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On Border Patrol  by Manderly 12 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/10/2005
Hah! I loved seeing Bainion get his and I hope he gets still more seeing how completely flippant he was. Moron! When you are facing the troop commander, it might be wise to show a little respect, especially when you have made such bad decisions. You did a good job with that conversation though. I could almost see some of Bainion's points. And I love seeing Thranduil. Great chapter.

Author Reply: Bainion didn't handle that very well, did he? I guess he doesn't understand the concept that the commander is always right. I guess he doesn't think he has done anything wrong regardless of the deaths and injuries. I had to get Thranduil in here somehow. He's been quite scarce in this story!

thechevinReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/8/2005
Well Bainion did himself no favours did he?
Is it just his dislike of Legolas and the royal family that makes it impossible for him to see that his decision making in this instance was poor or is there a deeper reason, whatever I hope Feren's dismissal of him does not come back to haunt him later. Bainion as an enemy would be a dangerous opponent.
I liked how Feren tried to ge him to see sense but eventually decided that there was only one way to protect other warriors from this opinionated and unfeeling officer.
Of course Thranduil knows that his son needs his support and love and he gives it unconditionally even though he must be exhausted and angry himself, what a wonderful father he is to all his sons
this is a lovely tale wonderfully well told

Author Reply: Bainion was certainly asking for the boot by carrying on the way he did when summoned before the commander. He probably didn't think Feren would dismiss him because of his long history as a warrior. I agree with you. I don't think I would want Bainion as an enemy. I can see him plotting his revenge already.

Feren is probably quite shaken by this whole experience and Thranduil wisely steps in with encouragement and love. I think I want Thranduil to be my father too!

Thanks for your continuous support!

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/8/2005
Whew, talk about angst. Great, great chapter. You can certainly feel every one's emotions running amok. I really like how you have written Legolas's family. I actually felt sorry for Thranduil & Feren. I think I posted on your previous chapters but just in case I didn't, it was nice seeing you developed Legolas maturing, especially how he begins to lose some of his old prejudices against humans (well maybe you should let him keep some of them, don't want him getting to wise to quickly. LOL). Anyway thanks for the great story, post soon.

Your fan,


Author Reply: Thank you for your encouraging review. This chapter actually wasn't planned, as I have already said in an earlier response, but I am glad it turned out the way it did. It really gave me the opportunity to work on Feren's character further, and to bring in Thranduil as well since Adar hasn't had much of a part in this story so far.

Legolas is maturing, but I agree with you in that I don't want him to mature too quickly either. Takes the fun out of writing a sometimes reckless elf!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/8/2005
Sensitivity is not one of Bainion's major failings, is it? And it seems as if intelligence is rather lacking, too. (When your commanding officer is behaving in that manner, Bainion, it's a good idea to assume a meek and apologetic demeanour!) It's not as if Bainion's mistakes are terribly easy to justify - letting orcs get away and sending off the humans with a mere four guards are both pretty dumb decisions. Although letting your commanding officer see that you feel he is acting from personal motives and showing your resentment of his younger brother aren't exactly good moves either.

In one way, I don't blame Feren for getting rid of the fool. But, on the other hand, I think Bainion is one who is probably better kept under someone's eye. Demoted and in the Home Guard, perhaps. Free to go off full of seething resentment - he could become dangerous. But hey - I'm glad to say Feren's in charge and it's his decision!

Adar did a good job reassuring his son - and the King did a good job reassuring his troop commander, too. Moreover, Thranduil was very good at knitting the two together. And I'm glad he will be at Feren's shoulder to support him through this. Feren may be a big boy now, but he needs the person best able to see the elf beneath the role. Nice relationship.

Author Reply: Bainion isn't too bright, but I think he truly believes that he has done no wrong and that's the scary part. He reminds me of some long time worker at a company, petrified over the years and immune to changes and development, all the while acting as if he should be treated royally simply because of his long history. It's probably very satisfying for Feren to give Bainion the boot, but you have a point there. Maybe it would have been better if Feren had assigned him to some mundane task (latrine duties?) and keep him under close scrutiny.

I think after an experience like this, even the incomparable Feren needs a bit of TLC from Adar, and Thranduil is more than willing in dishing it out, and doing it in a way that wouldn't slight Feren in his time of doubt.

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/7/2005
Go Feren! Go Feren! He did just the right thing. Bainion was stupid and willfully disregarded safety. That's an offense that would get him kicked out of a fencing club, to say nothing of a real fighting army. And mouthing off to Feren while in the midst of being dressed down? Clearly, Bainion doesn't feel he has enough danger in his life if he has to run around courting it like this.

And good for Thranduil for dealing with Feren's sense of guilt. You can't have your troop commander second-guessing himself after something like this, and Thranduil knows just how to deliver the one-two father-King punch.

Author Reply: Bainion is stupid and incompetent, but unfortunately, he doesn't recognize that himself and puts the blame on everyone else. I can hear him cursing every member of the Royal Family as he skulks away to lick his wounds. Revenge of Bainion! Now there's a plot bunny for a sequel!

Thranduil is a wise king, and a wise father and he comes through when his son needs him the most. Wish all fathers can be like him!

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/7/2005
Manderly, you keep revealing more fascinating layers of Feren's personality. I'm feeling somewhat guilty for thinking him a stern, stiff, unfeeling older brother! I really like the way his character is developing - and this little gem of a chapter revealed all the various conflicts within himself he's been dealing with. We see the stern, strong commander of Mirkwood's forces taking a foolish, arrogant idiot (Bainion) to task (Well done, Feren!) and the big, protective older brother side who also has a hand in the decision to relieve Bainion of duty. It's a delicate, fine line Feren really shows here.

And I loved the way we also get to see Feren, the son being encouraged and comforted by Thranduil, the father (who knows first hand about juggling all the different hats he and his sons must wear!) This was very well done, Manderly. I think Feren is rising quickly as one of my favorite brothers (tho' no one could ever replace the youngest of the family! :-) Gee, that's a surprise!) Wonderful!


Author Reply: We've probably been seeing Feren through Legolas' eyes and so far, the two brothers haven't really seen eye-to-eye on a number of things, in spite of the obvious love that they have for each other. They have now seen the other in action and is more understanding of the other's responsibilities and feelings. It's been quite interesting for me as well to develop Feren's character. Funny how you can surprise yourself sometimes in writing.

I guess if there's anyone that Feren would reveal his doubts to, it would be to his father, and Thranduil knows each of his sons well, doesn't he? Thank goodness for Adar!

YanicReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/7/2005
I'll admit that I was surprised to see where this chapter picked up, I had expected the story to follow Legolas. But I really like getting the different perspective of Feren here. And I really liked watching Bainion squirm!

Author Reply: I hadn't really planned on this chapter either, but I thought Bainion needed some closure and it was a good opportunity to work on Feren's character further, so here it is! Legolas will make his appearance again in the next chapter.

MystwingReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/7/2005
I think you handled this chapter very well. I must say that I do think Bainion got exactly what he deserved. Although he did come up with some convincing arguments, he still seemed to act hastily.

I am fast beginning to love Feren. He is a wonderfully complex character. He is a strong commander even if he let his role as a brother help in his decisions. After all, who wouldn't? I love the interaction between Feren and Thranduil. Thranduil was understanding enough to show his love for his sons, but also responsible enough to attend to his duties. I think he is doing a good job of setting an example.

Anyway, I just love the story, can't wait for the next chapter!!

Author Reply: It wasn't an easy chapter to write. As I have said, I hadn't even planned on writing the Feren/Bainion confrontation in the first place, but thought better of it. I'm glad the chapter worked out okay in the end.

I'm rather surprised at the development of Feren's character myself. He sort of just grew out of the words I managed to put together. He's not as fun as Tavaro to write about, but he's definitely challenging. So I am very happy that you find him likable.

I like writing a good Thranduil. Legolas wouldn't have turned out the way he did later on if his father didn't set a good example.

Thanks for the review!

KatReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/7/2005
Pshhh Bailion got what he deserved. And I'm glad Legolas is physically alright. Now we just need to take care of him emotionally. Keep up the good work, I can't wait to read more.

Author Reply: I expect there are very few sympathizers out there for Bainion and his fate. Good thing I meant him to be so unlikable. Legolas will recover, eventually.

Thanks for your review!

The KarenatorReviewed Chapter: 15 on 9/7/2005
Oooh, Manderly. What a good chapter. Feren was wonderful in his anger. You did such a good job of showing not only his anger, but a logical and reasonable rebuttal by Banion. I was as surprised as Feren that he dismissed Banion from the ranks, but from appearances, Banion didn't feel much remorse for his decisions. He did give us a glimpse into his thoughts about Legolas when he thought of him as spoiled and doted upon. Kind of makes one think that Banion intended to set Legolas up to fail, only the consequences of this setup was more than Banion bargained for.

Thranduil was wise in his words to Feren. Feren does have a hard job and finding a balance between brother and commander would be tough. I like that Thranduil admitted his own confusion at times about which role he's occupying.

Glad Legolas is recovering, but it sounds like it'll be a slow one. Now, the good commander has to decide whether to allow Legolas back to the border patrol or something a little safer. Feren could probably get away with keeping Legolas closer for a while...recovery, ya know...but eventually, he'll have to place his trust in Legolas to do his job again. Poor Feren.

Good show! I'm looking forward to the next chapter.


Author Reply: I had originally planned on not writing about the Feren/Bainion confrontation, but only make some passing reference to it. But since there seems to be a general consensus out there to see Bainion being flayed alive by Feren's tongue, I thought I better give it some attention. It was harder than I expected to write as I didn't want Feren to go overboard. I hadn't planned on having Bainion dismissed either, but somehow it just ended up like that.

Thranduil probably only knows too well what Feren is going through as he's been going through the same thing for thousands of years. I like having Thranduil admitting to his own weaknesses once in a while. Brings him down to the mortal level a bit.

Feren will probably try to keep Legolas close to home for a while, with Thranduil cheering him on on the sideline, but eventually, he will have to let little brother off the leash unless he wants a full blown rebellion.

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