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Just Desserts by Lindelea | 6 Review(s) |
FantasyFan | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/26/2005 |
Ferdi and Farry are going to Gondor! That's been in the outline for a long time - will we be seeing the start of a new story soon? I knew Pippin was up to something at the end of the last chapter. There was a line in there about him being off on some business, and I said to Raven, "I wonder what he's up to now?" That is going to be quite a trip, buy the way. They're retracing the steps of the nine walkers? I assume we're leaving out Moria, although they'll have to attempt the pass of Caradhras to go down the Dimrill Stair. Without the influence of evil sorcerers, maybe the pass will be, em, passable. They won't want to miss Lorien, and the trip on the River, but then what will they do after Amon Hen? I assume the waylaying, wounding and orc-dragging through Rohan are right out too? But Ferdi must go to Isengard and see the Ents. Maybe that will be on the way back, if they go directly to Minas Tirith. Pippin is showing a remarkable degree of trust in Haldoron. It wasn't two days ago that they were desperately trying to keep him from killing people. Has he truly made up for tragedy and abuse with his acceptance of the guardsmen's punishment? I wonder how he will react to the story Ferdi will have to tell of the attack on Pippin by the false guardsman wearing the uniform of his murdured son. So far, the character of Haldoron doesn't exactly grab me yet, but there'll be a good long time to flesh him out on the way to Gondor. (Pretty funny that this is Aragorn's idea of a vacation. Maybe you should title the chapter "Plans for a Holiday") Author Reply: They are going to Gondor! (They've been going to Gondor for months now, even years perhaps, and yet the story has been remarkably uncooperative. But perhaps things are looking up.) Goodness, you've done a good job of anticipating the journey. But don't be so sure about waylaying... Got to have some tension, after all, or we end up with PWP (which I just learned the meaning of, recently, LOL). Remember that Pippin has known Haldoron, at least as an acquaintance, for ten years now. Elessar did choose the right man for the job, in the beginning, but perhaps he did not foresee the souring after Haldoron's son was murdered. Things must have looked okay two years "ago", the last time the King was in the Northlands, but then Haldoron's grief was fresh and he was still somewhat in shock. He hardened slowly over the passing months: a gradual process. Plans for a Holiday! *g* Just the thing! (But there is a dd breathing down my neck at the moment, so no time to change the name now.) Thanks! Author Reply: As it is, I titled the chapter "All Work and No Play". Somehow I stuck at putting "Holiday" in the chapter title. Seemed as if it was a spoiler for the chapter, don't know quite why without going back and reading. And that made the Muse chuckle. Wouldn't it be a challenge to find all the cliches with "Jack" in them and use them for titles in a "Jack" story? Don't know if it will ever happen, but it was amusing to contemplate for a moment. | |
Pearl Took | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/26/2005 |
"The rest of his speech was lost on Ferdibrand, and Haldoron, who had locked glances once more. It seemed they were going on a journey together, whether they wanted to, or no." I sense the beginnings of another story here ;) A good thing that the King and the Ernil are such level headed lads :) You do write so very well my friend :) Author Reply: Ah, yes, "Farry and Ferdi Go to Gondor" has been in the works a lo-o-o-o-ong time, but just hasn't wanted to write itself for some reason. Perhaps it was waiting for just the right Captain to come along... Thanks--coming from you that is high praise. | |
Dreamflower | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/25/2005 |
Well, *now* I see where all your hints about a "vacation" were leading! *grin* This is rich. Ferdi and Haldoron. And Faramir Took. I'm forgetting how old he is in this--his teens or his tweens? And likely to give his escorts as many fits as his father gave his cousins and the rest of the Company. Well, at least they'll not be carting a Ring of Power around, and hopefully there won't be any Nazgul or Balrogs...*chuckle* Author Reply: Well, "Farry and Ferdi go to Gondor" has been long in the making. Dana knows something about the story; I sort of tried it out on her in a phone conversation and she laughed, so that's a good sign. Farry is, I think, sixteen. But precocious, and likely to give his escorts fits, yes. He's got definite ideas of what he wants out of the journey. Whew, no Nazgul, what a relief! And I think the Balrog is on a holiday of his own. But still plenty of pitfalls out there! Thanks. | |
harrowcat | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/25/2005 |
Can I go too, Lindelea? Can I? Can I? *jumps up and down in anticipation of long evenings by the fire reading of Faramir and Ferdinand's adventures!* Author Reply: Only if I can go, too. We will hope for the best, and that the Muse doesn't become miffed at some imagined shortcoming and take herself off to Hawaii. I love long evenings by the fire, reading. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/25/2005 |
My friend, your Aragorn is as devious and appropriate in his consequences as mine ever was! Ah, how wonderful! And young Faramir Took will begin to learn firsthand, along with the Thain's Steward AND the King's Northern Steward, just what the landscape was like, although hopefully they will travel in summer and NOT winter, and will go over Caradhras instead of through the Mines. And they will learn how the journey helped shape the six who survived and yet remain in Middle Earth while developing more respect for one another's race and endurance. Any Elves or Dwarves going along, just to add to the guard? Can't see Radagast doing so, though.... Author Reply: Quite the compliment! As this story is set in springtime, I do believe they will be setting out in early summer at the latest. I do hope they won't be staying over in Imladris until nearly Yule! I really cannot see Radagast joining the party, though he might make an appearance. Elves or Dwarves. Hmmm. Might be some potential there. Don't know, at the moment. They're not in the outline, but anything could happen. Thanks! | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 33 on 11/25/2005 |
So that's why Halbador has become a hermit! You can see why - but I imagine Aragorn was quite keen to bring him back into society even before this crisis arose, and it will be good for his family, too, I should think. Haldoron has skill in leading children. That sounds like a barbed comment, if ever I heard one. Not happy about this, young Ferdi. But it will Do Him Good and provides a perfect opportunity for another great story! Love the implementation of hobbit methods: stale - send him outside for off for a break. And, moreover, make Ferdi and Haldoron work towards a real understanding of each other and each other's race. Good stuff. Author Reply: Yup, that is why he was a recluse. But I don't think he'll be able to remain one. And it'll probably be good for his budget, to live in the city, at least as long as he's acting Steward, for his wife will be able to go to the market every day if she wishes, and won't feel as if she has to buy enough to last her until another visit who-knows-when! Ah, "Farry and Ferdi Go to Gondor" has been in the works for a long, long time, roughly outlined, even, but stalled for lack of a title. It may be called "Rainbow's End" though that sounds rather hokey to me. I do think that Ferdi and Haldoron may draw together in face of a common problem: Faramir, who is quite headstrong, as Ferdi observed, and also quite enthused about the journey, and you know how fraught with potential enthusiasm can be... Thanks! | |