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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 4 Review(s)
ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/31/2006
Well, an explosion may be a good way to end a chapter... but it's an even better way to start one *g*

Hehe, you know, I really should have known better than to re-read your "Thorongil" and Cassia and Sio's "Traitor" at the same time. As I was reading this chapter, I kept thinking, "This reminds me so much of the ending of their other story... Oh right... they didn't writer Traitor, did they..." LOL, you know a writer is doing well when you get them mixed up with Cassia and Sio. *g*

*snickers* Oh yes, Aragorn, I'm SURE you and Legolas won't have ANY trouble getting them to chase you. People have a tendancy to chase you even when you're *not* trying to get them to...

Ha! Take that, oh-stupid-nameless-guard-who-beats-up-little-boys! THAT is what happens when you get on a certain ranger-king's bad side! *eg* That'll teach HIM to pay attention when Aragorn tells him what the king does and doesn't like! He'll never try anything like that again! Ehm, of course, the fact that he's dead now does tend to contribute to that... And I suppose it'll make it more challenging for him to learn anything from this experience too... *sighs* Pity. These villains really ought to learn faster. It might contribute to their longevity if they did. Of course, their learning faster would probably NOT contribute to Aragorn and Legolas' longevity, since it would mean they'd probably learn to just kill the heroes on sight, instead of trying to get information or going for a public execution... Yeah. On second thought, villain peoples, you just keep doing what you're doing. It seems to be working great! *smiles encouragingly*

*pokes Aragorn* Yeah, those moves *would* be familiar. That's because they're NOT Gondorian, they're HARADRIM! Remember them? Hmm? Are you even listening to me? *pokes ranger again* *Aragron glares* Um, heh, right... Why don't I just stop distracting you then, and let you get on with the battle... *smiles innocently and waves* Carry on, carry on... *mutters under breath* Stupid ranger... *blinks* AAH! What am I SAYING?!

Aww, poor kids... Ranger and elf to the rescue! It's so interesting, the new perspective Aragorn has on so many things this time. He certainly cared a *lot* about children before, but now, as a father himself, it gives him a whole new set of feelings. And, where before a fairly localized-appearing disturbance might have just had them thinking "Am I going to be in the middle of this... *again*?", now his thoughts immediately become how this is going to affect his people and his country. Where before their most frequent reaction might be how can they *personally* do something to help, now Aragorn's thoughts go to how he could help as *king*, and ways that actual governments might need to be changed. In some ways, for Aragorn, being a king now, there must be a frustrating feeling of having his hands tied at times, being unable usually to revert to his old ways of going in swinging and just taking the villains down. But in other ways there are entire new realms of opportunities opened up to him to help. Very interesting...

ROTFL! I love Aragorn almost decapitating Legolas. *g* Lucky for them they've got such good reflexes, or I suspect they'd both have been killed several times over the years. Which is kinda an oxymoron, now that I think of it... *looks thoughtful* Ah well, I'm sure they would have found SOME way to manage it. *shrugs*

Hooboy... Talk about nerve-wracking. That's just the time little kids will choose to freeze - when they've absolutely GOT to keep going! Lucky for them they've got the expert Elf-and-Ranger Rescue Team to get them out of whatever situation they get themselves into. *g*

Woohoo! *applauds* Excellent plan, Aragorn! And in typical ranger style, it goes something like this, "These people are going to shoot me! I'm afraid the children are going to fall off of there! I can't let them fall into the river... What should I do? Jump into the river, of course, and bring them with me!" Hehe, lucky ranger, however hair-brained some of his plans may sound, they *do* actually tend to work. LOL, and it wasn't as if they had much choice at the time. *snickers* Still, I can't help thinking... He is soooooooooo lucky Arwen can't see him now.

//"Now Strider,you were not intending to travel down the Anduin and leave me alone with the children and the irate townspeople, were you?" "If such a thought had crossed my mind, your highness, I certainly would not divulge such intentions to you."// LOL! Hehe, I love Aragorn calling him "your highness". *giggles* And I can just picture poor Legolas, abandoned to sort everything out with the townspeople all by himself... Good thing for him his mellon would never be so cruel ;-)

*applauds again* Aragorn, now *that* is a truly incredible feat. He actually managed to escape with only a scratch - literally, not just his definition of a "scratch"! Wow, his luck really is improving! But not too much, I hope... *eg*

//"As if something in the other's appearance had seemed familiar, but he was having trouble deciding why."// *nods vigorously* Yup, yup, something veeeery familiar about him, Valihondo. You've definitely met before. He was probably considerably... cleaner at the time, of course... Oh, and he was likely wearing a crown, as well. *smiles brightly* Need any more hints?

//"Oh, dear." The words came in a sigh and Legolas and Aragorn watched him curiously as he glanced back at them, a rueful expression now decorating his bloody and bruised face. "She made me promise not to injure myself."// HE! Oh, that's just wonderful... Y'know, I'm really starting to like him :-)

*chokes* Oh, I love it! Legolas just can't quite figure out why he can't dismiss a woman's concern the same way he does Aragorn's... Poor, innocent, ignorant, naieve, three thousand year old elf... *shakes head* There is no escape from the mothering instincts, no matter HOW grown up you may be!

Ooo, captured enemy. This is good... This is very good... Hehe...

Looking forward to more!


P.S. Upset about the posting change? On the contrary, not only do I understand *completely* how time-consuming preparing a chapter and replying to reviews can be, but I can also think of several reasons to be quite happy with the change. First of all being that now we get to spread the enjoyment of the story out over an even longer time :-) LOL, and of course, I can always use a little extra time to get a review posted... All-in-all, quite a nice change, as far as I'm concerned! Heh, and now that I've got a little more time, I will at least *try* to make things a little easier for you, and get my reviews in a little earlier than midnight the night before you're posting :-P

P.P.S. *chokes at picture of Aragorn tipping his hat... er... crown?* You know, I *will* hold you fully responsible if I start having strange dreams... As if the ones I've got already aren't weird enough... *wanders off shaking head and giggling*

Author Reply: In regards to 'Explosions: Beginnings or Endings?' we bow to your expertise as a reader! *grin* Maybe it's the absence of cliffie that does the trick. Alas! That was merely the first of rather a lot of cliffies... We have a habit we cannot seem to break. *checks into local C.M.A. (Cliffie Makers Anonymous)chapter*

Oops! *grins* We never really considered how similar in time-period 'Thorongil' and 'Traitor' are... That WOULD be confusing! High praise indeed!

*falls into giggles* It's amazing how often we lecture villains without considering how handy their various flaws are... In this case we can rest in the satisfaction that these particular villains will never again commit such misdemeanors! Mwahaha! Eat seawater, evil-pirate-men! *notices stares of passersby* Oookay, moving on...

*laughs* Don't worry, Aragorn'll put two and two together eventually; he'll make you proud!

*smiles appreciatively* That is a very perceptive look at Aragorn's new way of looking at the world! We completely agree -- and it was interesting working with that new point of view in this fic. There came a lot of tossing around of Aragorn's character -- bizarre, for us, since we had written all Ranger-era stories before.

Close calls of the Dunadan kind! *grins* Glad we made you laugh! And yes, perhaps Aragorn's tactical skills leave a bit to be desired... but hey, I guess he's not dead yet! *snickers in turn* Ooh, yes. One wonders, will one of the Kopairon villagers visit the palace one day and say to Arwen, "Did your husband ever tell you about the time...?" *evil grin*

I guess there's a kind of irony in Aragorn calling Legolas 'your highness' at this point in the rule of Gondor. *grin* And fear not! He may be improving in the scratch-free area, but records are made to be broken.

*laughs* Hey, now, don't go dropping too many hints! If Volihondo finds out who they are, who knows what'll happen? Perhaps the dirt'll throw him off. *wink* Oh, and we are SO glad you like Valihondo! He sort of leapt from the blue, like Athena from Zeus' head, and we didn't expect him to play such a big role in this story. Sound familiar? *cough*Duurben*cough*

Poor Legolas, indeed! Well, we promised character-torture, and let it not be said that we failed to deliver! *grin* It's for his own good, honest.

Thank you so much for understanding! And in return we assure you that late reviews are still great reviews (ack! that rhymes!) and in return for your attempts, WE will attempt to post earlier on our posting days instead of... well... *glances at clock* ...eight at night... oy.

May your dreams be merry and bright, and may Frank Hopkin's appearances be light! *goes to pack the last of the Christmas CDs in deep storage*

Thanks for the spectacular review!! We are very happy now. *grin*

RSReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/31/2006
Sigh! I wish this was on film. How I'd love to see Aragorn and Legolas in action! But you guys did great capturing the moment! Your writing did wonders for my imagination. I saw it all in my head! Hmmm....who is this prisoner? Will Aragorn recognize him? or her? Guess I just have to wait!

Author Reply: *laughs* I fear film is beyond us! But we *completely* understand the sentiment -- we desperately wanted Mellon Chronicles in movie form. *sigh* Alas! No luck.

But we're thrilled over any measure of proximity we may attain to film quality; 'I could just picture it!' is the highest of all compliments!!

Who is this prisoner...? Well, happily, the answer is waiting just around the corner... *grin*

eliza61Reviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/30/2006
Dear Hannah & Sarah,
Great, great chapter! I always enjoy how you portray Aragorns & Legolas' friendship. ( I absolutely love how they continue to joke with each other in the mist of a battle, must be some type of release from stress?) Wish I could have seen Legolas get ordered around by Valihondo's wife though, that was priceless. Poor confused Elf.
Anyway- please don't worry about updates, I totally understand how "real life" can sneak up on one. I just glad you allow me to tag along with Legolas and Aragorn every once in awhile.

Until next time


Author Reply: Hey there, Eliza! Glad you approve of our version of Aragorn and Legolas. *grin* We're rather fond of them as well, though you might not think it to look at how badly we treat them... Thanks for your understanding regarding our new scheduling changes!

*laughs* Legolas getting ordered around by a housewife is certainly a marvelous mental picture, but in this case we figured you would all be more than up to the task of visualizing the proceedings for yourself. *envisions Legolas fleeing in bewilderment while Saravesse chases him, waving a band-aid in the air determinedly*

More on the way!

VilwarinReviewed Chapter: 11 on 1/30/2006
Sorry I havn't replied for a long time, but I have been quite busy. I can only say that I am amazed at the story and can hardly wait for a new chapter. And do not worry about every third day, I am sure that we all understand very well.
The twp friends in battle action again, are they? *lol*
Ha, I knew all along that those people could not possibly be Gondorians. And of course they would find out and save the day. Hehe.
Oh, I have to leave now! Since I had a little time, I just wanted to leave a short review to tell you how much I enjoy your story.


Author Reply: Don't worry a bit about delays and business! Both difficulties are unavoidable (as we have cause to know). Thank you for being understanding about our schedule change!

They can't seem to go for a whole fic without battle action... it's most bizarre. *grin*

Glad you cottoned on to their, um, un-Gondorian-ness!

Any size review is welcome -- if only to know you're liking what you're reading. Thanks for taking the time! And now to the startling continuation...

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