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An Offer Not To Be Refused  by Madeleine 9 Review(s)
LisaGReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/9/2010
Oh my goodness...this was absolutely hysterical!!! You've really taken the characters to new dimensions that are perfectly in keeping with who they are and how they would react.

I adored the Aragorn/Eomer talk...these two clearly respect and care for one another, yet Aragorn is much more experienced in life and had some excellent advice for the new young King of Rohan. I was chuckling right along there with Aragorn in his amusement of Eomer's reactions not only to his advice, but most especially to Imrahil's proposal!

The scene with Eomer and Eowyn was wonderfully done, too. Clearly, they adore each other and their teasing shows true sibling rivalry. I loved the way Eowyn slowly, sneakily (is that a word?) pushed Eomer to admit his attraction and feelings for Lothíriel...he's a smitten kitten! :)

whitewaveReviewed Chapter: 2 on 6/29/2008
Laughed out loud at the line where Eomer actually counts to the last day when he last kissed her, he's so smitten! I loved the line: "she is the only daughter you have . . . at least officially". I also enjoyed Eowyn's advice and reaction to her brother's predicament and her very thorough cross examination. I've said this to another author before and I truly believe she should have been a lawyer.

I also enjoyed Eomer's suggestion of having himself blindfolded so he can choose a bride.

nautikaReviewed Chapter: 2 on 8/9/2007
I'm not sure if I'm reviewing these stories in order. I started reading with the second, third, fourth and then went to the first, I think?

But they are each and every one absolutely delightful!

In this one, you can see Imrahil's sincereity, but you just *have* to laugh along with Aragorn. How can the input of a King like Eomer be so completely ... overlooked? It's as if he is a child - and of course to Aragorn and Imrahil he is - but still it is wonderful to watch him try to express himself in a way they will heed. :D

Aragorn's advice is something we could all learn from: " not refuse for the wrong reason; do not reject it because you feel ambushed or pressured by the way the offer was made.â€

This is my favorite quote in this story (and possibly the entire series) and I think it says wonderful things about Eomer. "When I let another human being into my life, do you not think I should have at least the courtesy to share some of that life with her?"

Thank you for sharing your view of these characters with us!

future_oxfordlassReviewed Chapter: 2 on 2/25/2006
one word 4 this chapter: hilarious! absolutely adored this one. favorites file. keep it up!

Author Reply: If there is anything in the world I understand something about than a brother/sister relationship. I have a brother very close in age and we drive each other up the walls regularly - but in him I have somebody to talk to about everyhing. Although our talks remind me somehow more of the Lothíriel/Amrothos interaction in the next instalment.

daw the minstrelReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/8/2006
Lovely. You really do conversations very well.

ShirePirateReviewed Chapter: 2 on 1/3/2006
I am so glad to have found your stories again. I love them! I hope you will re-post the next story in this saga soon.

Author Reply: Yes, I am going to repost here, but the saga is going on and on and on, I am afraid. I have a lot of new ideas about what to do with Lothíriel and the rest of the cast.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/31/2005
I loved Eowyn in this - she is so much like Eomer. I wonder if Faramir and Lothiriel could have had a similar converation and made so much sense as well. And Aragorn seemed to truly enjoy himself. Ah, still laughing. Thank you.

Author Reply: Lothíriel is blessed with so many brothers that it is going to be one of them she will have a "serious" talk with.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/31/2005
Well. He didn't make the first move. Or the second. He hasn't given in to the Council's request or the advice of his friends - but he'll be going to bed with a smile on his face. He is betrothed to the healer who drives him quietly insane.

I just love the way he switches off at the mention of her name and fails to hear Imrahil's carefully worded proposal. I'm with Aragorn on this - and so impressed that he managed not to break down into giggles.

And Eowyn is lovely. I hope she turns up again later in the story. It's no wonder that Eomer can cope with a Lothiriel who is assured in her healing skills (even if he can't cope with her ... desirability) with a confident and somewhat bossy sister having trained him since his youth. And he may come to be grateful for the Dol Amroth brothers who have trained a determined little sister who can stand up to almost anything.

I think the openness of Rohan will make it a good place for Lothiriel.

Author Reply: Yes, I think Lothíriel's wish to be useful is rather unusual for a Gondorian noblewoman and therefore is Rohan with its nordic culture, where is is normal even for the women of the nobility to work, a much better place for her. And she is going to get a husband who probably expects everybody to be useful.

I think Aragorn did giggle. At least as much as his dignity as the King of Gondor allowed him to giggle.

KittyReviewed Chapter: 2 on 12/31/2005
Natürlich ist das Zitat von Friedrich dem Großen wahr, aber ich habe trotzdem ein gewisses Mitgefühl mit Éomer. Er ist ziemlich Hals über Kopf in eine Situation bzw. Position gestoßen worden, auf die er nicht oder nur sehr wenig vorbereitet war – immerhin hätte die etwas zweifelhafte Ehre ja Théodred gebührt. Jetzt ist er vollauf damit beschäftigt, sein Volk über den Winter und die Kriegsschäden zu bringen, und zum Dank lassen sie ihn keinen Moment in Ruhe! Und ich fange an, mich zu fragen, was eigentlich Lothíriel und Arwen darüber denken, daß man sie offenbar quasi als Zuchtvieh sieht, das so schnell wie möglich einen Erben zu produzieren hat ... sind die so pflichtbewußt, daß sie das einfach hinnehmen?

So, Imrahil bedauert, daß Éomer seine Tochter nicht näher kennenlernen konnte? Jetzt frag ich mich, wieviel er weiß *gg*

A woman of strength who has a mind of her own does not bother you. You can accept somebody strong at your side. Nicht nur das – man könnte auch sagen, Éomer braucht so jemand, der ihm notfalls auch mal Paroli bieten kann! Danach klingt auch Imrahils andere Bemerkung: “In any quarrel between my children, that I can remember, she was always the last one standing.” Why doesn’t *that* surprise me?

Éowyn ist ein Schatz! Ich glaube, sie war genau das, was ihr Bruder in diesem Moment brauchte – jemand, dem er vertraut, mit dem er reden kann, der ihn aber nicht mit aller Gewalt in eine bestimmte Richtung drängt, der ihm zuhört und hilft, seine Gedanken und Gefühle zu ordnen.

Oh, eine kleine Frage: Als Imrahil das Zimmer verläßt, heißt es: ... but only until the door had barely shut behind the retreating Dúnadan. Sollte das nicht vielleicht eher der Fürst von Dol Amroth sein? Der Dúnadan ist doch eigentlich Aragorn?

Author Reply: Uph, Kirsten, wo fange ich bei so einem aussführlichen Kommentar mit der Antwort an?

Ich gehe bei LOTR immer von einem mittelalterlichen Szenario aus, und der Mensch im Mittelalter hat sich weniger über seine Rechte als Individuum definiert, als mehr über seine Pflichten gegenüber der Gemeinschaft. Ich bin überzeugt, dass sich weder Arwen noch Lothíriel als "Zuchtstuten" fühlen würden. Die Idee wäre ihnen gar nicht gekommen. Als Ehefrauen jeweils eines Königs war es Teil ihrer Pflicht den Thronfolger zur Welt zu bringen. Und da es eigentlich keine Möglichkeit der sicheren Empfängnisverhütung gab, gehörte Kinderkriegen nun einmal zu einer Ehe. Selbst eine so selbstbewußte Frau wie Eleonore von Aquitanien hat 10 Kinder zu Welt gebracht, ihre Tochter Leonor von Kastilien sogar 12; das war nichts ungewöhnliches. (Die Mutter von Albrecht Dürer hat es auf 18 gebracht.)

Imrahil ist genau wie Aragorn ein Dúnadan. Die Dúnedain sind vereinfacht ausgedrückt ein anderer Name für die Nachfahren der Númenorer. Man nennt sie auch Menschen des Westens.

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