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LifeWatch  by Lindelea 3 Review(s)
PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: Prologue on 4/26/2006
As I've never read this before, so this "blast from the past" will be all new to me. :-) I rather enjoy them, I'm finding. I like it that we both had similar muses at the same time in 03--though mine was/is nowhere near your calibre. ;-)

I shall go and enjoy this...


Author Reply: Isn't it fun when that happens? I remember when Shirebound and I were both writing about cute little dogs at the same time. About the same time as that we both had stories by the same name, though wildly different in plot. GMTA, they say.

Your Cormallen story is new to me as well, and I am restraining myself from going to look at the full posting on, preferring to savour each new chapter as it comes up. (So keep up the good work!)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/18/2006
Read the first chapter and then backed up and read the prologue. Now I am all caught up and ready for more. I hope rl is going well and congrats on your GM runner up!

Author Reply: Thanks!

It's always nice to hear a little feedback on a prologue! *g*

LarnerReviewed Chapter: Prologue on 3/13/2006
I hate, hate HATE interesting times, and am going through too many of them. Gads!

Author Reply: Do you suppose it would be true to say, "Five years from now we'll look back on this and laugh..."?

I read that somewhere. Sometimes it's true, but sometimes it's not... (Argh. Feeling about two inches high this morning.)

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