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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 7 Review(s)
TariReviewed Chapter: 5 on 8/31/2007
This is the last work day before my vacation. Sitting at my desk eating lunch, I felt the urge to continue reading. The thought of waiting two weeks or more to find out what this "thing or person" is that is calling to Aragorn is going to be hard to do. It is down right creepy, chilling, spooky. This is turning into an excellent mystery.


Author Reply:

Lol! Tari - curiousity may not kill you, but it may certainly have 'lengthened' your lunch hour if you had kept reading! Well, did it? :-D

You will of course be already on your way to your vacation destination - so this may reach your email after you get back. I hope you had a great time, and I hope to hear from you again soon after your return. Thanks much for this review.


Red SquirrelReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/22/2005
Now I simply have to pop in and tell you that I absolutely love this story. I don't like to read on the run - your story deserves a lot better, but yes, for the past weeks I found myself actually working :-o and trying to catch up a few deadlines. You have created so many images I want to return to and dwell on - one of my favorites being the four elves in the tree. I'm so happy you have included the twins in this adventure. So it is only those of the companions who walked before on the Paths of the Dead who can sense them - I wonder when will they realize that? I remember I loved the goosebumps and the growing tension and the sense of dread on the Paths of the Dead, but in the end I found Tolkien's army of the dead almost disappointingly obedient. I have a feeling your ghosts will turn out to be more of a menace. Poor Legolas - will he be able to help Aragorn? And I wonder what Sam's got in store for Legolas! I'm so looking forward to it!

Author Reply:
Well hi there, my favourite rodent! I have missed you, and it's lovely to know you're 'back' and able to join us again. :-)

It's really fascinating how some readers have 'read into' certain elements very quickly, and some have not - but I love them both. I won't say more about this till, oh, maybe two chapters from now.

Glad you liked the images, and thank you for savoring them. It makes the attention to detail so worthwhile. Take care, and hope to 'see' you again soon.

nessaReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/21/2005
I love how Aragorn always seems to overhear important conversations of Legolas'. Alright, its only been twice, but I love it anyway. This was good for him to hear. I can't wait to see who 'they' are going to take. I'm sure it will be bad. Thank you for another beautiful chapter. Can't wait for the next one.

Author Reply:
"I love how Aragorn always seems to overhear important conversations of Legolas'.'

Me too! lol. Call it a writer's gimmick. :-) Thank you for dropping in,

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/20/2005

This was such a beautifully written chapter.The voices are certainly menacing and I have a few ideas as to who they are---and one way for the spirits to get Aragorn's attention would be to take someone whom he loves.Mmmm--Arwen perhaps?

I loved the idea of Poppa Gimli! That was such a sweet interlude with Eldarion and his terror at all the lessons he was going to have.Poor baby, but he has many years to be a child just yet.

Legolas' words to Hanille about why he does not heed the call to the sea were truly breathtaking and even I felt like purring when I read them! Aragorn is Legolas' anchor as much as Legolas is Aragorn's and I just love that whole concept.Their relationship and the words you have them say make me smile!

Looking forward to the next chapter.Update soon!


Author Reply:
Lots of readers are getting ideas about the voices... and I guess each chapter leads you a little closer. :-)

Thasnks so much for the review, Ali. I'm beginning to like the idea of readers purring, lol.

Reviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/20/2005
"When next his smile greets you with ease, hear the laughter in my own heart. Throughout the remaining days of his life in Arda, his joy shall be my bliss. Feel our bond, Hamille, and you will know why the Sea – and Elvenhome – must wait, and why their Call is but a hushed whisper in my ears. If my company on this journey brings Aragorn the sweetness of contentment, it is a cup of bitterness I gladly drink.”

That's my favorite part of the chapter. I wonder if Hamille has someone to anchor him. ~TF

Author Reply:
Thanks for your review, TF. You forgot to log in; glad you left your initials. :-)

Does Hamille have someone to anchor him? Not as strongly. After all, those he loves could sail with him.

It's very interesting that you have used the term "anchor" - because that was the EXACT term I wanted to use, then decided against it for fear that some might find the concept too 'fluffy'. Yet that concept must have come across for you to use it. I'm so glad!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/20/2005
I am not sure whether I can be called a faithful reviewer but thank you for getting around to Aragorn and Legolas talking to each other about this. It makes me much happier. These 'menacing voices' almost sound wistful. I suspect we may be about to see the fulfilment of another prophecy like the road of the dead.

Author Reply:
MOre and more readers are picking their brains on who these are... picking up on clues. :-) Thank you for being one of them - and for your reviews, faithfully posted or not.

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 5 on 10/20/2005
Hi again! :) :) :) Another nice yummy update! :D

I wonder what these Twice Forgotten want from Aragorn... "He will weaken. We will take him then." - I take it they do not want to invite him to a tea party. ;-) This is getting more and more fascinating and unsettling.

I love it that Aragorn talks to Legolas about his problems, and does not keep hiding them! Hm, is it a coincidence that all who feel the presence of the Nameless Ones were on the Paths of the Dead?! *shudders* Not a nice thought that these creepy beings pursue Aragorn.
“Whatever it is, Estel, we will face it together,” an elven voice said calmly in his ear. “You are not alone. Whatever path it would take you on – you will never be alone. I will walk it with you; all of us will. Be assured of that.”
*purring* :D

I need a vacation on the seaside... *sigh* preferably with a certain ranger and elf *deep sigh* around... ;-)

The scene with Eldarion, Aragorn and Gimli was sweet. And of course I loved the references to Legolas. :) "Do you and he plan together what to say to me, Father?” - *chuckle*

*SIGH* Each one of your chapters is better, sweeter and more beautiful than the last one... I absolutely loved this chapter!!! Now I want to know how Legolas is...
Waiting as patiently as possible for the next update,

an anonymous Wet Puddle (who suffers from update-longing, lol!) :D

Author Reply:
Hi, Wet Puddle. :-)

Glad the story is unsettling you... that's how Aragorn and Legolas feel.
And we DO want to be close to them, don't we? :-)

I LOVE it when you purrrr....

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