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Memory Of Darkness  by Jay of Lasgalen 10 Review(s)
elliskaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/7/2005
Sorry to be so late in reviewing. I have been sick, but I read this and thoroughly enjoyed it! I am really sorry to see this story end because it's been a really great one. I liked the ending though. Legolas and Arwen are bad! But their little plot does demand to be told in full now! :-)

Author Reply: Sorry you've been il, Elliska - I hope this cheered you up a little. I think I'll try to avoid long stories in future, because they end up being far longer than I intended, and taking much longer to write. There will, though, be many more short stories and ficlets, not to mention the drabbles!

Although I've made several references to Legolas & Arwen's 'betrothal' in other tales, I've not yet told the story. We'll see.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/4/2005
I think that anyone that deeply involved with the twins will know them.

Well, it's logical, isn't it? If one fea calls to another and 'elves know' - then you would know which was which!

Author Reply: Yes. I think Taniquel knowing who Elrohir is reveals a deeper attachment than either of them realise at the moment. Any story about their eventual relationship is going to have to be Fourth Age, though. Perhaps one day ...

DotReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/3/2005
Great ending :-)

I love the description of the Hall, of the different types of dancing that would take place, and the idea that Legolas himself collected the flowers for the crowns.

There was something very amusing about this exchange: Thranduil glanced to her side. “Elrond, may I borrow your wife?” Elrond waved a hand dismissively. “Of course.” LOL. I felt so bad for Thranduil and Celebrían, though!! They seem so happy at the thought that their children would find love together and Thranduil’s wish that Legolas and Arwen would be as happy as he and Telparian were is so touching. What minxes the children are! Ok, so the parents shouldn’t have been jumping to conclusions but still, allow me to feel sorry for them!!

I admit I was a bit intrigued by the closeness between Legolas and Arwen, though, when the parents were watching them. Clever Legolas for realising what Thranduil and Celebrían were up to! I love the fact that it’s Arwen who first suggests that they play with them a little. She’d be a good match for her bothers, I think!

You made me smile with the little part about Elrohir and Taniquel :-) Methinks it’s love alright. It’s a lovely idea that she can tell the twins apart, so we know that there is a real connection between them, and I had to laugh at the image of the two of them managing to keep each other as partners for all the dances!

“Very subtle and cunning,” he said approvingly. “An excellent idea.” ROTFL! Of course he’d approve of such a crafty plan! Great moment too when the twins let Legolas know that he’d better not hurt Arwen. The depth of their love for their sister is always wonderful to witness and, well, they really can be quite menacing when they want to be… ;-)

The ending was just perfect, even though there is a slight sense of loneliness in Legolas as the visitors leave. It had been a most eventful time – the storm at Esgaroth, the collapse of the caves and his long recovery, the discoveries he had made about himself – and now his ‘courtship’ of Arwen. Wow, they really have been through a lot! I really enjoyed this and it’s always a pity to see your stories end but I’m glad it ended on a light note. You’ve left me with a smile on my face! And I look forward to seeing what becomes of the ‘courtship’ of Legolas and Arwen if you ever feel inclined to write it :-)

Author Reply: All Thranduil and Celebrían want is for Legolas and Arwen to be happy. They just hope that they'll fall in love, but know it may never happen.

I'm glad that you found the twins slightly menacing - there was just a hint here of the darker side of their nature when someone they love is hurt.

This story, and the preceding one, have taken me about two years, although they cover just a few months in the time-line. It's been a very eventful few months though!!

I don't know yet what becomes of Elrohir and Taniquel - certainly in later stories they're not married. Perhaps I'll do a Fourth Age story one day to see what happens.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/2/2005
Finished! You'll just have to start another . . . I'm sure you have plenty of ideas!

I love Thranduil and Celebrian's innocent pleasure in the apparent attraction between Legolas and Arwen. And Legolas and Arwen's not so innocent pleasure in encouraging their hopes! Naughty elflings. And their need to admit the twins to their confidence - for fear of upsetting them! That makes four little teases!

Arwen / Legolas is such a good plan. Not that I have anything against Aragorn - except his mortality. But still. Elrohir and Taniquel is interesting - particularly that she can tell Ellahir apart without any effort. That is, as Elladan has spotted, significant.

A thoroughly enjoyable story - look forward to the next instalment.

Author Reply: After I'd written the Elrohir/Taniquel scenes, I realised that you have a similar part in 'Awaiting The Thaw' where Miriwen can tell E2 apart. It wasn't a deliberate copy, but I think that anyone that deeply involved with the twins will know them.

I've always felt that Legolas and Arwen would make a perfect couple - the slight problem, as Elladan pointed out, is that they don't love each other.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/2/2005
Amusing end of this tale! Legolas and Arwen discovered quite fast what their parents had in mind, and it was cunning how they confirmed their suspicions and played along. Honestly, I don’t know if I should laugh or rather feel a bit sorry for Thranduil and Celebrían. They must feel so much hope now. But although I think it would’ve been much easier for Elrond and Celebrían this way, I simply can’t imagine Legolas and Arwen married. And it was sweet how protective of their little sister the twins proved when they knew what was played.

Anyway, thank you very much for another wonderful tale, and I look forward to the next, as always!

Author Reply: I think Legolas and Arwen would have had much in common - a noble upbringing, courage and selflessness, their friendship. They just never loved each other.

Your mix of emotions for Thranduil and Celebrían are just what I wanted you to feel - after all, they only ever wanted L&A to be happy.

The twins are friends with Legolas, and don't really believe he would ever hurt Arwen - the warning is a 'just in case'.

There'll be a new tale along soon!

NoorReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/2/2005
Those last 2 chapters were worth waiting for! Great fun!
I do so enjoy your stories!

When are you going to write another???

Author Reply: The end of this story has been a long time in coming, but I'm glad you thought it was worth the wait. I have several new story ideas in mind - short stories; as I don't have the long-term dedication and committment (due to work and RL) for many-chaptered stories now.

I don't think I'll ever stop writing though.

LiannaReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/2/2005
Great ending -- especially since it practically demands a sequel in which the Legolas/Arwen and Elrohir/Taniquel subplots are resolved.

Author Reply: In all my sequences of stories, Legolas and Arwen have only ever been friends, however logical they are as a couple.

I've not yet decided for myself how serious Elrohir and Taniquel are - they think they are simply friends, but I sometimes wonder.

rose saredReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/1/2005
Hmm, methinks the deception could lead to more complications than it is supposed to solve.
Lovely tale Jay, much enjoyed.

Author Reply: Theoretically, Legolas and Arwen make a great couple - it's just that they don't agree. They're separated by distance now, which means they don't have to pretend much, so there shouldn't be too many complications.

JastaElfReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/1/2005
What a great finish.... Gah, machinating parents! LOL!!

I had not seen the last couple of chapters, so I had the joy of reading them this evening. I was glad to see Legolas face his fears, and glad to see that you did not have "magical Elven healing" happen to make all better. Nice to see realistic medical things... too often there are temptations in fanfic to come up with quickie solutions, but you write too realistically for that!

I had to giggle when Legolas discovered that the "thing" he'd been so frightened of was quartz crystals in the wall. Poor kid... I've had things like that happen too, and reacted much the same. :-)

A wonderful story! Thank you!

Author Reply: Glad that you've caught up, Jasta. Legolas has healed more quickly than a human would have, but such a serious injury still takes time. I really don't like stories where a character suddenly feels his 'elven healing abilities kick in' as if it's some sort of power surge.

Knowing that there was nothing down in the caves, I had to give Legolas something to discover, or he'd have always wondered.

Great to hear from you!

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 16 on 11/1/2005
Oh bad Legolas and Arwen! The parents can't help themselves! But this could be amusing, I have to admit.

For some reason, I really liked the description of the variety of dances -- chains, wild, for betrothed and married, etc. It seemed to characterize this culture nicely.

Author Reply: I started writing this chapter just after I'd seen 'Pride & Prejudice' - there's a dance scene in that that seems remarkably boisterous for the period. With the mix of Sindarin and Silvan elves, I thought there'd be a mixture of dancing.

I've always thought that Legolas and Arwen make a perfect couple - in theory, at least. In practice, it doesn't seem to work.

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