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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 5 Review(s)
ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 30 on 5/27/2006
Well, our little kittens are much happier now that they’ve settled in. LOL, and fortunately, they’re now decided they adore Strider just as much as he likes them - they love using him as a living playground, and all he’s got to do is nudge them to get them to curl up and start purring. So cute! Heh, unfortunately, yesterday while they were racing around the basement, Strider decided to try to play with them. Poor puppy can’t quite understand why he can’t fit all the places they can, and why we wouldn’t want an 80 pound dog running around at those speeds. *g* Oh well, at least he’s quite happy letting them hit his nose, wrestle his tail, chew on his legs, and stalk his paws…:-) And yes, I'm done now with the irrelevance (well, perhaps not all *that* irrelevant - at least I am still talking about Strider, Elladan, and Elrohir. *g*), on with the review…

Oh no… This is just heartbreaking to watch! The twins are under so much emotional stress as it is, so scared for Arwen, and as if that’s not hard enough, they’re both injured by orcs, and as if *that’s* not hard enough, they’re suddenly forcefully confronted with all the unresolved anger and suspicion they’ve got toward Eression, and every bad memory associated with him… They accuse Eression of betrayal, but in reality, it wouldn’t surprise me if deep down they really felt somewhat betrayed by Aragorn as well, for choosing to trust him so much, after what he’d done to them. And poor Eression is hardly in a condition to deal with any of this, as run down as he is! At the moment, nothing is really being dealt with between them - it’s just being pushed back into a stalemate of his trying to be as little trouble to them as possible, and hoping that eventually they’ll soften toward him, and them trying to ignore him as much as possible, and pretend that their problem doesn’t exist. Something’s going to have to snap here pretty soon, because there’s only so long they can all go on like this!

And even with all of that hanging over him, Eression still thinks to inform Rohan about the orcs hanging around. And yes! Theodran gets to make a reappearance! Heh, apparently this is *not* Eression’s day for having people trust him, though :-P Poor guy. Good thing for all concerned that they eventually decided to believe him.

//“All of us were injured in the fight”// Eh, yeah. And why exactly do I get this strange suspicion that there’s something you haven’t told the twins? And why do I get this strange suspicion that you haven’t been able to properly care for a cut on your back? And why do I get this sudden suspicion that whether or not you think it’s poisoned may soon be irrelevant? And why do I get this strange suspicion that it’s not going to bode too well for you in the future? Oh right, now I remember… It’s because I’m psychic! Or… maybe it had something to do with these other fanfiction stories I’ve been reading?

*snickers* Right, Eression. You just keep right on telling yourself that. Surely by now you realize that very few things are “too impossible to consider” when Aragorn and Legolas are added into the mix. And why on earth would they *not* be out with only one guard? Oh… You mean you didn’t think they’d take that many? Well yes, normally that would be true, but then you must remember that since this *is* Aragorn and Legolas, you have to factor in these traitors who *will* insist on following them around, even when they try to get off on their own… As I said, impossible doesn’t really apply to them. *g*

Oh! The letters between Bartho and Arien are just sweet! Aww… *resists urge to smack Bartho* Listen to her, you sweet, wonderful idiot! And Erynbenn too, while you’re at it. Oh, I just love the straightforward honesty between them, though! And I love the way they don’t attempt to put on their best face for each other, or explain away the way they behave - and yet, somehow, just the way that they tell it is enough to explain it away, to anyone but themselves. You can see so much of what both of them are thinking and feeling, even in such short letters… So sweet!

LOL! Cooking himself a meal of mushrooms… *laughs* It’s so like a hobbit, to be totally unconcerned what the other members of Eomer’s guard would think about such things, and to go around cheerfully offering it to people. It’s just so funny, when most of the Rohirric warriors seem to take themselves so seriously (hehe, and I’d bet not one of those soldiers would willingly be caught dead cooking himself a nice little gourmet treat), he doesn’t care in the least.

“Oh dear”?! LOL, oh dear indeed! Eomer’s perfectly used to the hobbits’ manner by now, but poor Theodran! *giggles* I’m sure he’s never heard a response quite like that to the statement that orcs are invading! It must be such an asset for Eomer, though, to have someone like that for counsel, who views the world and problems in a simple, straightforward way, and yet at the same time is far more analytical and sharp-witted than most people - including himself - believe. And someone who, once he’s looked over a situation, will come right out and say exactly what he thinks, without bothering over protocol, or whether it’s his place to say such things. LOL, really, being king and always having to decide what everyone else has to do, it must be something of a relief to find someone who’s willing to just go ahead and tell *you* what to do :-)

Absolutely wonderful chapter, as always - and very much looking forward to more!


P.S. *blinks innocently* What, you object to my giving Halda weapons? Surely you’re not accusing me of corrupting your villains… I‘m just giving him a few pointers, that‘s all. *g*

P.P.S. Please excuse any strangeness - I’m currently dying of heatstroke. *walks off muttering about 90-degree temperatures in May and outdoor graduation parties*

Author Reply: *laughs* I’m having a lot of fun envisioning the aforementioned dog barreling through your house! As for the divergence, your kittens have become happy occupants of the review section, and I couldn’t possibly send them away now! *scratches El and El under their respective chins* And of course Elladan, Elrohir, and Strider are story-related! *grins*

With your usual accuracy, you have completely dissected the relational difficulties between the twins and Eression! Amazing what seventy-two years of brooding will do to people, isn’t it? I was relieved Hannah wanted to write this part — rampant misunderstanding is hard to stick to when you’d rather just smooth things out. It takes a determined writer to go ahead and make a mess like that! *beams at her sister*

*chuckles* Eression is nothing if not duty-bound! In that respect he and Theodran have a lot in common, though they never seemed to notice it. And yes, if not that particular wound, then this whole orc encounter will be coming back to bite Eression later. Maybe you ARE psychic…!

“Oh… You mean you didn’t think they’d take that many? Well yes, normally that would be true…” *laughs* Precisely!! Never underestimate the dynamic duo’s ability to travel great distances in search of trouble.

I seem to have been bitten by the romance bug… *grins* Bartho and Arien were great fun to write, thus making it a great pleasure to hear that you’re enjoying their letters! I wanted their relationship to be serious, based on more than a few chance meetings, so that when (or perhaps I should say ‘if’) they finally get together, you don’t find yourself thinking, “Well, that’s sweet and all, but do they really KNOW each other?” Letters proved a perfect opportunity, and I was pleased with the initiative they took! *grin*

It is for all the reasons you described that I love hobbits so much! On the whole, I feel the Rohirrim are probably more laid-back in matters of behavior than the Gondorian’s are, but all the same, I tried to picture Merry’s role in Eomer’s house and, well… you saw how that turned out! Not exactly dignified, and not at all fussed about it. *grin*

I found it interesting to ponder the fact that Merry has been captured by orcs, has marched against Southrons, and has stabbed a Ring-Wraith in the knee, while Theodran’s career has probably mostly dealt in Dunlanders — thus the ‘oh dear’ is even more ironic. It’s the conundrum of hobbits, that they understand better than you think, and are tougher than they look, and are capable of more than is expected of them. Anywho, glad you liked it!!

*throws up hands in resignation* No, never mind. By all means, you talk with Halda about knives, cannons, Beretta 9mm, and whatever else takes you fancy. Maybe he could use a few pointers.

Hope you’ve recovered from heatstroke! Who was graduating? Anyone I know of? Thanks for the fantastic review, it was a pleasure to receive, as always!! *hugs*

RSReviewed Chapter: 30 on 5/25/2006
Oh my Gosh! I wanted to cry after Elladan's emotional, angry, and tortured rant! I really felt it! There is a lot of pent of anger. " what they willed with us...". Whatever Eression did to the twins in the past, it was really, really, really BAD! I wanted to say, "He saved your brother's life!!" But you cannot blame Elladan. One didn't have to know what happened. That line says it all.."Deadly beasts without pity and remorse...."and you said they may do what they willed with us!" It's gonna take a while for the twins to forgive Eression (if they ever will). But then I feel sorry for Eression for it has also pained him with what he did to the twins and you can feel his remorse.

I love Theodran's response to Merry's and Eomer's discussion. Funny! "Oh dear?" (Imagine his facial expressions!) My stomach started growling while reading the mushroom part!--Smells delicious!

"Your scarf is losing your smell"??? Oh my gosh, is he romantic or what?!! I started laughing! I also like the response "..tell me it is not the odor of a mule". These two have to get together soon! The smell of a person and on is/her belongings really does trigger that pitter patter of your heart and the feeling of closeness to that person!

Author Reply: Yes, Eression's first meeting with the twins was not a good one -- you get the gist from Elladan. Their current inability to repair the damage has a lot to do with spending the last seventy years avoiding eachother. The problem has had plenty of opportunity to ripen into a fine old obstacle, and so yes, you are meant to sympathize with (and be a little frustrated with) both sides of the argument. Bleck, right? I'm just glad Hannah got to deal with it all -- I probably would have gotten too upset with them all. *grin*

*laughs* Glad you liked Merry, Eomer and Theodran! And it is wonderful to hear that you enjoyed the part with him cooking the mushrooms, because neither Hannah nor I actually LIKE mushrooms. We were faking the love, as it were. *grin*

*applauds* Exactly! We can always tell whose house we are in by the smell. And as for Bartho and Arien's eventual bliss (or possible lack thereof), we're glad you're so curious! It makes the conclusion all the more fun.

Thanks for the great review, RS!! We loved it!

- Sarah and Hannah

BeriathwenReviewed Chapter: 30 on 5/23/2006
I'm so glad you didn't leave us hanging with Elladan and Elrohir for too long, I was really worried about them! Poor Elrohir! Poor Eression! Mean Elladan! That was so cold! But all the same, I can sympathize with his feelings.

Again, very cute letter exchange with Bartho and Arien. Their romance is developing beautifully. One of the things I love about your writing is that you take your own original characters and give them stories of their own instead of simply using them as boring background characters. I think that's what Tolkien intended when he wanted to create a mythology. I hope I can do the same in my writing endeavors!

Where are Aragorn and Legolas?!!!! I miss them!!

Well done on Merry! I really can see him happily frying vegatables while singing old Shire songs. The mushroom thing really made my mouth water! "Slow to change, quick to common sense. Now have a mushroom before they get cold..." Good Hobbit advice indeed! Thanks for the great chapter!

Author Reply: Eression and the twins are dealing with a mess of their own design right now -- none of them wanted to try and build the necessary bridges, so now they're falling into the rift. Seventy-odd years of brooding on a situation helps no one. So we love them all, feel sorry for them all, and can't keep them from fighting! *rueful smile*

*hugs Beriathwen tight* Thank you so much! We love writing our OCs and weaving their lives into the life and times of the cannon characters. They are easier to write, because we don't have the restrictions of someone else's work, and at the same time they're harder, because the sky is the limit so far as their actions are concerned. In particular we enjoyed writing Bartho and Arien because romance is not something we get to dabble in much -- Aragorn being happily married and Legolas being happily NOT married. *grin* We're so pleased you're enjoying them all so much!

Aragorn and Legolas? Oh, well, um... *looks nervous*

Glad you liked Merry! He was a very cooperative hobbit to write. *grin* Thanks so much for the wonderful review!!

LynReviewed Chapter: 30 on 5/23/2006
My favorite was the Eomer and Merry mushrooming conversation. Tasty.

LynReviewed Chapter: 30 on 5/23/2006
My favorite was the Eomer and Merry mushrooming conversation. Tasty.

Author Reply: *laughs* Mushroom fan, are you? Glad you enjoyed it!

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