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In Shadow Realm  by Legolass 8 Review(s)
RedSquirrelReviewed Chapter: 18 on 5/2/2006
Saruman's library! *running along the shelves* Books! Oh, yes! I love books! *settling down comfortably on a pile of dusty old manuscripts* I want to help, too! *starting to nibble through the cover of a huge grey volume, wondering very briefly about the suddenly pained expression on the fair face of Lord Celeborn*
Ah, well - who wants to stay in a musty library on a beautiful day, anyway! Bragor and Dagor are such a wonderful pair, I can just imagine them as a couple of troubleseeking youngsters, bugging the wits out of their elders with their antics. I could almost feel sorry for Gimli, but he didn't need to... *settling down gingerly on somewhat smarting hind quarters*
Legolas and Hamille are so sweet together, I loved that reminder of their elfling friendship. And that Aragorn tried to wheedle an answer out of Hamille (I would have tried that, too!) He must be really worried about Legolas.
Steward of Gondor seems to be a terrific job, poor Faramir! Where did he pick up some of his language? I would guess that from now on the atmosphere will darken considerably, the closer they get to Mordor. I'm glad they have Merry and Pippin to lighten the mood...

Author Reply:

Ah, I should have known a certain rodent would react that way to books, a rodent who - aha! - got spanked eh? :-D

Hamille has been a wonderful friend to Legolas since my first story, and I love him. :-) I'd like a friend like that too.

As for Faramir's language: let's just say he spent lots of years with his men (he was their captain, after all), plus... stress and frustration do help one become wonderfully creative. *grin* Poor guy.

The atmosphere to darken? Now, why would you think that? ;-p

Thanks for the company today, my furry friend.

grumpyReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/29/2006
So the younger dwarves were after the pipeweed. They sort of sound like Merry and Pippin. Whom I am very glad to see have joined Sam, in this quest to get rid of the Aragorn's dead men. Poor Legolas is going to worry himself sick over his dream. Glad that Arwin has sent along some fresh cloths. Looking forward to more.

Author Reply:

Yes, Bragor and Dagor are like the Merry and Pippin of Dwarves, aren't they? :-) Why, those two hobbits could even bring cheer to an anxious Legolas!

I'll tell Arwen you approve of the clean clothes. *nod nod*

Thank you for the review - and I'm wondering if you are grumpy123 at the other site, or another grumpy. In any case, you're both appreciated. :-)


viggomaniacReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/28/2006
Hello my friend! Just a very quick hello and review to say I'm enthralled as always with your storytelling ability. Love the bantering between the dwarves as for just a few moments these last few chatpers there was a slight lifting of the tension. Of course, Legolas is still troubled by that horrific dream. (As am I). As always, can't wait to see what happens next. The Evil of Saruman lingers, the lair of Shelob awaits, the tired reviewer shuffles off to sleep.

Author Reply:

Well hello, my sleepy friend! I guess you decided to review here because site is acting up - can't log in at all to post or make changes or review or reply to reviews... :-(

Yes, these chapters offered a little reprieve from the tension. The lightness may not last though. As you say, the Evil of Saruman lingers and Shelob awaits. It's going to be back to serious business soon.

So - are you Thorongirl no longer at this site? I'm not surprised - all Aragorn fans WILL follow the many-names trend.

Thanks much for dropping me a line, viggomaniac/thorongirl/Aragornymph/Estelover/Rangerous... (the last few came from my whacky mind.)


NayruReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/27/2006
hello legolass,

I've read all this story and it's fantastic. Where did you get this beautiful talent?

Author Reply:

Oh Nayru - you just sent my ego three miles high, but then, so many of my kind reviewers do. *blush* Thank you!

Where this story is concerned: I've been fascinated with the Paths of the Dead since I first read the books - and I just HAD to weave a story around it. I thought about it even as I started my previous "For the Love..."

Thank Tolkien for the inspiration of his genius and imagination - I do every time I write.

Lovely to hear from you again,

vampfan30Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/27/2006
I started reading fanfic for the firt time in January and I've got to say that this is definitely one of the best I've come across...Your insight into the characters - Gimli's gruffness, Sam's willingness to serve, Merry & Pippin's exuberence for life in general, & our beloved Prince's devotion to Aragorn - it is impeccable, to say the least. Waiting patiently for next update... (okay, maybe not so patiently *ahem*) I have become a fanfic junkie, much to the chagrin of my poor husband, who patiently puts up with my midnight cacklings & latenight sniffles. Your story provides a good balance of both, thanks!!!

Author Reply:

Hi Vampfan30,

"midnight cacklings & latenight sniffles" - not to mention occasional thumping of fists against whatever object is near - is exactly what you'll get if you become a fanfic junkie, but oh! what a delightfully small price to pay for the pleasure, wouldn't you agree?

Thank you for taking pleasure in this little tale, and letting me know - it warms my heart and fingers because we spend much time weaving tales for others to enjoy, and ask for nothing more than a friendly hello, which you gave so wonderfully!

Next update will be in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime, you can indulge in midnight readings of my other (completed) stories under my profile (one long one and some really short ones) if you'd like to.

Hope to have you on board for the rest of the journey with Aragorn and Legolas and company. :-)


Linda HoylandReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/26/2006
I just loved the image of Aragorn returning to his "Strider" persona and telling his guards tales of the old days.
Legolas vision continues to alarm me.You have convinced me that it is more than a nightmare.
Aragorn is however surrounded by love,from his friends and family, both those with him and Arwen,Eldarion and Faramir anxiously awaiting his return.
You create a wonderful sense of foreboding.It is always a pleasure to find an update to this story.

Author Reply:
I would have loved to be one of those guards too - I bet they'll feel pretty small as supposed protectors of their King after they listen to all the great challenges their 'protectee' has overcome. The "Strider" personal - great way to put it.

As for Legolas' vision: sometimes a nightmare is just a nightmare.

Sometimes. :-)

It's always a pleaure to hear from you, too, Linda. Thank you.

Silivren TinuReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/26/2006
Hm, Orthanc seems very much like a haunted castle to me. You could nearly believe that the ghost of Saruman still dwells there. *shiver* I love it how you describe the atmosphere of that place. I wonder what they will find there. Well, being in that dark place is still much better than travelling with a horde of ghosts to meet Shelob.

I'm so glad Hamille has gone with them! :) I'd like to hug poor Legolas now. What a terrible fear to live with until they finally reach their destination. It makes me wonder what exactly that dream means - if it was even a dream. I'm glad Legolas told Hamille about it (alright, I have to admit he is obviously less stubborn than I thought ;-). And I can understand that he does not want to tell Aragorn - if Aragorn reacts to the dream the same way Legolas does it would probably drive him frantic before they even find Shelob.

“I only ask that you do not bear it alone,” said Hamille. - *sigh* *melts* The two of them are so sweet together, it's easy to imagine them as elflings once more. :) I'm really glad Legolas has someone to confide in.

What a nice way hobbits have to great the King of Gondor. *g* Somehow it is nice to have the hobbits along, I have a feeling the will lighten the atmosphere. Though it must be really hard for Sam. At least he will not have to fight Shelob this time - or so I hope. I will refrain from commenting on that change of clothes. *g* Poor Faramir - he was obviously not very happy about his king's decision. ;-)

What a nice last sentence. *shudder* Well, now we are really getting close. I can't wait to see what will happen in Shelob's lair (I only hope they find her at all). Another wonderful chapter, and I absolutely loved the scene between Legolas and Hamille! *purrrrs and huggles elves* I only hope Hamille will refuse to leave Legolas' side.

*shuffles off to dream of gorgeous elves*
a purring Duckie :)

Author Reply:
So - what happened to those gorgeous elves in your dream? Were they also full of worries, and did you get to hug them? :-)

So you don't think they will find Shelob? I think that's going to put our Elf and Ranger in a major fix. :-0

We'll find out next chapter I guess.

THanks for the review, Duckie - and keep purring.


Alison HReviewed Chapter: 18 on 4/26/2006
Lovely to see an update, Legolass.Don't worry about the time between chapters--I, for one, know that I'll be with this story 'till the end.

I had to laugh at the two young dwarves bantering back and forth while Gimli ia about to burst with frustration.What a lovable pair they are *and* they found the tunnel.Of course they explored it and I'm sure Gimli would have dragged Legolas down it(kicking and screaming!) if *he* had found it first!

Legolas is having such a horrific time with the dream that he either has to tell Aragorn or the horrors he saw will render him unable him to function.Hamille was quite shocked by the level of Legolas' anguish, and I would bet that Aragorn will again ask him about what troubles Legolas.Poor Legolas, he is so traumatised by what he saw in his dream that he can't help thinking that the worst is about to happen.Just what have you got planned for Aragorn......?

This chapter was nicely set up for the next journey our Elf and former Ranger take together and I can't wait to see what you have in store for them.

Take care and update soon.


Author Reply:
"Of course they explored it and I'm sure Gimli would have dragged Legolas down it(kicking and screaming!) if *he* had found it first!"

LOL - I agree!

Legolas will continue to worry, that I can assure you - but whether the worry is founded or not remains to be seen... of course. :-)

Thanks so much for your support.

*Still reeling from the strange title of U2's latest album*


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