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Untrodden Path  by Timmy2222 4 Review(s)
LaerienReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/25/2005
I am truly sorry for not reviewing. I ave to admit firstly I was just a bit lazy, but then this story caused such mixed feelings in me, that I had to pull myself together. It is really hard to review it, I tell you.

Don't worry, nothing is wrong with it, quite the contray!! It is very well-written, every character fits and the storyline (even though it is AU) is completely believeable! That's why I decided (with a bit nagging from a friend who was absolutely right) that you deserve to have encouragement.

You know, Daevan is very much like me. So much that it is disturbing at times.

“At least you reward us with surviving!" :o)

I liked the scene at the campfire very much. Especially when I reread it now, that I know that these 'simple', peaceful folks have to fight orcs. It had even a greater effect.

“When it comes to charity, many people fail. Nilana did not.” At last someone protected that poor woman from the teasing and bossing of others!

Author Reply: Hi Laerien,

thank you (and your friend ) for reviewing! And thanks, too, that you will continue reading it though you stated that you usually don't read AU stories. My bow to you in this case.

Hope to fulfill your expectations as the story goes on.

- T.

viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/7/2005
Masterfully done, as usual. So many things going on in this fic. The undercurrent of tension between Baeni and Nilana is very intriguing. Perhaps Baeni would rather be in Nilana's shoes at this point (at least for the moment)? I'm not sure, she just seems mean-spirited and spiteful. Loved the way, with only a few softly spoken words, Aragorn was able to quiet the villagers' foolish and embarrassing teasing of Nilana. I should think it must have gotten somewhat wearisome for Aragorn to constantly have to hide his identity. He's used to it, but it would seem that you could never let your guard down. The son of Thorongil? Ironic, but then what else could the old man think? He's certainly close! Your OCs are so very well done. Now I am finding myself liking Daevan and Doran, too. Wonder if his grandfather's gift will come in handy in the future. Poor Strider. Having to go after Gollum again. The slimy creature. (C'mon, you KNOW I'm talking about Gollum and not Aragorn)! Is Aragorn really strong enough to renew his request or will he end up back in the village? Hard to say with you. Your stories always have so many twists and turns I feel good if I even guess a few things right. But then, what would be the fun of reading if I had it all figured out? Mesmerizing story. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Author Reply: Hi Viggomaniac,

I'm very glad you like Daevan and Doran. After all, the young man has to play a greater part in the ongoing story, ey? And, thanks, that you expect some more twists. Well, hope I can satisfy your curiosity!

- T.

RSReviewed Chapter: 6 on 10/4/2005
This chapter just gives Strider more of that aura of mystery about him..It is so well-written; his movements, his facial expressions (did you describe that or do I just see it in my mind?), the way he says things that makes the whole village stop and listen, his silence..just the way he carries himself. I love the banter around the campfire; especially the bit about the bread!(It's such a light mood in a story that I know will be dark in the future chapters.) It gives you an idea of how close the village is and how everyone knows everything about each other. I love the way Doran's mood changes when he thinks that STrider is Thorongil's son! So Daevan is going with Strider. It is going to be interesting!

Author Reply: Hi RS,

hum, yes, I think some of Aragorn's expressions are named, but, after all, we know the ranger well, don't we? And, yep, usually if stories start out with some laughter they'll get darker from chapter to chapter... *author applaudes the reader's foresight*

- T.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/27/2005
Thorongil himself across the fire, and there is yet the question, and the assumption of the son.

Glad to see the interplay here.

Two typos--debt instead of depth which I suspect your spellchecker gave you, and weighing words rather than waging them.

An excellent story, and am pleased to read it.

Author Reply: Thanks, Larner, for telling me abou the typos. I edited the chapter so it should be OK now. And thanks for the praise.

- T.

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