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Evensong  by Rose Sared 8 Review(s)
ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 17 on 10/22/2005
Tadaa. Thank you.

Author Reply: And you get the prize for the 140th and probably last review of this work. Thank you my dear.

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 17 on 9/12/2005
Rosemary dear, we are waiting. Just breathe and push, breathe and push ... You are not to vanish into your antipodean summer for months and months before you have delivered. Seriously, I will never ever review your stories again should you do your vanishing act again.


Author Reply: Laughed all the way into work this morning and am still grinning. I feel even better since I did write the first half of 18 last night, even before your timely shove.
Needed the break but the muses are back in the saddle, I will send 18 to theresa thurs or fri, hope to post at the w/e.
Really, really need those reviews ( and things ) of yours. Loves ya

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 17 on 9/7/2005
Well, Rose, here I sit, squishing Jell-o around in my mouth and feeling decidedly put-out and -upon when I thought, "I'll finally write the review for Rose's chapter 17 that I've been wanting to." So here goes - starting with my favorite parts:

"...dark so deep it had personality." Creepy - you could almost feel the heavy presence of the cave pressing in on them from all sides.

"...orcs became innocent rocks, rocks became the enemy..." not a good spot to be in when you can't tell the bad guys from the surroundings.

Legolas: "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Gimli flashed him a grin full of teeth. Ya gotta love a happy dwarf cheerfully hacking and bashing his way through the whatever trouble comes his way.

The New Dwarf Mathematics by RS

Deep underground + simple choices + foe in front + friend behind =
a close approximation of Dwarf Heaven :-)

More Gimli frivolity - "Radagast, bring that shining stick of yours here."

Then the sudden appearance of a "glamour" - and Gimli is still full of surprises!

"Rising in volume the note swelled until it filled not only the air of the world but its substance. All of Middle Earth resonated to its perfect pitch; the song of Arda harmonized, and then absorbed the rightness of the music. Still the note grew, until everything that lived was sundered, stretched on the rack of the music, ravelled or unravelled depending on its nature."
PURE P-O-E-T-R-Y...'nuff said.

The release of the souls of the orcs to return to Iluvatar...and suddenly the magic was gone...and Morgoth's darkness still finds a way to influence the earth. How very true!

*sighs through tears* Only dear Gimli's sympathetic words would begin with "Fool of an elf..."

Legolas: "...and now I am...less." No wonder he was so quick to sail after Aragorn's death.

And Gimli is STILL called...

*clears throat...sniffs and blows nose noisily* This was one amazing piece of imaginative writing, dear Rose. Words fail me...I've read this probably 3 or 4 times, and I'm still amazed! (Ai! The poor elf! I cried right along with him!) Now, to WHAT is Gimli still called?


Author Reply: Nope, you are not allowed to get sick ever again - I have sooooo missed your wonderful reviews! Thank you, you have re-inspired me to get on with this, I have had a nice week or two off and feel like getting in the saddle again to tease out all the ramifications ( ooh, sounds painful, winces)
Loves ya - stay cool and well.
(Spring is here and on me that means the hives has riz- sigh, not a romantic bone in my genome - back to the keyboard and out of the garden for me.)

ImrahoilReviewed Chapter: 17 on 8/31/2005
That was beautiful, Rose. Beautifully written and very evocative. So, the good magic is gone with the bad and Middle-Earth a much poorer place, sigh. And it really would have worked? If they hadn't had a cave troll?! Arda perhaps still marred but evil wiped out and everybody - man, elf, dwarf, hobbit, ent ... -
living together happily ever after? Do I have to think now about "The end DOES sometimes justify the means?! I will have a look at Valda and Gimli's mission first, before I decide. Next chapter, please!

Author Reply: Oh you slave driver you!
Actually trying to make the ends justify the means, at least to me and in the context of this story, is what is holding up ch18; that and the four seasons of ST Enterprise I am trying not to gobble down all at once (a wonderful gift on a 80gb hard drive given to me by my nephew)LOL
I know what happens in the end of this story, the trouble is working out a convincing why. I am listening hard to my muses and I should have it sorted out by the end of the week (I really do hope).
As to whether Celebrimbor's magic would have worked - Not even the Valar know; but given the conflicted results of some of his previous magic (I doubt that Middle-earth appreciates the mess left in Lothlorien when the ring was withdrawn) the answer would probably have been yes, but not quite as he expected.
Thanks for your kind words, as ever they are a balm to my heart.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 17 on 8/30/2005
This is even more impressive on further reading.

It is . . . like a dance created with words.

Author Reply: Bodkin, what can I say except, thank you.
I have been feeling a little sad about the lack of reaction to the chapter, and then I get a review like this, from someone who has been so loyal and who knows my writing, and I am ashamed. I have realised I would rather please you and the others who are so kind in their support than get any amount of 'yeah' reviews from people I have built up no relationship with.
My mind has been hijacked a little this week as my nephew brought me a hardrive with all four seasons of 'Enterprise' on it. I have hardly ever watched it, because it screens on friday night which is my husband's sports watching night, and it has been fun to cherry-pick the good eps as rated on 'trek nation' and miss the lemons.
However, I will be strong. I will get on to ch 18 on the other computer tonight so that I am not tempted. (Rose faces the sun and looks dogged) ahem.
Loves ya

TithenFeredirReviewed Chapter: 17 on 8/28/2005
That was incredible. So it seems that for the evil to go out of Middle-earth the magic must also be taken away? It's quite bittersweet. I love the spirits of the orcs gaining peace, and the rock trolls yawning and lying down to become one with the earth. The imagery of Morgoth's black thread being cut and whipping free, then falling back to mark the earth with traces of lesser evil was brilliant. What an amazing idea, executed so well. I'm almost afraid to see what comes next. ~TF

Author Reply: Thanks so much for the review TF. I was feeling a little sad that this chapter hadn't garnered any more comment as it ate my life last week, and dug a great chunk out of my soul.
Heh, writing is like that, chapters that are pulled from me like teeth in pain get a well done, and the ones that flow off the pen with the greatest of ease get heaps of f/b. Sigh, shouldn't be so needy I guess. Rose sternly reminds herself of the fact that she gets an even larger amount of pleasure from thinking up this stuff and writing it. Naughty Rose for whining. Grin.
Once again thanks for the kind words, as you can tell I really appreciate them.
Starting next ch tonight I hope.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 17 on 8/27/2005
Holy cow.

I am completely blown away by this chapter. When I first started reading, I was thinking as I always do how beautiful your use of language is. I was vowing to go back to practicing similes and metaphors and trying to loosen up my matter-of-fact control of language in a way that would end up making it more vivid and precise.

Then I got to the part where magic was ripped from Arda.

I am just speechless. That was beautiful and imaginative. I could see it, and I could see the tragedy in the poor ignorant troll's interruption.

One of the things that interesting about Tolkien is that in some way, Arda is earth, so what happens there matters to us. You can see that here.

Author Reply: Phew! Thank you so much daw - this chapter was so difficult to get right. I sat in fear and trembling waiting to hear whether I had communicated the idea that started the whole dang 30000plus word story. And that idea was exactly what you said (kisses you on both cheeks) I have always felt that Arda is earth, so I had to find out why we have our own evils, but not fell creatures (for the most part anyway.)
My kind daughter, who is studying classics, told me the Greek name for such a tale; but I am afraid, being a writer of very little brain, that I cannot remember it. Nice to know I am following in some lofty footsteps though (the arrogance of me - I blush.) LOL

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 17 on 8/27/2005
Oh my. What a moment for Granite Glinting to interfere. It seems that the working was so good, so pure and then - bam. Celebrimbor and Narvi - gone - no explanation and the world - diminished. So much lost and the elves bereft. I suppose there's a plus - the orcs have been relieved of their pain. But Morgoth's evil still exists.

The story is great - the characters lovely and the description is simply ace. damp cold that felt left over from the making of the world and dark so deep that it had personality . . . And the rhythm of it - it is so poetic. The whole paragraph that starts 'In the great weave . . .' is just a wow. As is 'The black thread . . .' paragraph.

I'm not surprised Legolas is a wreck. The feedback must have shattered those with the magic in them.

And Gimli is still called? I can't wait to read more.

(It's no wonder he ended up sailing. This is a dwarf who has practically developed elfhood.)

Author Reply: You get two kisses on each cheek, thank you. Why did Gimli sail with Legolas? why did Legolas sail when he did? Why did Aragorn chose to die when he did? These are the drivers for this whole cumbersom arc.
Haven't answered all those questions yet - although now I hope I have answered why we don't trip over orcs all the time, LOL!
More on Gimli's quest, soon.
Thanks so much for the kind words, this chapter was very intense to write.

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