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A Midsummer Night's Dream  by Jay of Lasgalen 13 Review(s)
MeimiReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/7/2006
Well, this place works better than *mutters* Though, that's not hard to do. Anyway! Yay, I can finally review chapter three! *ahem* The build up of tension is superb, and you can practically feel Elladan's distress over it all. Poor Glorfindel, worried as well but having to make Elladan see reason. He does tend to end up with the harder tasks in that regard, doesn't he? The added danger of the frightened horses really spiced things up as well. I'm really looking forward to seeing how your resolve things. Can't wait for the next part!

Author Reply: Welcome to SoA! This is my favourite site for posting; I hate too, I can't review there - my browser hates pop-up windows.

I'm really glad you liked the rising tension in this chapter. I concentrated on that aspect, because I knew that everyone else knew the stable would collapse in the end.

Glorfindel's worried about Elrohir as well, of course - in my world he looks on himself as a sort of uncle, or second father to the twins - and now he's got to stop Elladan going in as well.

We'll see what's happening to Elrohir in the next chapter.

pipinheartReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/2/2006
Terrific... At least Glorifindel was there to help Elladan, though he didn't ease his mind to much.
Poor Elladan u feel for him, and Elrohir where is he... Thier parents would be gone....And that horse did have to run inside.

Please continue soon....

Author Reply: Thanks for your review. Yes, Elladan was extremely worried all through this chapter, and it's just got a lot worse. He's frantic now, wondering what's happened to Elrohir :(

It's a good thing Glorfindel's around to help!

perellethReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/1/2006
I like how the tension built up. THe fire is so destructive that one cannot help being impotent before it.
Glorfindel taking charge was great and powerful, but Elladan would not submit when it is Elrohir in danger... and LErohir will not leave while there are horses in the stable. Great prospect! Good chapter!

Author Reply: The collapsing roof wasn't going to surprise anyone, so I worked on building the suspense towards an inevitable outcome instead. I'm glad it worked.

I like to include Glorfindel in stories sometimes - he's like a father-figure to the twins, but a friend as well. He's worried as well, but you'll have to wait to see what comes next!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 3 on 2/1/2006
*sigh* It had to come to this! Tell me, what have the poor twins done to deserve all that what you're putting them through? Poor Elrohir trapped in the burning stable and Elladan outside, frantic with worry ... that's cruel!

Even in the midst of his ever-increasing alarm, Elladan found himself smiling at that. It was unfair of Elrohir to issue such an impossible order to the unfortunate stable-hand. How true! It was fortunate Glorfindel came and held Elladan back - he is probably the only one in Imladris who was able to do this. I'm impressed Elladan truly stayed outside the stable and tried to help to catch the horses. But now he probably thinks he should have gone anyway ...

And now I want the update - at once!!! *sniff* My poor twins!

Oh, and by the way - sadly it is only too true horses tend to run back in their burning stable. If they're in panic, they seek the only shelter they know, although it is difficult to understand that they run straight into the flames.
I knew two horses who were rescued out of a burning stable as young horses. The one refused *absolutely* to be tied to anything solid for the rest of her life, ripping every bridle or halter which was used, and the other, which I rode sometimes, panicked nearly every time it was misty, because then often the air smelled a bit smoky. Not to mention when he saw flames somewhere ...

Author Reply: I must confess to a liking for inflicting torment and angst on the twins - but I promise to kiss them better at the end :)

Glorfindel is like a second father to the twins, and he not only understands Elladan's bond with his twin, he knows about the visions, and yet can still make Elladan listen to him. He won't be pleased with Elrohir for taking such a risk, either :(

How sad about those two horses - the experience must have really terrified them.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/30/2006
It just had to happen. Dumb horse. Dumb, dumb horse.

I'm glad Glorfindel's natural authority kept Elladan out of the burning stable - he did well to train the twins to obey him! But nothing'll keep him away from the flames now! Where's that rain? A cloudburst is seriously needed.

I love the detail of the ellyth in their nightgowns taking the horses out of danger - but I'm seriously worried about the two elves in that stable. It can't be good.

More please. Relieve my mind of its anxiety one way or another!

Author Reply: Elladan agrees with you - he's not pleased with Dúath either. I blame Lindelea - I saw the idea in her story!

Glorfindel is the only person in Imladris at the moment that Elladan might listen to, but his authority won't last for much longer. There are stronger claims on Elladan's loyalty right now.

I'm not quite sure where the ellyth came from - I was trying to show everyone in Imladris involved in fighting the fire, and they just appeared. It's rather odd the way a story evolves.

At the moment I'm writing a Valentine's Day fic for the Royal Mirkwood group, but I'll update this as soon as that's finished!

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/30/2006
Oops, I mean the blank review below. I just can't get anything right tonight. Perhaps I should call it a day and go to bed. I think my brain is asleep.

BlueEyedElfReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/30/2006
Sorry about that blank review above. I sort of messed up. Anyway, now on to my review.

Oh no! Elladan's vision has come to pass in all its horror. Elrohir is trapped in the burning barn and noone can get to him. However, I bet that if anyone can find a way, it will be Elladan.

I liked Glorfindel in this chapter. I helped Elladan to see past his fear for Elrohir to do what needed to be done. However, I don't think that even Glorfindel will be able to stop him from rushing into that burning barn for much longer.

I feel sorry for the rest of the family when they get home. They will be shocked to find out what has taken place while they were away. I sure hope everything turns out okay.

Great chapter as always. I will be looking forward to more.

Author Reply: It's easy to hit 'send' too soon - I know!

There were no big surprises in this chapter - we all knew what was going to happen - but poor Elladan kept hoping Elrohir would be able to escape in time :(

I like Glorfindel, even though I don't write about him much. He's very close to the twins, and they often turn to him for advice. He's about the only person - save his parents - that Elladan would listen to then.

I think Elrond may know already that something's happened, given his link with the valley and his sons!

Author Reply: It's easy to hit 'send' too soon - I know!

There were no big surprises in this chapter - we all knew what was going to happen - but poor Elladan kept hoping Elrohir would be able to escape in time :(

I like Glorfindel, even though I don't write about him much. He's very close to the twins, and they often turn to him for advice. He's about the only person - save his parents - that Elladan would listen to then.

I think Elrond may know already that something's happened, given his link with the valley and his sons!

procrastinatingelf1980@yahoo.comReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/30/2006

Faye Reviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/30/2006
You did a wonderful job of building the suspense. I can't even begin to imagine what it would be like trapped in a burning building. Poor Elrohir, please don't leave him in there too long.

Author Reply: I'm glad the tension worked here, as everyone knew what was going to happen! For Elrohir's sake, I'll update asap. He's not having much fun at the moment.

EllieReviewed Chapter: 3 on 1/30/2006
This is getting really good. Just when it seemed like Elladan would calm down and stop worrying, wham! Very worried about Elrohir now. And what about the other guy? He didn't get out either, did he?

Poor Glorfindel as well! Elrond leaves him in charge for a while and the whole places comes in danger of burning down AND his lord's son gets trapped in a burning building to boot. Are you planning on providing therapy for these characters when the story is over or at least in between posting chapters? Poor guys!

Please update soon!

Author Reply: Yes - I'm afraid Elrohir and Aradan are both trapped in the stable. The next chapter will be from Elrohir's POV, so we'll see how he's doing.

Don't worry about therapy - I'm providing lots of TLC on a personal basis to my two favourite elves!

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