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The Last Age of Elves: A Precious Find  by fael bain 9 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/28/2006
Oh, the refusal to admit his full identity and origins is believable enough. Clever young ellon to seek to follow his mother as he can. Certainly will allow Elrohir to empathize with him no matter what his own intent. Poor child! Am looking forward to the story of how he lost his mother.

Author Reply: I'm glad you think so. I think realising that there are other people going through the same thing is always helpful. To put it crudely: misery loves company. But it's an even better thing if the company allows you to pull yourself out of it.

ElflingimpReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/19/2006
Well that was a heartwarming chapter,I love this story it is playing out well, it is believable when I read it about Legolas identity of course I recognized who he was but I dont see why Elrohir or Elleden would,they really wouldnt have a clue

Author Reply: Thank you. I am glad that people seem to think that Elladan and Elrohir will be clueless as to who he is, and only know what he has told them.

elizaReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/19/2006
Dear Fael,
You have a wonderful, wonderful story going here. I admit it is one of my favorites & I regularly check for updates. (Yes, that was a shamelessly bad attempt to get you to update quickly. LOL).

No I don't think Legolas's refusal to tell the twins where he is from, too unbelievable at all. I'm taking that in this story Legolas is the equivalent to a small human boy, so in his mind his reasoning makes perfect sense. Actually if you have any experience with toddlers, they often leave you thinking that the adult is the crazy one and let's not even start in on how stubborn they can be...
Very happy to see Elrohir returning to the land of the living & feeling again.

Hope to meet again soon, your fan


Author Reply: Updates will be regular for this one, because I am trapped at home trying to finish a dissertation, and what better procrastination than to write about little Legolas?

I don't have any experience with toddlers and am actually quite glad for that! Actually I lie; I do know how ridiculous they can be, and how their refusal to give me answers that I need for a research project on the development of syntax in toddlers made me tear my hair out in grief. That aside, I am glad most people seem to agree with my characterisation of Legolas, and also how positive the response has been regarding Elrohir's healing.

LaureleafReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/19/2006
Elrohir forgot for an entire day to remain aloof! The wall is starting to rapidly crumble...And I also agree. Legolas is a little leery of so accomplished elf-lords and knows they will want to send word to his father. My question is, how come the King has not sent word of his missing elfling - even if only out of desperate hope?

Author Reply: Yes Elrohir forgets that he is supposed to be angry and distant to everybody. Thranduil hasn't sent word probably because he didn't think Legolas has made it this far, and also because the relations between the kingdoms have yet to thaw after Dargolad. I probably should have made that more obvious in the story, though.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/19/2006
Legolas did well to get out of his room and find the stables to make another attempt at running. He's clearly quite a devious little elfling - and very single-minded. I wonder if Elrohir will spot the resemblance?

I'm glad they caught up with him. He certainly isn't well enough for antics like this. Does he know just how far it is to the Havens? Come to that, how did he get all this distance from Mirkwood without his father's warriors catching up with him? Or, worse, a bunch of orcs?

I loved little Lass waking up in Elrohir's arms. Very sweet and reassuring.

Author Reply: I think it was pure luck and determination that he managed to cross the pass to get this far. Clearly he wasn't in good shape by the time the elements were done with him. He also probably hasn't given the thought about needing a ship much thought either!

I enjoy making the story as fluffy as possible, which I think is needed to balance the somewhat heavy subject-matter of it!

NikaraReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/18/2006
The refusal isn't surprising, but I do think that the story would be better served by not naming Legolas as such, instead just calling him Lass. We all knew who he was, but to remind the reader what the elves know, using his nickname would make a bit more sense. Other than that minor quibble, this is an excellent story. I can't wait to read more!

Author Reply: Thank you. I will try to add more hints to how the others don't know who he is yet, although I might just give up and start calling him by his nickname!

FireReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/18/2006
So the twins kindness will be repayed one day... He's clearly his father sons isn't he, speaking way to much like an adult for his age... He has been brought up like a real prince hasn't he??
I don't think his refusal of his name is unbelieveble, after all he is the king's son. Giving his name would've meant that they would sent word to his father immediatly, and he's just trying to get to his mother.

Author Reply: Legolas is indeed trying his best to be a lot older than his age, and that in itself is lovely to explore further. It's also quite fragile, I think, and also has interesting parallels with what Elrohir has done after Celebrķan's attack.

galimerilReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/18/2006
I love it! Keep up the great work. I find it believable that he would refuse to reveal his identity, after all, elven pride is legendary! Update soon! ;D

Author Reply: Thank you. You are right in Legolas being incredibly stubborn, just like his father!

AngelelfReviewed Chapter: 4 on 4/18/2006
Good story. I thought it was obvious who the elfling was but I could see why he would not want anyone to know who he was and so kept the information to himself. It has always seemed that Mirkwood was much more stringent on status than Elrond's realm and therefore Legolas would be more straightlaced. Just my opinion though. Good job.

Author Reply: Yep I always thought Mirkwood seems very much more interested in status because they need it. After all, Oropher is not one of the Silvan Elves, and it might be because of that he needs to re-affirm his authority by making sure there is a strict-hierarchy enforced upon them.

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