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A Bride for a King by Madeleine | 10 Review(s) |
SimplegirlfromLP | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 5/5/2020 |
I loved this interaction between Lothíriel and Amrothos and of course Lothiriel and her father. It was great that Imrahil had a very good "basic" knowledge of the interactions between Lothiriel and Eomer. It was great to see Imrahil oh so calmly ask if there had been pre-martial sex between her and Eomer and do it so eloquently. LOL. Loved this. Thank you for writing. I had read these stories before, many years ago and loved them then and my feelings have not changed. | |
whitewave | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 6/29/2008 |
Loved the struggle of wills between Lothy and her father-she is really his daughter in terms of wits and unpredictability. I really appreciate how the pieces of the puzzle seemed to fall together in this chapter--how Imrahil was not so "unaware" as he seemed and how Lothy seemed to have unwittingly set herself up to meet Eomer. Was very entertained about the whole dowry thing. | |
nautika | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 8/9/2007 |
I read this story along with your others as quickly as possible. I've decided now that I'd like at least a one-shot on Elphir, please! *That* courtship and ceremony should have been good for at least that much story! Grin! | |
future_oxfordlass93 | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 2/27/2006 |
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww............ | |
ShirePirate | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006 |
I enjoyed it even more the second time! I am excited to continue in the story, the characters are developing so well. I know some of what is comming, but I am anxious to read it again and pick up things I missed the first time around. Keep up the great work... Author Reply: I'm glad you liked the story enough to have read it again. I'm working on the sequel, but it's going to take some time due to a couple of interfering exams. | |
Bodkin | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/22/2006 |
I do love your Imrahil. He is such a very civilised and intelligent man. The sort of man who can be irritatingly right! And all with your best interests at heart. He understands Lothiriel so well - and it just kills me that he knows all (well, much) about her ... misadventures with the King of Rohan and decided to refrain from commenting on them while he pondered on Eomer's suitability as a husband for his single-track-minded daughter. Apart from the fact that he could have enclosed a note along the lines of 'will explain when we meet face to face' with the letter to Erchirion telling him to inform her of the betrothal, he really has all eventualities organised. And, come to think of it, giving Lothiriel something to fight probably is quite a good move, too. Aragorn is very, very lucky to have Imrahil on his side. And Lothiriel can't complain too much - being betrothed to Eomer suits her down to the ground. He's much better than Elphir's brother-in-law, who sounds a totally self-centred loser. (I'm feeling sorry for Elphir, actually. It's no wonder he's a pain in the neck. Since he seems to be married to Frosty the Snowman.) Delightful story. Great sexual tension between two people who aren't even in the same country. And one of whom we don't even see! I just love it. Author Reply: Imrahil's conduct in this matter only shows that he is a good judge of character. He knows that in the end he can trust both the King of Rohan and his daughter. And his great knowledge of the human nature is certainly of avantage for Aragorn who can rely on him as a shrewd adviser. He might have been a bit high-handed about the whole affair, but that brings his position, I suppose. Btw.: I love "Frosty the Snowman". Never thought of this term. | |
Kitty | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/21/2006 |
So, nun erfahren wir endlich mehr über Imrahils Beweggründe. Sein Glück, daß Lothíriel noch nicht geplatzt ist in der Zwischenzeit ;-) Das ist ja reizend – Herion möchte Lothíriel bloß heiraten, um an ihre Mitgift zu kommen? Wäre ja interessant zu wissen, was er machen würde, wenn er die Mitgift auch verschleudert hätte ... jedenfalls sehr verständlich, daß Imrahil keinen großen Wert auf *diesen* Ehemann legt. Aber die Vorstellung, daß Herion zu Denethor hätte laufen können, um sich zu beschweren ... *würg* ... bei Aragorn würde ihm das zum Glück nichts nützen. Éomers Reaktion zum Thema Mitgift war wirklich das Gegenteil! Das klingt so richtig nach ihm *grins* Kings can be truly difficult, indeed! “And you thought because we were quarrelling so amiably he would make an ideal husband?” „And a father takes notice when a man looks at his daughter as if he would like to throttle her.“ *lol* Das gefällt mir! Kein Zweifel, wo Lothíriel (und nicht nur die) ihr Mundwerk her hat! Alles in allem ... nachdem ich jetzt Imrahils Beweggründe kenne, bin ich nicht mehr ganz so irritiert über die Art und Weise, wie das gelaufen ist. Allerdings hätte es wohl ihm und seiner Tochter einigen Ärger erspart, wenn er es etwas anders angegangen wäre. Und eines ist wahr – die beiden passen perfekt zusammen. Author Reply: Das Problem Mitgift wird noch einmal auftauchen - in der Story, die ich beginnen werde, wenn ich diese leidigen Prpfungen erst einmal hinter mir habe. Und es dürfte auch kein Zweifel daran bestehen, dass Imrahil der wahre Vater von Amrothos und Lothíriel ist; und Bruder von Ivriniel; oder dass auch Elphir mehr mit seinen Geschwistern gemein hat, als man denken sollte. Halt eine grosse, glückliche Familie, in der die Macken eben nur unterschiedlich stark ausgebildet sind. Keiner der Dol Amroths hat den Takt mit Löffeln gefressen. | |
Nilmandra | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/21/2006 |
This was one of my favorite chapters in all of the stories. In this father-daughter converstaion, you have created the backstory and world of Dol Amroth and its inhabitants. The political, the personal, and the attempt to meld them without compromising family. Your Imrahil is wonderful - I can absolutely see him from what little we saw of him in the books, and he will forever be the quintessential Imrahil for me. And Lothiriel - I fully appreciate and understand her position, as perhaps most women do. Her father has decided on something she wants, desires even, for all the right reasons. But on principle, his approach and timing are infuriating - especially perhaps since he is right! Yet also comfortingly, because he loves her enough to do only the best for her. Its a conflicting thing that cannot be resolved. The two must coexist. Well done chapter. Author Reply: We can only read very little of Imrahil in the books - and unfortunately there is nothing of him in the films - but I always felt that he should be a man whose first responsibility as a prince of the realm were his country and that he would - if worst came to worst - never compromise this responsibility. Even it it meant personal sacrifices for him or members of his family. But that makes him neither unfeeling nor unloving. And he really tries his best for his daughter. | |
Lady Saruman | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/21/2006 |
i was absolutely thrilled by this concluding chapter, although i thought it would be about Éomer's and Lothíriel's wedding, but it was the time of CONFRONTATION SCREW THE MEN!!! WOMEN WILL RULE THE WORLD!!! thanks for the great story; it was the perfect conclusion to an absolutely enthralling tale. luv, Lady Saruman ^_~ Author Reply: There will be several more chapters before we come to the wedding. With a couple or so more confrontations. Enjoy. | |
daw the minstrel | Reviewed Chapter: 4 on 1/20/2006 |
Wonderful last line! As always, you do a great job with conversations. There's tension and the personalities come through. Author Reply: I like writing conversations, because I feel that - as in real life - characters should disclose themselves to us by what they say. | |