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Sweet Woodbine  by Bodkin 13 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 7 on 12/19/2006
Ah, hooray! At last the two of them are honestly acknowledging their feelings and moving to one another as is right and proper. And back home Taryatur has had to accept he, too, needs to accept reality when it presents itself.

Now, to see it through to the inevitable marriage.

Author Reply: I set up - sort of - a very long courtship in other stories, so found myself bound by it when writing this. And I think that, actually, for these two, it was probably a very good thing. Legolas, certainly, needed time to regain his balance after the traumas of the War / the sea-longing / Ithilien / Elessar's death / Gimli's and his arrival in the BR / Gimli's death - he had survived on adrenaline for a good while, I think.

And Taryatur, irritating as he can be, sincerely loves his daughter and wants the best for her. He just doesn't think Legolas is the best. (He'll probably come round. In time.)

KittyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/26/2006
It seems Linevende and even Taryatur are slowly but surely coming to terms with the choice of their daughter. To see how unhappy Elerrina is and to accept they may lose her anyway if they don’t agree of her love is a first step in the right direction.

*lol* I wonder what Haldir thinks where the hay for his horse comes from? Does he expect it to mow, dry, bundle and to walk into the barn all by itself? Someone has to do it, and as he wouldn’t be the one if he could help it someone other has to do it. No reason to look down his nose at them.

Nice to see Galadriel and Nathroniel plotting how to bring Legolas and Elerrina together :) And this seems to develop into a didactic play about politics anyway – quite interesting to listen to Finrod’s explanations, too. I can see all this culminating to the events in ‚Far Horizons’.

And I loved the end of the chapter. Kissing just there with so many witnesses ... *grin* Taryatur will be upset, but I am happy ;)

Author Reply: I think Linevende accepts it a whole lot earlier than Taryatur - but he is keeping the shades in front of his eyes. In some ways, his determination that they should know each other and understand the problems they might face is wise. But it's hard to be wise and take things slowly when you know you're in love!

Do you think the Galadhrim had lots of horses? I suspect they didn't have huge numbers - and they let them roam at will, so they mostly fed themselves. Elven horses seem to be pretty intelligent. It's a life style thing, too. The Galadhrim seem to harvest the forest rather than farm it - and other people's ways of life often seem a bit odd. I reckon having to act as Galadriel's representative is very good for Haldir - he is forced to look at other cultures and try to understand them.

Galadriel is in favour of L&E - and Nathroniel is happy to accept L's choice. Between them, they will do their best to see that L&E get their chance. (Politics make such a neat filler - L&E have a loooong courtship - and prepare the way for other stories!)

And you can't get more obvious than L&E's declaration here!

French PonyReviewed Chapter: 7 on 6/1/2006
Elerrina and Legolas, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Sorry. Had to get that out of my system. Ahem. Better now.

I love it as the grownups (most of whom are very happily married themselves) all come to the s-l-o-w realization that all these obstacles they are putting in the path of The Legolas'n'Elerrina is just going to drive the couple closer together. Nothing could have split those two up faster than Taryatur welcoming Legolas with open arms and showing him Elerrina's baby pictures. But that didn't happen, so tough noogies to the grownups.

Galadriel's idea of having the Galadhrim work as farm hands is a good one. It'll give the Galadhrim an appreciation for the farmers and give the farmers a chance to get to know the Galadhrim as people rather than strangers in the mist.

Author Reply: Nothing could have split those two up faster than Taryatur welcoming Legolas with open arms and showing him Elerrina's baby pictures. Love it! And Linevende saying, 'Why don't you bring that nice Wood Elf boy round more often?' And the grandparents nudging each other and grinning at them - and putting them to sit next to each other at all possible opportunities.

Pushing people into actually working together rather than sitting round tables carping at each other is a good way to show both sides that their 'enemies' are exactly the same as they are. And if Haldir has to end up with an aching back and digging root vegetables - well - it won't do him any harm in the whole scheme of things!

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/28/2006
After a week of fanfic deprivation, I am feasting!

Wow, Espalas has returned as bold as ever! :D

Nice to see that Linvende and Taryatur have concluded that their utter resistance will no do. But, Atar's will collide...

Poor Haldir! I do sympathize with him, for I am no farmer either. Nor gardener. I do pick fruit from my trees on occasion, but only on occasion. However, I am happy to see that he gleans a some lessons in race relations from this uncongenial task. ;)

The maneuvering going on before Elrrina and Legolas' encounter on the Lonely Isle was engaging. After your hints, I was greatly anticipating their meeting there rather unexpectedly and the resulting fireworks. I really enjoyed seeing more of the subtler side of Finrod's abilities. And how he is indoctrinating poor Camentur in a more shadowy approach to government than what either had learned from his atar.

This was an excellent paragraph!
A slight clearing of the throat made him reach instinctively for his knives - only to find, of course, that he was unarmed. Weaponry of any kind - sharper, at lease, than the tongue - was decidedly frowned upon at social events organized by the Noldor, and he had long given up carrying anything more deadly than a brooch pin. (Ah but, nice sharp pin can be just as deadly in the right hands, no? ;) Personally, I prefer a nice, long hair pin, since hat pins have gone out of style.)

Hmmm, Callise and Litheredh... I would not wager on that being a good match. lol! Always, always happy to see Berry, though. He is such a good foil and adviser for Legolas. "...King Finarfin's confrontation with Lord Celeborn." LOL! Really, your highness! (Now, Sphinx was only partial right about that one, imho.)

And talk about excellent paragraphs...She mirrored his gesture...he kissed her. *Wowzer!* This was heady stuff, emotional, highly-charged, dizzying. But ah yes! ...giddy approval.

...unaware that the pair of them glowed with a clear light that spoke volumes to those observing them... I had to love that!

Well, I am looking forward to the next chapter as they embark on their romantic quest. Much like Luthien and Beren, they are out to prove that they were meant to be together and, hopefully find out for themselves, that together all barriers are scalable.

Author Reply: Now, when it comes to weapons, I was recently very impressed by the use Eowyn made of a cheese knife in the Falcon and Mumakil...

Litheredh, I find, is married, so he is safe from Calisse in that way at least. I think she is naturally very inquisitive and likes to know. She has the natural instincts for espionage, I think. Hidden under the disguise of a Noldor lady. Perhaps you feel like writing a Finarfin / Celeborn confrontation? That would be really interesting - Titans together. I think Galadriel is rather looking forward to it. And not just because it means that Celeborn will have arrived at last.

I think, in some ways, this will be less difficult than they fear - and yet more difficult in others. They've been concentrating on emotions - well, they would at the moment - but there are whole layers that haven't even crossed their minds.

Haldir is growing - but he's still looking forward to escaping these imposed responsibilities.

Linevende and Taryatur want what is best for their daughter. But it will take a lot - and a long time to convince Atar that Legolas is the best. Armed neutrality is the best they can hope for, I think.

I like Espalas. Well - and Berry. And Calisse. I think my OC count is rising by the day. I am currently struggling not to introduce anyone else to this tale ... Although Thranduil is a given once he turns up. And the twins. Celeborn, possibly (although definitely not the Celeborn / Finarfin meeting). But the cast is BIG ENOUGH! And I don't want to have to think of any more names!!

I'm glad you're still enjoying this.

elliskaReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/27/2006
Ok, so I was reading along, enjoying the chapter and making mental notes of things to comment on in the review--Galadriel's sparing with Espalas was hilarious; Elerrina's parent's conversation and how I feel so sorry for them because they are right to a large extent; Haldir's hilarious thoughts on farming (and the accuracy thereof) and the fact that if he is thinking about things like how to avoid offending people then he has come further along the paths of diplomacy than he knows; lines like: but to keep your people safe, you must be prepared to walk the shadows whilst keeping them from contaminating you I loved that; Legolas's thoughts on his father...

But then I got to the last part and nearly forgot there was anything that came before it! Oh my gosh, I loved their kiss!! That was soooo well done that I am very little more than a squeeing fangirl after reading it. That was sooo romantic! Perfect! I loved it!

Author Reply: Espalas has decided to become quite a forceful character - independent and a definite mariner. And poor Taryatur and Linevende just want the best for their daughter - and aren't convinced that Legolas is going to be it!

Haldir is beginning to think outside the box - I don't know that he realises that yet - but he really doesn't like farming. And he's not too keen on farmers, either!

Finrod has thought more on the duties of ruling than most - he should probably write a book - and he is definitely one who rules by example rather than command.

They didn't expect to meet - their guard was down - and Legolas and Elerrina just responded to each other with the simple honesty of the two straightforward people they are. And that's good. But what comes now is the hard part!

I'm glad you enjoyed the romantic part! Thank you.

NilmandraReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/26/2006
I cannot tell.’ Linevendë smiled faintly. ‘All I know is that I would rather embrace the Wood Elf than push my daughter away.’

‘I suppose you are right,’ he agreed. ‘And, if someone has to make her miserable, let it not be her parents.’

You know, I am glad to see that her parents are not the 'bad guys'... just people who want the best for a daughter they love and see their expectations not being quite met.

And I love the ending, when finally Legolas and Elerrina admit their feelings for each other.

I also enjoyed the parts with Galadriel talking to her cousin and Nathroniel. You write their conversations well.

Author Reply: Legolas and Taryatur - well, it'll take a lot to overcome their hostility. They haven't got off on a good footing. But Taryatur is an upright honest elf with an adored daughter. He wouldn't make the job of son-in-law easy on anyone

Legolas and Elerrina have been guarding their emotions firmly for some time - but this was an unexpected encounter in the middle of a highly-charged festival - and it will be a relief to them. At least for a while.

Espalas has developed quite a character - he's a bit of an elven free spirit, who loves the sea - and Nathroniel is perhaps rather more powerful than I thought at first. Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed their conversations.

utfrog98Reviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/25/2006
That was one of the most beautiful and romantic love scenes I have read in a very long time - hot stuff for 5:24 am.

Story is good too. Thanks

Author Reply: Thank you! It's likely to be about as hot as I get, too! I don't think I have the talent for writing anything too racy! And any wedding night still has to be a long way in the future - it's going to take a lot to bring all the necessary parties under the same roof to hold a wedding.

Thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying it.

AliceReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/24/2006
Their first kiss! Yay! Finally, they're being sensible. Clearly, they're just going to have to make the impossible possible. Duh. I tease. They're both immenently sensible which is part of their problem. It's easy to see where Eleniel aquired her uncommonly good sense. I'm glad Taryatur and Linevende are starting to step back a bit. Not enough to not create tension later on, but enough to lay down a good foundation for being reasonable. Though I doubt Taryatur's going to remain calm when he hears about the spawn of Oropher kissing his daughter. I can't wait for the next chapter to see the fall-out from the kiss and how exactly our two lovebirds are going to make possible the impossible. Oh! And thank you for the reference to Calisse. She's an intriguing character. Though something tells me Litheredh doesn't agree.

Author Reply: It is a good thing that they have moved beyond the barriers they set between themselves. Probably. At least they'll not be sickening for need of each other. However, they still have to convince a whole Blessed Realm full of Wood Elves that this is the right thing to do. Taryatur and Linevende will be pussy cats in comparison.

Spawn of Oropher - what a lovely phrase! It makes it sound quite reasonable of Taryatur to object to him!

Calisse is quite fun ... I somehow think she's likely to appear again in future stories. Litheredh is a bit nervous of her - but he's safe in that way. I had to check back to the earlier chapters, but I found that he's already married!

FireReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/24/2006
YES, now we are getting somewhere. Even Ellerina's parent are starting to realise they can not keep them apart. And the rest of the wood elves there truly are enjoying the two of them together.

Author Reply: Now - the Wood elves who were at that festival are won over. Unfortunately, there were a lot who were nowhere near and were not affected by the power of that moment. Still, it's a start!

It's still not going to be easy, though. But at least each knows that the other is there for him/her - and they are patient, self-disciplined elves. I'm sure they'll never be tempted to elope. Will they?

EllieReviewed Chapter: 7 on 5/24/2006
This was great! Finrod is so very wise indeed and so wonderful. sigh...

Absolutely loved the scene at eh end with the coming together of Legolas and his lady. Beautiful and sweetly blissful. AND he proposed! Woohoo!

Very nicely done very romantic.

Author Reply: Finrod is wise - and kind and generous and open-minded. I like his father, too. And his mother.

They didn't expect to meet - and their carefully preserved guard was down. And now at least each knows that the other is there for him/her. They just have to wear down the reluctance of the rest of the world to see them together.

Thank you. I'm glad you liked the touch of romance!

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