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The True Face of Courage  by FirstMate 16 Review(s)
LizReviewed Chapter: 7 on 9/25/2007

It's me again. I was going to wait until October 7, so that I could make it an annual review (October 7th was the date of my last begging review). But alas, the last two weeks were just too hard for me to wait! I just thought I'd let you know that even though I've now moved on to reading other genres of fanfiction and Elladan and Elrohir no longer captivate my daydreams, I'm still VERY eagerly awaiting the end, middle, any part, of this story.

I absolutely LOVE your writing. It's some of the best I have EVER read and that includes published books and novels and such. I know you've been busy and you've been away for long bouts of time, but it would just make me exstatic if you could post something...anything. Maybe if you post a little bit and get lots of new feedback, and begin to reread the last stuff that you wrote, your muse will come on full force and you'll be able to bang out the rest of this story and it will no longer be hanging over your head. Or maybe it's just that I'll no longer be hanging over your head. :-P

I have been good though, right? I've only bothered you once a year so far...

Please! Please, please, please, please update! Please? I'll continue this and make it my fall tradition for the rest of my life if I have to. I really want to know what happens next. I really want to know what's wrong with Elrohir. I want to know who will find him. I want to know what changes Estel's mind about Elrohir's bravery. You're the only one who can answer those questions for me. And I really, really, really want to know. Please?

Author Reply: Hi Liz,
Well, great minds think alike, I guess, because I'd already broken up my chapter into three parts a couple of weeks ago and decided I'd post it like that. Your note spurred me on to getting the darn thing posted today, though, so thanks for the little push! And of course, thanks so much for your very nice comments. I don't feel I deserve them at the moment after letting my story go for so long, but nonetheless they were lovely to read!

Okay, now I've posted the first part...let's see if that lures a muse back in....


Idril CelebrindalReviewed Chapter: 7 on 4/12/2007

Really enjoying this story! Hope you get the opportunity to update it. I am looking forward to the "lightbulb" going off in Estel's head.


Author Reply: Hey Idril,
Looks like I'm finally getting off the dime and updating. No lightbulb for Estel yet. Won't happen in this chapter at all, in fact, but it does eventually. Thanks for your note!


JaneReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/17/2007
With the lack of updates (over a year now since the last one) I decided to re-read the entire library from FirstMate, It just made me want a new chapter even more!! But it's good to know that the story was not abandoned.

-Yeah I'm a patient person :-)

Author Reply: Hi Janie,
Well, it's good that you're patient, because in my case it's REALLY been needed. I've just posted a new update to get things rolling again. Thanks SO much for hanging in there with me!


MandyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/2/2007
Hello. I just wanted to check if this story was dead or if you might finish it some day. I really enjoyed "Lost" and was saving this one till it was finished (I prefer to read stories after all the chapters have been posted). Thanks, Mandy.

Author Reply: Hi Mandy,
Yes, I realize it's been quite awhile since you sent your note--you're probably going "huh...who is this writing me?", but I am playing catch-up here with responses. To answer your question, no, the story isn't dead and I am still trying to finish it. Just decided to post my inexplicably-impossible-to-write latest chapter in 3 parts in order to get things moving again. The story is only going to be 9 or 10 chapters long, so it actually is close to being finished (assuming I can lure my muse back!)


JaneReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/9/2006
I have to agree- I was hoping that by me Nominating this story on the MPA 2006 Awards in the 'MIA'(missing in action)Category ,it might jump start an update...
Please, Please Update soon...

Author Reply: Hi Jane. That was so nice of you to nominate my little story. I do sincerely appreciate it and yes, having someone take an interest in it does spur on my determination to work on it. As I explained in my response to Liz, I just don't have a lot of time right now and have a hard time writing. Heck...I don't even have time to READ sad is that?! Anyway, I'm continuing to SLLOOOWWWLLYYY work on the next chapter. Your little nudges do help a lot, though, so thank you so much! FM

LizReviewed Chapter: 7 on 10/7/2006, so I've been waiting patiently for like, 11 months now and I was just wondering if you could persuaded to update soon? Please? Seriously, I've been waiting here all this time to hear the new tale and watch Elrohir get rescued from where Estel left him. I know real life gets in the way, but just one itty bitty update? Please!

Ahem...sorry, but I really do LOVE your stories and I don't want this one to stay unfinished forever...

Author Reply: Uhm...hi! I am SO sorry to have left the story hanging for so long. I really hate it when writers do that and here I've done it myself. I never, not in a million years, would have thought it would take so long to write the next chapter. Just ran into a serious time deficit and haven't found time to sit down and write. Changed jobs just after the new year and work 10+ hours a day AND have a longer commute. Doesn't leave any time (or energy) unfortunately. When I do try to write, I only get little bitty chunks of time, which really isn't enough for me to do more than just get frustrated. There really is a next chapter being slowly eeked out...honest. It has about 8 pages so far--beginning and end fully written but middle a sketchy mess. I do thank you VERY much for the note and not just writing me off. It reminds me of why I enjoyed writing so much...hearing from nice folks. I will finish the story at some point. I promise. FM

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 7 on 2/28/2006
Poor Elrohir. This must be pure torture. And then Estel has to go and make everything worse. I hope he will finally learn his lesson. I figure that he must, since he is a wonderful person in "Lost."

I hope someone comes to check on Elrohir again. This shoulder injury does not sound good. In Elrohir's current emotional state he isn't likely to mention it. Estel needs to make some apologies and fast.

Great story. I look forward to more.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 7 on 1/8/2006
I just got back from 3 weeks in New Zealand and Australia and am catching up.

What do you mean there was another time???? I thought this story was winding down? Are you really so mean that you're going to subject Elrohir to rats again??? I felt terrible enough reading about how the little boy changed.

SilvertreeReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/23/2005
Estel is really stubborn isn't he? Goodness! Thanks for finally posting this chapter! Just so you know I haven't given up on you never will until this fic is done once and for all!

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/23/2005
Poor Ellanda he can't get through that thick skull of Estel's... He just think Elrohir is a coward.
Elrohir is in pain and hurt and he should indeed tell of his injuries, stubron Elf. And Estel's words hurt him.

There was a second time with rats, what luck...Please continue soon, can't wait...

I love the story's of them as children...

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