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Lúthien's Gift  by Fiondil 1 Review(s)
lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 1 on 2/3/2006
I'm not exactly sure what time frame I thought this took place in - I mean I knew it came before "Sent Unto Men", but I was still surprised to see Celebrian and read that she and Elrond were living in Imladris 'Wain with elflings! Then I began to realize this was more towards our end of the time frame (sort of!) and had to slap my forehead! Duh, Linda! Elves...Immortals...remember???

You have made this a very interesting history lesson, of sorts, revealing Melian's long years of recovery through her conversation with Olorin and her thoughts about how he had been the one to help her finally begin to heal. So...when Elu was finally released by Namo, they did not ultimately stay together. She seems happy, tho', romantic that I am, I found that rather sad. But, I assume they have a long distance relationship?

Anyway, the dialogue between Melian, Celebrian, and Olorin was very good (funny,too), and the idea of Manwe, Varda, and Namo acting like "elflings" up to something was one of those giggle-inducing mental pictures. I look forward to the dinner with Elrond, Celebrian, and elflings...and suspect that more gossip will be forthcoming! This is excellent, Fiondil!


Author Reply: For me, the story was never about Melian going to Middle-earth and being the "angel of the Annunciation", but what needed to happen for her to accept the assignment in the first place, seeing as how she had vowed never to return (and with good reason!). So tracing her journey through the ages was important for me in telling the story (and, to me, the most interesting part of the story anyway).

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