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The Green Knight and the Heir of Meduseld  by Le Rouret 3 Review(s)
DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/15/2005
Ah, I've been saving up these last two chapters till I had the leisure to savor them.

I love your description of Legolas' office, and of the "paper blooms" that fret him so, LOL! And I loved his little late night council session as well, and Araval's "contributions" to it. *snerk*

The description of Rohan's two traitors, and the ways in which they have beset Eomer was well done, and helps to set us up for the future conflict. You drop important information as though they are mere morsels: land has been ceded to the Wild-men, Aragorn is in Arnor at Fornost, marshlands are encroaching.

And I love the way you use Bandobras to cut to the chase and sum things up so aptly. I am very much looking forward to seeing a good deal more of Bandy--and I hope, of Mistress Pearl. I worry about her ailment. Does her brother know?

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/14/2005
Wonderful intrigue and excellent reading of it. And like the plan to tame Fastred, for he does need it.

ElenoraReviewed Chapter: 6 on 11/7/2005
I have been very negligent in leaving reviews (I hope to rectify that!), but I have been most definitely following this story closely...I love it! While I can't yet see quite where you are going with it, for the time being, I'm simply enjoying all the many glorious, visually stunning word pictures you are creating. I have found myself numerous times re-reading a paragraph or two, just to immerse myself in the lovely picture you've created. Some of my favorites are: at the end of Chapter One, where Fastred is thinking of his favorite memories in Legolas's kingdom, and you write..." still - being allowed to sleep in Lassah's own bed, wrapped in the soft, fragrant sheets and watching beneath heavy lids the Elf's slim, tall form upon the balcony, shining hair twining in the shifting breeze, lifting his hands to the stars as he would sing Fastred to sleep." Okay, there goes shiver number one. And another wonderful word-scene is in Chapter Four where Legolas and Bandobras are visiting Mistress Pearl. You write..."He thrust the dirty plate aside, pushed Mistress Pearl's hoop out of the way, and lay his head on the matron's lap with a happy sigh. She smiled and stroked his sleek pale hair and looked over at her son…”…shiver number two!

Fabulous!! Such simple little scenes, yet they manage to convey a world of images. Then to offset such blissful scenes of domesticity and unassuming gentleness, we have the scene in Chapter Six in Legolas’s study, where Legolas asks, “Should I comport myself as the Lord of Dol Galenehtar, or as Prince Legolas of Eryn Lasgalen?” Meivel’s reply is wonderful, particularly, “…You are Legolas Thranduilion and come of the line of Doriath, and your enemies will do well to be reminded of this.” Okay, I confess – I was ready to clap at that point, LOL! But it was gratifying to see Legolas’s innate authority, royal “presence,” and his ever-present wisdom showing forth in this scene. Yet at the same time, I couldn’t help but think of the earlier scene where he’s bouncing around the dinner tables, greeting guests and joking around with them….you truly are capturing all the wonderful subtleties and complexities of Legolas’s intriguing personality.

Well, as you can tell, I’m thoroughly enjoying this well-written (as always…did any of us have any doubt??) story, and I’m looking forward to seeing what direction this heads. By the way, I’m assuming there is some significance to the strange place that Fastred fell asleep in that night in the woods? I can’t imagine you indicating the horse’s uneasiness about entering the place without there being some significance to it….or am I seeing too much?


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