who wouldn't recognise the eternal kid that comes out when they get together! Not many, admittedly. But some. Somewhere. Maybe.

Rose SaredReviewed Chapter: 70 on 8/21/2005
Rather crazed vision of Noldor elves lining the stream dressed like Klondike Sam and panning away like crazy - definately the best place for that nugget is back in the stream!
Sweet as ever Bod - enjoy your break.

Author Reply: Yes - the Valinorean Gold Rush would definitely not be appreciated by the elves who love the forest for its trees and peace and harmony with Eru's song. Whereas playing Pooh Sticks is a much better use of the materials provided by nature.

Splashing in water and playing . . . not to mention elves. Very pleasant mental images. Inspiring, even.

Thank you, Rose.

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