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Just Desserts  by Lindelea 5 Review(s)
Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/26/2005
Happiness and joy!!

"And then the baby hiccoughed, for he was awake, and hungry, and it was time for life to resume its flow."

So it always goes :)


Author Reply: Thank you!

And doesn't it seem that life is defined more by the mundane little moments than the grand?

At least most of the time.

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/22/2005
This one is surprised to wake to find himself yet alive, and apparently apt to remain that way. Ah, poor child--doomed to live surrounded by love and honor. Now, to hear the words on that paper with the blood red seal....

Author Reply: Poor fellow. Not only does he have to put up with the already high opinion of his fellow merchants, but now his reputation for selfless heroism is going to spread far and wide.

I haven't the brain to write "high-falutin' " stuff today, so you will have to imagine the fine words on the paper with the blood-red seal, sorry to say. But know that they were read aloud to Gwill and his sons, before the King departed to have a little discussion with Steward, Pippin, and Ferdi.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/22/2005
Poor Will. He's been so out of it that he's missed out on knowing that he's not about to be carted back to the gallows. When she thinks about the way he behaves here, Seledrith is going to be impressed by his courage and determination. It can't be easy to be half-hanged and then bow to the demands of fate and prepare for death without bewailing your fate.

I do like Denny. He is a star. And the torrent of hobbits rushing into the room - under elbows, between legs, arriving like a spring flood and washing away all the dread and horror. And the men - like rocks in the flow. Lovely images.

It's going to take Will a while, though. He's come back from death - and he has to readjust not only to life, but to real freedom - for the first time since they entered the Shire.

I am loving this story!

Author Reply: I am glad you are loving this story. It is so nice to be beyond the "hump" of angst, and even though I hate to see a story end, it is agreeable to heap the blessings high.

The torrent of hobbits was a joyful image in my brain.

You know, I hadn't thought of that yet, that Will would have to adjust to *not* having to look over his shoulder! How strange, not to go "fishing" on the first day of the week when the hobbits are expected at market.

"Fishing" is a nice tradition, though. Perhaps they'll simply move it to another day, and maybe invite the hobbits to join them.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/22/2005
Oh wonderful re-union Lindelea.
And I just loved this image -
a torrent of hobbits were spilling through the door, washing around taller bodies--

I can see it so clearly, like water around boulders in some rapids! Just as well no one fell over or they would happily spill OVER as well as around the obstacles! :)

P.S.(I haven't learned how to put quotes into italics)

Author Reply: O good, that was just the impression I was aiming for, like water around boulders in rapids.

As for putting quotes in italics, what you do is surround the quotes with these symbols [i]quote[/i] only you use those "angle brackets" (greater than and less than symbols) instead of the square brackets. Did that make sense? And you can use the "preview" button to see if it comes out right, before you actually post.


DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 31 on 11/22/2005
Well, poor Gwillam, lovely as all that was, it must have been also completely confusing--expecting them to finish what had been started I'm sure was devastating--but then everything different than he expected--well, as I said, lovely but confusing. Hopefully he will be enlightened with some reassuring explantaions soon, and he won't be left wondering if it's all a dream, LOL!

Author Reply: Very confusing, I'm sure! It took a week of thinking it over to figure out what his reaction to awakening should be... and I nearly missed the obvious--that he was "out of the loop" and didn't know about the pardon or anything else! Whew, dodged the bullet, there.

But it was a busy week last week, leaving very little time for thinking about fanfic, sorry to say. And dh gets Friday off as well as Thursday, which means he'll be home four days in a row. Not that I'm complaining, mind, just that it'll be hard to get near the computer for awhile.

Still, it's good to get out once in awhile, don't you think?

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