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Just Desserts  by Lindelea 4 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/30/2005
At least the next time they see Will they will see him, I pray, hale and hearty and blessed by Aragorn's presence, acceptance, and love.

Beautiful description of the shop and the feelings of both women; and wonderful harking back to the despair of the siege of Minas Tirith.

Thanks for this one.

Author Reply: Well, the next time Will appears in the marketplace... no, that would be a spoiler.

They'll see him recovering in the Houses of Healing. It won't be an instant cure (I am remembering how the Frodo's pain and stiffness after Moria was eased--I will have to go back and look to see how he felt the next day!), but Elessar, at least, will prevent him dying of his injuries.

Thanks. It seems as if, with Elessar as King, there ought to be a whole lot less despair. Wouldn't you think?

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/30/2005
Reading this I am reminded once more of how different things are now. No, I'm not talking about justice--but about communication. It's so hard for those of us who are used to instantly having news of what is going on in our loved ones' lives--even should they be on the other side of the world, to realize how slow news was to travel, even across town. I was forcefully reminded of that a few weeks ago, and it's not an experience I'd care to repeat.

In a world with no phones, no internet, no TV or radio, scarcely even any postal service further away than a few days travel with few exceptions, even a brief seperation of a few miles could be dangerous, and when something dire was going on, the agony of waiting could not be relieved by the shrill tone of a ringing phone bringing either good news or bad.

So Eliniel will wait through the night thinking the worst...

Author Reply: So true! While the story is about justice, communications do play a big role. Imagine if they'd been able to get Elessar on a cell phone, the heartache that could have been avoided! (He ought to have taken the Palantir with him and checked on his kingdom.)

Happily Turambor will be sending his sons home soon, to their beds, and with them (at least for the immediate family) the news that the King has intervened and that Gwill is not dead! (For of course all they know at this juncture is that Gwillam survived a badly done hanging.)

Hmmm. Perhaps I will look at my pesky telephone with a little more respect.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/30/2005
Reading this it is just as well that we know the truth is a little better than their imaginings!

Author Reply: Yes, well said.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 19 on 10/30/2005
Ripples in a pond. One slip of the tongue - so many repercussions. Poor Airin and Eliniel - what can they do? Wait, look after those who are left, pick up the pieces. And they are right - the Steward would happily have had Robin hanged the following day. And left Will to swing throughout another day. No imagination, no compassion.

So is it any wonder that the people of Annuminas have little faith in the justice of justice. Justice has always been administered by the haves to the have-nots - and frequently had little to do with right and a lot to do with the control of possessions.

I hope the message gets back to the family soon - no hangings. A difficult healing, perhaps, but no hanging.

I should think that Aragorn - as he sees how little faith his people have in the ability of the justice system to listen to ordinary citizens - or, come to that, hobbits - he is not going to be pleased. Even, maybe, incandescent. If he has the energy after the application of the king's healing hands.

A very moving chapter - focused on the suffering of those who wait and endure.

Author Reply: You can be reassured on your third point; as soon as Turambor's son's return they'll bring the news to the family that no more hangings, though that news won't be disseminated in the marketplace until the following day.

Aragorn has quite a few pieces to pick up, indeed! It only helps a little that he was already working at something, which will be coming out soon.


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