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I can only manage One  by Lady Bluejay 3 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/16/2006
It must be handy to have a couple of Marshals around who can sidetrack the bride's brothers! Although, now she can escape with Eomer, Lothiriel seems a little nervous about the prospect.

Imrahil seems a little disconcerted by the 'not-queen-until-bedded' notion. Perhaps Lothiriel should have let him in on that one - given him something to brood over during the betrothal. Erchirion, on the other hand - deserved the little slap his sister aimed at him.

I hope Lothiriel and Eomer have a lovely walk!

Author Reply: Yes, I could have done that but Lothiriel wanted him to get a shock in Rohan and she also wanted to put it out of her mind. LBJ

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/15/2006
What, only kiss and talk! I would want at least a cuddle too! *g* I like the way Lori is changing and I bet Eomer does too!

Author Reply: I am sure she will get a cuddle. And who wouldn't want one? LBJ

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/15/2006
Goodness, she has definitely grown claws! Her brothers had better watch out!

Author Reply: Hi, She is just about to find her feet. By the way, in the little fic I am writing now, Hobbits have a speaking part! Be a while though as I am off on holiday. LBJ

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