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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 4 Review(s)
Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 10 on 5/3/2008
Oh, so many close escapes, between Elrovail and Khror (those scenes I loved, by the way). What a rough life these Elves at court have.
Aurthon is a very devoted husband. Poor Laerlinath - a lady-in-waiting to Galadriel. I do not know if that is good or bad myself.

-Kitt :)

Author Reply: Heh! Look out it will get rougher. Someone might break a nail... ;)
I like Aurthon. He has an honesty that is lost, it seems, when youth is lost. Laerlinath, on the other hand, had just gained some.

I am glad you found some humour in Celebrimbor's trials!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/21/2005
I like the way this chapter flows across the halls and back in time. THe backstory is moving, as it is Laerlínath's faith in her beloved, although I cannot help thinking that she had sone kind of foresight to at least match her love for him.. And he was lovable in his protectivenes, and you've been quite kind to him. I feared that he would embaras himself more deeply! Why is she so frightened remains to be seen, but it doesn't matter all that. The description of the guard keeper and his duty was greatly done, as well as the tempo with which you matched Aurthôn progress towards de door, his fears that he would be rejected and the moment the guard nods to him and signals to the wards. Very well done!

Author Reply:
Thanks for all that! Because I was not really happy with the writing on this chapter. But, I told myself I would not go two months without an update to this story again. ;) There is more to this scene, but it grew too long for one chapter.

And thanks for the review!

*g* I like Aurthon too much to really embarass him. He is a nice guy at heart. That does not mean I would not hurt him bad. ];}

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/21/2005
Galadriel's close friends would have to be strong, I think. Or she would end up having none at all. Although, she was Melian's friend, not Luthien's, and I have always thought Luthien stonger than her mother.

Melian's friend - or acolyte? I've always rather imagined that Galadriel was able to accept Melian as someone fit to guide her - as a queen and a Maia, Melian was one of the few to outrank and outpower Finarfin's daughter. And that she felt comfortable with Luthien as an equal. Or perhaps wary of Luthien as an equal.

And Luthien as stronger than her mother. In some ways. More pig-headed. Less adaptable, maybe. More in-the-world, certainly. Melian's grasp on elves and politics and life, I think, came through Elu's eyes.

But it's all in the interpretation.

Author Reply:
Oh well, I do think Galadrield was both friend and student of Melian. The queen was another reason besides Celeborn for Galadriel to stay in Menegroth when she could have been the chatelaine(cum queen or other ruling official)of Nargothrond along side her brother. The Queen and the elven-queen are often shown in conversation and Melian actually confides in Galadriel when she thinks Thingol is headed for trouble about his policy against Men. The direct parallel between Thingol&Melien/Celeborn&Galadriel cannot be ignored. I know it is because of how the story was developed, but Luthien is never show in conversation with Galadriel.

Melian as one of the few [women] to outrank and outpower Galadriel? Definitely, and I think Luthien was one of those few as well. Not at all an equal. She was always more powerful even if she did not overtly use that power. She followed her mother's example (pattern if you like) of working powerful magic under necessity only. Whereas Artanis was competitive and forceful and less powerful until she got Nenya.

As to her family 'rank', all Galadriel's cousins and brothers outranked her. She was one of the youngest offspring of the youngest Finwean and youngest Olwean - besides being female. Even Aredhel was more 'senior' as the daughter of the second son. All the more reason Artanis had to exert what powers she did possessed to gain an influential position. Aredhel was pretty fierce herself, but not so political. I really think Indis would not have been as strong a personality if her mother had lived and raised her.

As to her social 'rank', Galadriel was a princess only by breeding and not the heir to a kingdom. Luthien (or her son if you would skip over females) was heiress to her parents' kingdom. Neither of Galadriel's parents were crown heirs. She had plenty of reason to go adventuring because she would not gain a throne any other way, probably not even through marriage either, in Aman. Luthien was more Finrod's equal and could have been considered a match for him.

So, I have real reservations that Galadrial saw Luthien as an equal at any time. Except as another Eldar princess. You would have to reject the theory that Light can be transmitted if you would say Galadriel had an Amanyar advantage over Luthien for having seen the Trees. And ultimately, Luthien was part Maiar and another rung up on Galadriel in that regard.

Personal politics was Galadriel's real gamefield. With her wisdom and finally taking advantace of her gender, she outdid everyone. Partly because she was always learning. And motivated (some would just say ambitious) not only to exceed her brothers and cousins, but to find a rewarding purpose in life. She needed freedom to pursue happiness. Obviously, she won some and she lost some. The point is she became wiser with the ages and changed her goals and tactics. She grew into her power unlike Melian and Luthien. That says a lot to me.

I agree that Melian saw elven life through Thingol because she transformed herself to match him. He was her attachment to his people and kingdom. But, that in itself was an incredible adaption and a willing confinement made to be in-the-world. I think Luthien was stronger than her mother in that she dared more, like facing Morgoth in his lair. She would take the offensive where Melian was entirely defensive. Thingol executed the offensive moves for their team. Just as Celeborn would do for his and Galadriel's partnership.

OMG, you did it to me again!! This really should have been an email. You being a fan of Galadriel's you probably can shred my terse arguments. I don't mind at all if you do. I like her too, but for who she is. Imho, any marion figure is only what you make of her manifestation. What Tolkien wanted and what we ended up with in print is debatable in itself.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/20/2005
Oh, I love this. Naughty Elrovail - a very clever version of the truth there, my lady. Designed to drive the helpless male of the species to protective panic - and doubtless to make him feel a total fool later.

Aurthôn rushing through the crowds - pushing and shoving and stepping past the minor lords and ladies seeking access to the great and powerful - is so beautifully done. I can soooo see this usually hidden side of elven society - no bunch of immortals is going to live in permanent easy-going harmony. At least, no group of immortals who produce characters such as Feanor and Maeglin and Galadriel to name but three.

He is so delightfully defensive of Laerlínath. (Lovely backstory, by the way. I like her lots more now.) And remarkably brave, even to think so critically of the fearsome Lady Galadriel. I love the way he considers the fact he is let though into the inner sanctum is proof positive that his wife is in trouble - and their reunion is so touching.

But becoming a lady-in-waiting to someone who turns you into a pillar of salt at a glance sounds a bit of a dangerous situation. And spending time with Celebrian could be risky, too - she's as clever as a barrel-load of monkeys. Inherited manipulativeness from both father and mother!

Love Mirathel too. Gorgeous powerful females - great. Such an enjoyable chapter.

Author Reply: *g* Elrovail is not evil. She's just drawn to it that way.

Thank you for saying that. I believe you once said that elven society seems to lack depth. Well, I for one do not think so and hope to throw a few into the deep end.

L&A really do love each other. But, my goal was just to let people know them better, not necessarily make her more likable. But, I'm glad you think she isn't *all* that bad.

Laerlinath is well aware of the power of Galadriel and the danger of getting on her wrong side again. You have anticipated the rest of this scene. However, she does have an advantage over Celebrian by virtue of having lived the same sort of childhood as the little princess. Of course, Laerlinath never tried keeping a green-elf warrior as a pet.

Galadriel's close friends would have to be strong, I think. Or she would end up having none at all. Although, she was Melian's friend, not Luthien's, and I have always thought Luthien stonger than her mother.

Thank you, I am glad you found it enjoyable!

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