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New Year's Eve  by Thundera Tiger 2 Review(s)
ShirelingReviewed Chapter: 6 on 9/1/2003
I'm not quite sure how you manage to juggle all the strands of this story but you are doing a great job!!!

I do hope Aragorn find his missing sense of humour-he is altogether too serious. Perhaps he has a joke or two up his sleeve!!!


Author Reply: Ooo, I get to try out this new review responder thing. Very exciting. And you get to be the first one I try it out on! Aren't you excited?

Anyway, thanks so much for the review, and to be honest, I'm not sure how I keep all the strands of this story separate, either. Fortunately, they're all going to mesh together in the end, and that helps. Everybody is more or less heading to the same place. Kind of. They're just all taking different ways to get there.

As for Aragorn...the poor guy. He's stuck with the kingship when he'd like nothing more than to solidly pummel a few individuals. But don't worry. His sense of humor will return after a bit, and in the end, one could almost say that he gets the last laugh. But I can't reveal any more than that.

Elanial (visitor)Reviewed Chapter: 6 on 8/23/2003
Ha ha ha! This, while being very funny and attention-keeping, somehow manages to stay in-canon to a certain extent. Especially as regarding the amount of detail that has been put into it: the seperate activities of each of the main characters, and the subtle plots and schemes that are afoot in each character's mind. Oh, I really think that Eomer's *cough* attachment to Arwen is quite amusing (but I dearly wish it to work out in the end, because Lothiriel ROCKS!). I will be checking up on this every so often, and I hope that you will update very soon, because I need something funny to sustain me during the long, boring, dull year that is school. Keep writing this! It is very funny!

Author Reply: My most sincere thanks for your compliments! I have tried very hard to keep this as close to canon as possible. There are certainly a few stretches here and there, but I'm glad to see that I haven't broken any sacred canon barriers yet! And I'm also very glad that you like the intertwining plot. It will get even more tangled as we go along because more and more story lines will start to mesh. And I'm rather fond of Eomer's crush on Arwen, too. That story line is going to be rather minor, though, compared with what a few of the other story lines are going to do. But it will definitely play a large role in the end.

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