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Okay, NOW Panic!  by Boz4PM 6 Review(s)
Pearl TookReviewed Chapter: 28 on 6/11/2006
Once again, wonderful!

"Men don’t grow up until around the age of seventy and then they die of boredom a week later." Your friend knows those of his own gender well, LOL

Thank you for the note about your respoonding to our responses. Don't sweat it too much, leaving us all wee notes like that is fine.

You are weaving a marvelous tale and it is a joy to read and respoond to it :)

Author Reply: Thank you so much for your comments. :) I'm glad the story is still entertaining and interesting for you - it's fun to write and it will be a shame in some ways when I come to the end of it all.

fantasiaReviewed Chapter: 28 on 5/18/2006
Hello Boz,
First, I’ll tell you that I haven’t review a fanfiction ever, mainly because my first language it is not English, though I live in USA and use it every day. I’m a compulsive fanfiction reader, every day I check for my favorites’, believe me, you are one of them. The reason why I’m reviewing your job is because, of course I love it and because I usually read all the reviews and your answers, so I can get some clarifications, get an idea of what are you and other are thinking and maybe, hopefully get some “previews” for next chapter. Anyway, I was reading the reviews and I saw that one about how long will take you to say Thank you and I just got mad, annoyed. Let me tell you, do not pay attention to his/hers comments, there is always moron people around that don’t know what to do with their time and you should not wait your energy nor your precious time to even answer them. My interpretation about the reviews is that is a channel, a way to thank you for your job, for the beautiful stories that you write. It is too, a way to make suggestions, ask questions, help you if necessary, but you don’t have to answer back, it is our ways to say how we appreciate your job, please, don’t apologize to him/her, we have a proverb in my country and I quote in Spanish “A palabras necias, oidos sordos” (something like to fool words, deaf ears) . Truly, I amazed that you have time to write, having a toddler around you, I know what I said, I have one too.
Well, now that I’m reviewing, let me tell you that I love your story, I check every weekend, it really make my day when I see an update, reading is something that I enjoy and since I discovered the fanfictions sites, I read every weekend, when I have time, I’m very selective of what I read, so I do have my favorites authors. Back to Penny, I love both of your stories about her; I really would like more of her, a trilogy maybe? Penny/Hallaban together, no doubts. He reminds me the romantic heroes, you know so sad, sweet and honorable at the same time. Love all your characters, the elves are priceless. I would like to se more interaction between Penny/Legolas/Aragorn, more about the fellowship, something like her asking details, things that only they will know, you know, more “proof” of that she is not lying. What about asking Aragorn what he saw or felt when he called Faramir back, or how annoyed he was when Legolas walk over the snow, I confess, Legolas is one of my favorites characters, along with Faramir/Eowyn, so beautiful and romantic stories and complete overpassed in the movies.
About Halladan and the other Dunadan, will they become Lords of Arnor, get lands to provide them and their descendents of an income? We know about Gondor and Faramir became a Prince, but what about the others, in a society where titles and nobility meant a lot that should be a concern, besides, a payment for their loyalty, I guess. Maybe they live from the King’s income, as paid Knights, but what about their children? It was a very serious concern on those times, and a noble title open a lot of doors and give you prestige, because at that time most of the titles were earning by your services, a way to reward the people.
Well, for being my first review, it is very long. Really, the only thing that I ask you is to update your story (please, please once a week). Keep working and create more, more stories, there are many people that really appreciate them.
Forgive my languages mistakes, please.

Author Reply: Wow, well thank you for taking the time to write such a glowing review, and especially since you feel hesitant about your English (which is excellent, might I add - I am relatively good with my French, but I could not even consider reading fanfic in the language let alone writing a review in it).

I am glad you have enjoyed the story so far. Someone on asked about a trilogy and, looking back (and if I had the time), I possibly would have made it a trilogy, but alas the decision is made and I have little time as you know, so it's just a 'slightly longer than the first one' sequel. I suspect, though, that even once this is done, these characters will keep buzzing round my head so there may be one-off stories or moments I'll write out, perhaps in a collection of 'odds and sods' (as my father used to say), rather than a full-length story proper.

I know there's been little interaction with the Fellowship - it's hard in some ways because there is just SO much I need to get through in Minas Tirith that involves other people. I hope to include more soon, though. I have several plot points that need developing, though, as well as general 'giving a feel of Gondor' stuff.

As for what the future may or may not hold for Penny or Halladan (or anyone else), then my lips are sealed, but thank you for your questions and ideas - I shall try and include answers to those in the fic at some point.

As for the review you mentioned: well, I am grateful, in all honesty that it was left since it led to a discussion on LJ about reviews, how authors/reviewers view reviews and about author responses to reviews. I have always thought of reviews as you described, and still do, but that said SoA has an excellent reply system - one I am unused to, I will admit.

However, the discussion did make me realise that my haphazard method of responding to reviews up to now here on SoA may have (albeit entirely unintentionally on my part) upset one or two people since really I should have either replied to all or none. I tried to do the best I could and so have answered when I had time - so sometimes not at all, sometimes if time was very limited then just to reviews where I felt I could give a meaningful response, and on rare occasions to all the reviews left on a chapter at that particular time. Which is to say the reviews I left unanswered were not unimportant to me nor did I not appreciate them, but I now realise it may have looked that way, and if I had thought about it I should have realised that and been slightly more systematic and sensible. It saddens me that I may have unwittingly made myself appear uncaring or rude, but at least now I know - I will now try and find time to answer every review here on SoA, though it may well not be able to reply to them immediately. :)

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 28 on 5/18/2006
I love the conversation with Erestor. And the brightness in his face as he contemplates his reunion with Mrs Erestor. It is terribly difficult to imagine the timescale of elven experience - three thousand year old partings that will seem as nothing.

The male competition over archery and blade skills - that just goes to show that nothing changes, though, so perhaps the passage of a few millennia doesn't seem particularly meaningful. I look forward to seeing just how skilful Rhimlath is ... although he might just find himself an unavoidable commitment somewhere else.

Poor Penny. Deciding to leave this bunch of elves is going to be tough on her - they are probably closer to her than anyone has been since she was a kid - but remaining with them is going to be impossible, too. Even if they don't sail with Elrond, she will be busy getting old, while they will remain unchanged. Impossible stress for both sides.

(some could have been a little more discrete or subtle You might want to check out the difference between 'discreet' and 'discrete'. I've been fighting the urge to mention it, but I've given in.)

I'm looking forward to more. Hopefully, Halladan might make an appearance in the next chapter and he and Penny can extend their acquaintance.

Author Reply: I am so glad this conversation with Erestor has interested and pleased so many readers. It came out of the blue, as I think I have said in response to another review, in that I was not planning on it at all, and when I first wrote it I was worried it may seem 'waffley and irrelevant', but the more I considered it the more I realised that it fitted in to several overarching themes in Okay, NOW Panic that are perhaps only now really beginning to manifest themseleves now Penny has reached Minas Tirith (if that makes any sense). Not only that but we've not seen Erestor for a while, and I think it only fair to give him a bit of character depth as well.

Trying to encapsulate the elven experience is difficult, and I think every author will have a different take on it. I am trying my best to put across how I percieve it, if only to make the main characters we have got to know in these fics a bit more 'rounded'.

And, yes, males will be males whether elves or men. ;)

they are probably closer to her than anyone has been since she was a kid
Exactly so, and that's very well put. I'm glad this sense of Penny finding a place in life in a world and society that is so 'other' to the one she knew has come across - thank you. :)

remaining with them is going to be impossible, too. Even if they don't sail with Elrond, she will be busy getting old, while they will remain unchanged.
Ah, but isn't that the case for the many mortals the elves have known over the years? All the Dunedain, for example?

*thwaps self over discrete/discreet* It's one of my failings (of which I have several) re. spelling. Thanks for the heads up. Let me know if you spot any more.

Halladan will reappear soon, have no fear. And thanks for taking the time to continue reading and commenting - it's always fascinating and wonderful to read everyone's thoughts and takes on a chapter. :)

KittyReviewed Chapter: 28 on 5/17/2006
You know, I loved it so much how Frodo took over the Westron lessons at breakfast and Rhimlath didn't dare to say anything at all! And to have Pippin and Sam correct Rhimlath *rofl*

Even more amusing were Rhimlath and Glorfindel. I wonder what poor Faramir thought about the great elven lords behaving like elflings *grin* But then, Rhimlath got what he deserved for speaking so condescending of Erestor!

The conversation between Penny and Erestor was another matter. Of course it is irritating for Penny to hear on the one hand she has time to decide where she will live but on the other hand everyone assuming that she will stay in Gondor. Hopefully that will stop now.
The rest of this talk about the way mortals and immortals deal with grief and loss was interesting, while Penny's experiences in the first and second circle were rather depressing. It's not easy to see so much destruction and loss.

Author Reply: Thanks, Kitty. I suppose I can't help but throw in humour at every opportunity, and with this many elves around it just has to be done, and Rhimlath is a gift in that sense.

I am glad you liked the Erestor conversation - it came out of nowhere, really since I had not intended on it, and then the next thing I knew I had typed seven pages of it all. You are right - it needed to be said, and Erestor is the ideal outlet for it all, since he is close enough to 'the powers that be' and yet close enough to Penny for her to be able to speak freely.

The aftermath of the war - be it physical or pyschological - was always something I wanted to tackle in some detail in this fic, so this will come up again later. :)

Reviewed Chapter: 28 on 5/16/2006
It’s not possible for me to reply to every review

How long does it take to say thank you?

Author Reply: Not long, perhaps, but I do like to respond to reviews with slightly more than just 'thanks' if I respond directly and individually.

Unfortunately I have limited computer time and to respond individually in the detail I would like (and which I feel every review merits) when I have anything between 30 and 60 reviews on average for each chapter, spread over five sites, is something I really cannot do, though on occasion I do try.

Not only that but on some sites there IS no reply facility, and on others it is one that, for personal reasons, I cannot use. The only exception is here on SoA, where I do reply when I can - if you scroll back through the reviews you will see that. I have been meaning to catch up and respond to the reviews on the last few chapters and, now that I am logged in and have a spare twenty minutes, I will do so.

I have frequently thanked the readers, and especially those who take time out to review, on many occasions in author's notes - and I have meant it every time - and I had hoped that that would be enough to compensate for the limitations both personal (in terms of time) and practical (in terms of reply facilities on some sites), my sincere apologies if you feel I have been rude or remiss in any way.

AndromidaReviewed Chapter: 28 on 5/16/2006
Loved it!your description of Minas Tirith makes it feel real like i'm watching it so much detail,can't wait for the Fete sounds like it's going to be hilarious glad to see Penny is enjoying herself alot more thanks Andromida

Author Reply: Thanks for reading, let alone reviewing. :) I am glad you find the detail of interest and not just tedious! *lol* Sometimes I worry I am too verbose for my own good, and yes Penny is finding her feet (if slowly) at long last. About time, probably, poor woman!

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