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An Act of Desperation  by Shieldmaiden of Rohan 1 Review(s)
Raksha The DemonReviewed Chapter: 25 on 8/26/2005
Faramir, dear, I have a great idea on how you might renew the old friendship between Gondor and Rohan - Gondor's Steward should marry the King of Rohan's sister, and then live happily ever after with her.

I thought you might like that.

Seriously, good chapter. I liked Eowyn's sudden relief that the young lady talking to Faramir was his cousin.

Author Reply: ...unless the King of Rohan takes a disliking to Gondor's Steward, and causes all sorts of complications... oh, wait, I already wrote that one. (But yes, I did enjoy your idea.)

And I couldn't resist the opportunity to make Eowyn jealous. ;)

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