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Where the Love-light Gleams  by Lindelea 6 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/22/2006
Poor Ferdi. He's going to have every ranking Took at the discovery that he's one over the eight. Unless Woodruff decides to cover for him. Which is not impossible.

After they find him, that is. Poor hobbit. Pimpernel will be mortified. She'll never let him live this down. (And neither will Pippin!)

I love Tad's awe at being dragged into the Thain's private rooms. And the way he lets Sandy convince him that Ferdi is badly hurt!

Author Reply: Poor Pimpernel. And poor Ferdi! He never knew what hit him...

Amazing how the Talk grows and grows.

Garnet TookReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/22/2006
And the tales grow taller on down the line. How like the Tooks to blow things all out of proportion even when they are well-meaning in the effort. I can't wait to see Woodruff's reaction. She is going to upset with Ferdi for getting drunk, but she's also going to be fit to be tied at how everything was made to seem so much worse than it is. Oh, those talkitive Tooks.


Author Reply: Woodruff's reaction is interesting, to say the least. Looking forward to posting that chapter.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/22/2006
*snerk* Poor Tad, there among all those Tooks, who seem to know more about what happened than he did himself. I love the poor lad's confusion.

And it's going to be interesting when they finally get to the stables...




Author Reply: I've seen a person equipped with the facts, become disoriented in the face of utter confidence on the part of someone who *thinks* he has the facts.

As you already know, *interesting* is a word and a half.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/22/2006
That sounds like quite a procession on its way to the stables. I hope they find him - by his snores if nothing else!

Author Reply: O yes, I think Ferdi'll be found, by hook or by crook.

Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/22/2006
Well, they'd best get a move on, seeing as Ferdi's gone and got himself buried in the hay. Bless Pippin for wanting to see to his cousin and fearing the others might not be able to deal with him.

So good! So very good!

Author Reply: Yes, Pippin's motives are very good, though he's rather jumped to conclusions at the moment!


LarnerReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/22/2006
My connection went wonky last night as I tried to respond. But this is priceless, while Tad is overwhelmed and overtalked, and none of them can imagine the proper diagnosis for Poor Ferdi is DRUNK and passed out in the haystack! Poor child, and poor Ferdi!

Author Reply: Dratted connection. Was it the wind and rain? We've felt as if we were going to blow away, the past few days...

With Ferdi being such a (I guess you wouldn't say non-drinker, for he does have a glass of wine or ale, four or five days a week) nobody can credit the fact that he's drunk! Not even himself, never having been drunk before...

Author Reply: p.s. When are you coming to town? We'll have to plan something!

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