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Whispers of the Dragon by shirebound | 20 Review(s) |
Ainu Laire | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/5/2005 |
Nice foreshadowing! That is a completely true statement; and I do love your comment on 'when Aragorn is king'... *swoons* Gah. I'm hopeless. I can never get my mind to stop focusing on him. *silly grin* | |
lovethose hobbits | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 11/1/2005 |
Such a powerful story, my dear. I simply cannot wait for more. Do not let the shadow blind you to Light, Frodo. It is all around you. It is within you. I think it will be enough to help you when you most need it." What a wonderful way to put it. You have some real treasures in the way you have phrased and written this. I am already considering this to be on the caliber of 'Avalanche'...riveting. I have to say I'd never thought of all of the members of the fellowship being heirs to something....a great point. And our Samwise is to be the Mayor...another heir. | |
Anso the Hobbit | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/31/2005 |
They are indeed heirs to something almost all of them! I loved the conversation between Aragorn and Frodo. It is not often we get to see Aragorn display fear. Looking forward to more! :D | |
Grey Wonderer | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/30/2005 |
"You said you would take the Ring,” Gimli reminded him. “Perhaps when we get to the Fire, Frodo, it will not be your task to destroy it. Only to take it there." Wise of Gimli to remind Frodo of this. Frodo's dreams are becoming quite intense. I do wonder what, other than the ring, is the cause. Looking forward to more of this one! I'm all caught up again, now! | |
dwarftacular | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/26/2005 |
Great chapter!!! I love how you show Gimli's and legolas's friendship. I can't wait until the next chapter. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/26/2005 |
The foreshadowing of Gollum's role and the guilt that Frodo carries afterward, feeling he has failed, is well depicted. But the feeling the others blame him feels like the dragon again. | |
harrowcat | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/26/2005 |
Yes - I, too, had noticed the bit about 'heirs'. I wonder how far back Frodo thought of making Sam his heir. I loved the bit about 'when you are King!' and all the rest, of course! | |
girlofring | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/26/2005 |
It seems as I read each of your chapters, I have read a certain passage before. Are you sure you have never posted any part of this? I really wonder if Frodo trusted his own insight, gifts, to the very end? | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/25/2005 |
You made me think of several thingsthat had not occured to me before here,how they are nearly all heirs and thar Frodo only promised to take the ring.Again I loved the scene with Aragorn.I'm enjoying this very much. | |
Lindelea | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 10/25/2005 |
It’s difficult to fight shadows. "Do not let the shadow blind you to Light, Frodo. It is all around you. It is within you. I think it will be enough to help you when you most need it." (It struck me, how applicable this is to the struggle against depression.) Odd how we all seem to be heir to something. (That was something that I noticed, too. Very interesting.) “Not Sam, I suppose,” said Aragorn quietly. (And I wonder if this was deliberate, on JRRT's part. All heirs but Samwise, yet without Samwise the Quest would have failed.) When we’ve finished this, and you’re king. (A chilling thought, it occurs to me that Frodo is speaking as if he doesn't expect to be around.) “Ring-bearer,” Gimli said, “but perhaps not Ring-destroyer.” (I like wise Gimli.) | |