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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 8 Review(s)
DelraukoReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/28/2006
Cant wait to hear the next chapter!! :-D

Author Reply:

Welcome to the story, Delrauko. :-) Thank you for reading and reviewing - will get the next chapter as soon as I can.

Red SquirrelReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/23/2006
Hi there!

I'm late, but I had to wait for some breathing spell after a turbulent week to be able to review this. It's so amazing how you weave these threads of Tolkien's work into your own story - the skeleton before the door! I've always thought here they passed by a great mystery - now it turns out to be your story! Yes, oh yes! It feels so good to have that gap finally, finally filled (quite like seeing Aragorn make it up to Legolas for his words at Elrond's council!). I had assumed, of course, that he wanted to get out. Ha! This is so much better. Can't wait to hear more of this (read, I mean, of course).

It was also very satisfying to see this poor excuse of a two-legged species being put in his place by Lord Celeborn. I suppose that must have felt like walking against an invisible brick wall, only ten times more so. Yet he seems quite unfazed, the nerve of him! It must be the fog of stupidity protecting him. No, I don't think we have seen the last of Fierthwain yet - I only hope that the last we WILL see is his butt sticking out of a warg's snout. Maybe Gimli can assist here a bit...

Oops, what's up with Aragorn? They can't have taken his spirit! Hey, wait a moment - you can't stop here! Hey! (Desperately shaking screen, hoping for a bit more story to fall out) Just one more sentence, o.k.? If you can't take pity on your devoted readers, think about Legolas, he will be frantic ;-) This will be a particularly hard wait, even for your most patient squirrel :-)

Author Reply:

Aaaaah! I thought I heard some chattering coming through my email today! :-)

Don't worry about being 'late', my furry friend - things have been and are still hectic for me too, and I have to steal time each night to do things that are a little more fun. (A real drag huh? :-p )

I'm so glad that you thought the dead guy in front of the door a great mystery too (many readers don't even give him a second thought), and it's such a great compliment that you think this story fills the gap - because that is exactly what I hoped to do! *tail wagging* Thank you! However, I've never thought that I was weaving threads of Tolkien's work into my own story as you said; I always feel that like I'm weaving my story around some detail in his. You pay me too great a compliment, but I appreciate it. *blush*

"No, I don't think we have seen the last of Fierthwain yet - I only hope that the last we WILL see is his butt sticking out of a warg's snout. Maybe Gimli can assist here a bit..."

LOL! Now THAT's an idea! :-) WHo knows what might happen later on eh?

"It must be the fog of stupidity protecting him." Oh oh oh may I use this line at some point in the story??? :-) I'll stick a label there that says: "BRAINCHILD OF RED RODENT"!

Okay - now maybe if you shake that screen long enough, say after a few weeks... Chapter 13 will pop up? :-D

Loved this review from you - thank you!

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/19/2006
Now I've finally made it! I had a lot of work the last days and I did not want to read through this chapter in a rush, so I saved it for today. *hops happily into chapter*

SHRIIIEK!!! What happened to Aragorn? I hope the spirit has not chosen him as a new host now? *shiver* For the sake of Aragorn's (and your readers') health I protest against ending a chapter like this! *Legolas nods vigorously in the background* LOL. Well, I won't give up on you - more like swoop down on you whenever I see a tiny trace of a new chapter appear somewhere... ;-)

The conversation with the spirit was eerie, poor old man. But he seems to mean well, at least for his fellow ghosts. It worries me a bit that he does not seem to care at all for the welfare of the people in the village - some are his descendents, after all. But perhaps the Twice Forgotten are so bitter and angry now that they don't care anymore. *ponders* I wonder if these spirits can be trusted. It seems they will do everything to gain their freedom - so even if they are completely honest I guess they are still dangerous.

I loved the part about the man and the closed door. Untold stories like this one always stir my imagination, and I would always have liked to learn more about that mysterious door and the dead man. *delighted shiver*

I'm so glad Aragorn has the elves with him, I guess nothing else can help him now - I only hope they will be able to help him. At least they are not afraid of the dead, and who knows what Celeborn will be able to do with the right provocation. *g* Not to mention Legolas. *hugs favourite elf* Poor elf, I'm quite sure you have shocked him more with the ending of this chapter than me (and of course I liked his constant worrying and support)! :D

Well, I fear a part of me will remain on the edge of my seat until the next update. ;-) I hope your "other" life will release you soon - Aragorn, Legolas and an uncounted number of readers need you! *looks pitiful* I loved this chapter and will wait patiently for the next one. :) :) :)

Your purring Wet Puddle :D

Author Reply:

Mmmm... like you, the unexplained intrigue the heck out of me - they're just begging to have tales woven around them. And the dead man on the Paths of the Dead has fascinated me for so long I never forgot it even while I was writing "For the Love..." I'm delighted to be able to write about him now *shivering delightedly like a certain wet Puddle* :-)

"But perhaps the Twice Forgotten are so bitter and angry now that they don't care anymore."

I think after so many hundred years of being the living dead without peace - one's priorities change. Desperation rules. Let's see what happens later. I really will try to write as fast and as much as I can. Don't fall off your chair (but who am I kidding? You'll just melt and slide off anyway, lol.)

Hugs, Legolass.

Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/18/2006
This is truly creepy and gripping.You had me on the edge of my seat !The poor old man and poor Aragorn.Fierthwain is a right pain.
I eagerly await more when time permits you.This is a great story !

Author Reply:
Yes poor old man. And Aragorn isn't off the hook by a long shot.

I will be back as soon as I can manage it, linda. Thanks much for your review.

Alison HReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/18/2006
Well, one thing is for sure---we won't give up on you, Legolass! Take whatever time you need in your 'other life' and return whenever you're ready.We'll be waiting :D

The first thing I thought after reading this chapter was how the heck are the others going to react if Aragorn has been posessed--especially Legolas.I then thought---YES!! More Elf and Ranger angst.I love it.Oh, and throw Celeborn into the mix and you have a perfect story.

I will wait patiently(!) for the next chapter to find out if, indeed, Aragorn has been taken over to the Shadow.Thanks for updating.

Take care.


Author Reply:

Lol - more Elf and Ranger angst - yes, sure as my pen-name is Legolass!
Aragorn being possessed? Hhmm... You know me: the obvious doesn't always happen. OR... will it?

In any case - Aragorn and the Shadow are as good as wed. We just have to wait to see how.

Thanks much for dropping in, Alison - good to hear from you.

nessaReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/18/2006
Hurray! We are finally getting some answers. But of course, the answers only bring more questions. Is Aragorn now the one possessed? Thats cool how you interweave the story from Tolkien with your own story. Makes it seem more real. Good job. Hope you wont be gone too long. We will all miss you. And not just your story. Life can be a real interuption, can't it? Wish I could help.

Author Reply:
Yes more questions. Guess we'll have to wait and see what's going on with Aragorn. :-)

I do like interweaving Tolkien's details with my own -and thank you for appreciating it. :-)

I will try to be back as soon as I can - thanks very much for dropping in. I've missed you.

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/18/2006
Mae Govannen, Legolass
No review this time, just a reminder... As I said before your friends are with you. Take your time juggling your writing and your other life. No "elf-owies" for you either.


Absolutely loved, loved, loved Lord Celeborn putting Fierthwain in his place.
"I chose to do the former for your uncle-and the latter to anyone who hinders it" (Ok so I had to sneak in a little review LOL)


Author Reply:

Mae govannen, mellon nin Eliza. Yes I still remember what you told me from last time, and I will take the time I need and post again only when it is okay to. Hannon le. :-)

And oh I liked what Lord Celeborn did too. It was good to kick butt, lol! Hope things are going well with you, my friend. 'See' you again soon, I hope.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 12 on 1/17/2006
Keep juggling Legolass our thoughts are with you. But what a spot to leave him/us in!!!!!

Author Reply:

I did think of giving you only the first (more innocuous) half of the chapter and leaving the second half as Chapter 13 - but since it was ready... I thought the 'spot' where I left you would have a very good view. Doesn't it?? lol!

Thanks for your thoughts, Harrowcat. I do need time to write more but will be back as soon as I can manage it.

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