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Imrahil's Daughter  by Madeleine 5 Review(s)
whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 3 on 6/28/2008
Just adored the scene when she walked in on him half-naked. I had a very clear idea of what his facial expression must have looked like! Lothy's revelation that she could have been more gentle in treating his wound was such a priceless nugget to me! She is not someone he could easily overwhelm. It is so easy to see that they are a perfect match. Elfhelm is also very interesting, especially when he revealed how he came to begin his married life. I just love how you put very distinct personalities and interesting personal backgrounds for the characters. The revelation here that it was Elfhelm who encouraged Eomer to go to the Houses of Healing in the first place is priceless.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/11/2005
Also echt, was Lothíriel hier macht, nennt man wohl ‚den Teufel mit Beelzebub austreiben’! Zu Éomer ins Schlafzimmer zu gehen, um darüber zu sprechen, wie sie den anderen Vorfall erklären können ... sie hat wirklich Glück gehabt, daß es ‚nur’ Elfhelm war, der sie dabei erwischt hat!

Ganz schön keck, die junge Dame. Kein Wunder, daß Éomer so irritiert ist! Er ist es wohl kaum gewöhnt, sich von einer Frau sagen zu lassen, was er zu tun hat, selbst wenn es richtig ist, daß er vielleicht mal seine Leute besuchen sollte. Obwohl ich gut verstehen kann, daß er das hinausschiebt angesichts des Zustands, in dem sein Land ist und weil er ihnen so keine Perspektive bieten kann. In einem Punkt hat sie allerdings absolut recht – es war Gondor, das Rohan zu Hilfe gerufen hat und jetzt verpflichtet ist, den Rohirrim zu helfen.

Author Reply: She was just taking a "calculated risk".

Und ich glaube nicht, dass sie bei einem Schlafzimmer die gleichen Assoziationen hat wie Éomer.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/10/2005
I love Elfhelm's story. Eomer should take note.

And Lothiriel can wrong-foot Eomer with a glance. If she only knew what she was doing to the poor man it would be cruel.

Mind you, he is doing similar things to her!

And the most delicious thing of all, is that neither of them appears to have any idea of how obvious they are.

Love this. Love it. (Now how will the sheer sexual tension hold out once they're actually married? Can't wait to find out.)

Author Reply: I found that certain people, because they do not really care what others do, think nobody cares what they are doing. They think they are invisible.

And I love Elfhelm! Or rather a certain idea of what he could be, because he doesn't have a background story in the books and has been ignore in the films. In a way, those are my favourite Tolkien characters. As a fanfiction writer I can play with them much better.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/10/2005
I love how she absolutely discomfitted Eomer here. She is just going about being her and he he is beside himself with desire and frustration... though I am sure much of the frustration was fed by the desire!

Author Reply: And she doesn't have the slightest idea what she is doing to him. She doesn't even know that she can have this effect on a man.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 3 on 12/10/2005
Eomer is certainly off balance. I really liked the moment when Lothiriel told him that he could ask for anything after what he and his people had done for Gondor.

Author Reply: In a way Éomer knows that Gondor owes the Rohirrim support, but for somebody who is so proud and fiercly independent it is still hard to ask for help.

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