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Untrodden Path by Timmy2222 | 8 Review(s) |
grumpy | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 4/2/2006 |
Daevan is doing quite well for himself, very smart to try and look like an orc. Strider seems to be in need of a rescue, and a first aid kit. Hmmm I wonder if I can find a doctor that makes house calls. Author Reply: Oh, grumpy, I love your comments! I think, it won't be difficult to find a doctor for house calls. Bet the women would stand in line... until they learn about the destination. And then? The bravest are to go first! - T. | |
Linda Hoyland | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 4/1/2006 |
I love the way you develop Daevan here and his anguish in having to watch what is being done to poor Aragorn without being able to help him. Author Reply: Thanks, Linda, yes, Daevan has to move on and leave the fisherman in himself behind. - T. | |
Radbooks | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 3/31/2006 |
Wonderful chapter, though I'm angry that the dwarves didn't come back and help Aragorn! They certainly should have, though maybe they are going to sneak out and help him. Poor Daevan, thinking that Aragorn is really dead! He was very smart though to put on the uniform of an orc... that would be horrifying to do, but necessary for his survival. I'm anxious to see what happens next. Author Reply: Thanks, Radbooks, yes, Daevan had to take some drastic measures to at least have a chance of survival. The Dwarves are certainly not known for their comradeship, are they? - T. | |
viggomaniac | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 3/31/2006 |
Awesome chapter, so exciting and so much potential...*eg*...looks like poor Daevan is going to have a lot of growing up to do. I'm wondering if you'll kill him off or not. 'Twould be cruel, but hey, it could happen. (I just really hope you don't)! Anyways, this was great. I loved the fight scene. Just enough info to keep my interest but not too much that I got lost in the detail...perfect for the short attention span I have today. And BTW, just WHO is this Man and what does he want with our Strider? (Yes, I know -- probably NOT the same thing we do). Has all the trademarks of a wonderfully nefarious bad guy. Great writing, as always. BTW, let me know when you see 'Sharpe'. Not sure when it's playing in the States but I definitely want to see it, though not as much as I want to see 'Captain Alatriste'...oops, sidetracked again...well, now I'll just have to wait til you post again. I love this story. What an ending, woman, what an ending. Author Reply: *author checks chapters* Well, there are some chapters yet ahead, viggomaniac, so I *think* you refer to this story as a whole and being the last of mine in the Tolkien universe. What would the story be without such an opponent? There was so much fun until now that there's need for some... hum, bad moments. LOL! Anyway, this will lead to something good... maybe. Should I know of Captain Alatriste? Send me a PM, please! - T. | |
RS | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 3/31/2006 |
Yuck! I can actually smell the Orc stench! I shiver at the thought of Daevan in the Orc garments. Very realistic description! I like the reaction of the Dwarves after Strider killed the two enemies. I equate it to being dumbstruck! Who is this Man? I am sure Daevan will find his courage right away! Very captivating chapter. Author Reply: Thanks a lot, RS! Daevan won't have another chance than being courageous, I suppose. - T. | |
Elflingimp | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 3/31/2006 |
Ugh!!!!!!!!! Just when it was getting really good the chapter ends, not that I am complaining. I sure hope Daevan finds his courage to help Aragorn.As usual I will be waiting for more!(waiting is torture) Author Reply: Hi Elflingimp, some days of waiting will be OK, right? As promised I sped up posting... - T. | |
Larner | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 3/31/2006 |
Oh, what wonderful descriptions! As for Daevan, I suspect he will redeem himself very shortly. Whoever this Man is, I suspect he isn't long for Middle Earth! Author Reply: LOL! Don't say you wish someone to die in this story! Hey, this is the very peaceful world of Moria... - T. | |
Ainu Laire | Reviewed Chapter: 21 on 3/31/2006 |
Wow, what a chapter! Yes, I still read this, and yes, I still enjoy it a lot. it is very, very good! I'm enjoying it very very much. Do you ever get my responses I send to you? Whenever you send me an email, I *do* respond, but never do I get a response back. Do you get my responses, or does RL hold you up? Maybe I should try an alternate email... *frowns* But anways, no time for a long review right now. Just know that I am *loving* it! Oh, and guess what? I'm writing book!Aragorn ficlets, one a week, and I am loving it very much =D Author Reply: Nice to hear from you again. Odd that I don't get your mails! Try Timmy2020@gmx.de if you haven't already. If I don't hear from you within the week I'll mail you another address I have. Glad to hear you have started writing a book! Go for it! - T. | |