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A Shire Sketchbook  by Baggins Babe 9 Review(s)
lovethosehobbitsReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/13/2006
Incredibly sweet and tender to hear a dwarf, gruff as they apparently are, to feel so about our beloved hobbits. His recounting of things that we have known from the get-go, was lovely.

Author Reply: I've always thought, from some of Gimli's remarks in the book, that he was deeply fond of the hobbits. Under that gruff exterior there's a sentimental dwarf!

KittyReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/12/2006
Nice surprise to have two updates today! Thank you!

Pestilential hobbits, they creep into your heart and turn the dourest dwarf into a silly sentimental fool, and the most elegant Elf into a mischievous imp playing practical jokes on those around him. That’s somehow touching to see Gimli (and Legolas) so fond of the hobbits they do all this and enjoy it. It speaks of a very deep affection for their small friends. And of course Gimli can’t admit he’s sentimental and blames the smoke for his tears. But I think they would’ve been disappointed if they were *not* invited to the wedding of Faramir and Goldilocks.

When they go to Gondor with all the children, the High King of Gondor and Arnor plays 'I-hide-and-you-seek-me' all over the Citadel and is late for important meetings because he is telling hobbit younglings bedtime stories. *grin* And what think the important people when the King is late for their meeting, because he is playing and telling stories? I’d love a story about that!

Author Reply: Now there's a plot bunny! I'll have to think about that and see what develops.
I think the important people probably realised there were other, far more important people around, and if they had any sense they would count themselve lucky. Perhaps they were all dragged in to the games? :-))

I have always thought there was deep affection between Legolas and Gimli and the hobbits. They're so pleased to meet again at Isengard, and the love between them is very vivid.

Mum's the WordReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/12/2006
Oh, I love this! You do Gimli's voice and the rhythm of his words just right. Poor, dignified Dwarf -- pipeweed smoke again!

Hugs and brownies,

Author Reply: *munches brownies* Thank you! *hugs back*

I like Gimli and I wanted to give him a chance to speak his mind. I'm so pleased you enjoyed it.

Queen GaladrielReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2006
LOL! I love it! The image of Gimli helping Merry and Pippin to carry out such ludicrous pranks...LOL! And the king of Gondor late for important meetings because he's too busy telling hobbit children bedtime stories to be mindful of the time? Oh, that's really wonderful! And why am I not surprised? :) I almost wish I hadn't read all these, because I love your hobbity short stories...especially those in your AU! Will have to read "Birthday Surprises" now that things are finally calming down for me and I have enough of an attention span to keep to one story for a while.

Author Reply: Well I certainly look forward to your reviews for 'Birthday Surprises' soon.
I'm working on Chapter 9 at the moment but lost track for a while afer losing my beloved older dog, Toffee in January. Didn't have the heart to do any writing.

I think Aragorn would have allowed himself to be delayed and sidetracked quite happily by eager little hobbits wanting tales. Ambassadors and ministers will just have to twiddle their thumbs for a while!

LarnerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2006
Ah, yes--Hobbits are like that. And pipeweed smoke my eye!

Author Reply: Hobbits do creep into the affections, as the dour dwarf has discovered. But of course he isn't emotional - it's that dratted pipe smoke again!

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2006
Oh my goodness, this is priceless! I love seeing Gimli's POV here--it rather reminds me of Baylor's delightful story "A Word of Caution Regarding Hobbits"--which rather covers the territory from Legolas' POV!

And I just love the thought that Legolas and Gimli would have been at the wedding for Faramir and Goldilocks!! Well, of *course* they would--they're family, aren't they?

Author Reply: I remember Baylor's wonderful story. Thought it was time we heard Gimli's opinion on those pesky hobbits. :-))

Yes, Gimli and Legolas are 'family' and must be at the wedding. After all - someone made the wedding rings!

Glad you enjoyed it.

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2006
the children use me as a climbing wall and Legolas as a horse, and the strangest thing it, we put up with it! More than that, we enjoy it and go back for more. Pestilential hobbits, they creep into your heart and turn the dourest dwarf into a silly sentimental fool, and the most elegant Elf into a mischievous imp playing practical jokes on those around him. When they go to Gondor with all the children, the High King of Gondor and Arnor plays 'I-hide-and-you-seek-me' all over the Citadel and is late for important meetings because he is telling hobbit younglings bedtime stories. They really are extraordinary creatures, and have changed all of us in many ways.

Oh BB, how I adore your lovely stories! This is so wonderful and makes me feel happy and full of love.

Author Reply: Ah, how can anyone not love hobbits? Gimli has been as affected as the others and he's a softie really - but don't tell the Elf! :-))

TiggerReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2006
What a delightful little tale from Gimli's perspective. I loved this...

**They stitched acorns inside Aragorn's shirt, put thistles in his boots, and in Imladris they short-sheeted his bed at least twice (an apple-pie bed, they call it in the Shire - well everything is named after food of some sort!). They put pepper in his wine, salt in the sugar bowl, ink in his tea and itching powder in his smallclothes. If he can survive all that he deserves to be King of Gondor! Perhaps they should have tried it on the Uruk-hai?**

Or even the Nazgul!! :oD Poor Aragorn. They, and we, seem to have so much fun writing stories where the hobbits torment Aragorn either in Rivendell or on The Quest. I'm amazed the poor Ranger King hasn't taken off screaming on us. ;o)

Thanks for the wonderful story!!

Author Reply: I think a few months of hobbit harassment was very good training for our lovely Ranger-King. :-)) He doesn't seem to be too traumatised by it.

I love Gimli - he's trying to hide his emotions behind a lot of bluff, but he cares deeply.

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 9 on 2/11/2006
Oh this is brilliant BB. All those images to grin at! And all from the POV of our most favourite dwarf!!!

Author Reply: I decided it was time to let Gimli have a say. He tends to be short-changed sometimes, and I wanted to give him a chance. He's a dear old thing really.

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