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Where the Love-light Gleams  by Lindelea 7 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/22/2006
Poor Ferdi--now THIS is a predicamate for which he is poorly prepared, as drunk as the poor hobbit is. Hope Nibs finds him soon! Poor child, but one who deserves it thoroughly.

Author Reply: Hmm. Perhaps he'll get some of the rest that he has been denying himself.

OTOH, with his luck, you never know.

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/22/2006
Only Ferdi can get in this much trouble. He is just about the single most unlucky, yet lucky, hobbit there is. He even has stranger things happen to him than Pippin does I think.

Hope they get him out of that haystack soon.

Thanks for a fun read.


Author Reply: Just call him un/lucky! Save time and space!

Y'know, I started picking on Ferdi in the first place because I'd done so much to poor Pippin... And now Ferdi's saturated, I need to look around for someone else, or choose a different genre than angst. Goodness!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/22/2006
Oh no! *ROTFL* Poor Ferdi! Oh golly!

At least this will be a New Year he will never forget!

Author Reply: At least this will be a New Year he will never forget!

Ummm. Well, maybe. I've heard that overindulgence can lead to forgetfulness. Don't know how it works in someone who drinks very little and then suddenly has a blowout. (I know that blackouts are a symptom of advanced alcoholism, right? So I don't know how realistic it would be for Ferdi to have no memory of the uproar.)

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/22/2006
Oh no!!! Finally home and now this!! Poor Ferdi. You are way too good at torturing your hobbits LOL I eagerly await more :) :)

Author Reply: Well, at least he's not feeling any pain at the moment. Hasn't been, for quite awhile. But I hate to think what the hangover will be like.

demeter dReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/22/2006
Oh, dear! all of that Yule-tide cheer caught up with him. At least Tim knew he had been out there, and if he does not turn up in the house, will know where to look. About now I would imagine he needs a bit of sleep, anyway! Charming chapter. Well written people. I feel as if I know them.

Author Reply: Thanks!

I would think he'd need a bit of sleep, too, considering he's been up more than 24 hours now. He may have dozed a bit in the saddle, but that doesn't sound all that restful.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/22/2006
Oh no! Rebreathing all those alcohol fumes! He's knocked himself cold. Although, as long as the hay pile doesn't get too much higher, he'll be warm and snug on a comfortable bed. He'll be asleep in a moment - and then the reluctant Nibs will take half the day to uncover him! I hope Ferdi isn't driven hard enough to make him sample the keed-willer - or Pimpernel will really have some sharp words for him!

Author Reply: Ah, the keed willer. One of those plot points it is good not to forget.

I hadn't thought about him knocking himself out rebreathing the alcohol fumes! LOL!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 10 on 1/22/2006
Oh Ferdi - just what other trouble can you get into? Well, knowing Lindelea, lots - and we readers love every minute of it!

Author Reply: LOL!

Poor fellow, a magnet for trouble.

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