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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 2 Review(s)
BeriathwenReviewed Chapter: 32 on 6/10/2006
Hey! Eression doesn't die does he? 'Cause he's really tired and now in the middle of fighting a horde of orcs not to mention the emotional stress he's been under! The heading said character death and I don't remember anyone dying so far... I guess the twins would probably forgive him if he heroically died covering their retreat, but I hope not; I like him. I think I'm going to appoint myself official protector of all your neat original characters!

Good for Gimli! Everyone should should keep a dwarf around to run for help when things get tight!

Poor Aragorn! But alas! It will probably get worse! And something tells me that Legolas will not get out of this completely unscathed either. Vardnauth must die!!!!

Wonderful chapter as usual. Thanks so much! And I hope you have a wonderful vacation!

Author Reply: I'm afraid if I tell you Eression's fate, Hannah will have to hurt me, therefore I will keep my mouth shut. *crooked smile* As a matter of fact, however, someone HAS died: Tindu's brother, Tirin! So it's just possible that your role as official OC protector might pay off. *grins*

Yeah, dwarves sure seem to be handy that way, don't they?

Worse? Oh, um... yes, 'fraid so.

Thank you so much for the review, and for your good wishes! Our vacation was lovely, the weather was great, and none of us got horrifically sunburned (which we usually do when we go to the beach)!

ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 32 on 6/7/2006
My poor, sweet, unassertive Strider… He always looks forward to getting a few scraps after dinner. Well, tonight one of the kittens decided it looked good, and promptly ran over to steal it. LOL, luckily, Strider loves his babies even more than his food, so he just stood there looking helplessly on… *huggles puppy* Even more fortunately, Dan decided he doesn’t really like green beans, so Strider got it anyways, once he was through jumping in it ;-) First-time cat owners certainly can mess things up, though… We were telling Dad about our day, and suddenly he said, “What? You can’t teach *cats* to come!” Oh. Well apparently smart little El and El have decided that being adopted by Strider makes them part dog, because it took them less than a day to learn… *g*

*snorts* Stupid Dunlendings, yet again… Apparently that whole thing about turning your back on and/or leaving behind “dead” or “dying” enemies isn’t only a problem for heroes… *g* Hmm… For some reason, though, I suspect Gimli wasn’t the only thing left behind. I’ve got this vague idea that Aragorn is no longer the one with the antidote…

Ah, and excellent timing on the part of Twins & Co.! LOL, poor El and El, though… They *might* have expected, now that Aragorn’s the King of Gondor and Sauron is defeated and all, that they wouldn’t be greeted *every* time with the news that Aragorn and Legolas had been captured by someone or other. Particularly when Arwen’s at home injured, and they *might* have expected Aragorn to be staying as close to her as possible… *Might* have expected, that is, if they didn’t know Aragorn and Legolas’ tendencies so well by now. As it is, they got over any surprise quite quickly…

Er, and on a side note… I certainly hope Eression doesn’t mention anything about his having suspicions before that Aragorn and Legolas might be traveling through Rohan. As completely illogical as it would have been for him to mention such vague, virtually baseless thoughts to them earlier, I rather suspect in their current mood toward him, and worried about their brother and Legolas, the twins wouldn’t be overly inclined to listen to reason :-P

//“Wait here and regain your strength, you will likely need it for the retreat."// Hehe, ok, this just struck me as funny, because it reminded me so much of the part at Amon Hen in FOTR when Gimli’s complaining, and Aragorn suggests he rest and recover his strength. LOL, he certainly did take the suggestion much better this time, though… *g*

Ooo, yes, smart Gimli! An army would be useful about now… Especially if it involves bringing the mayor of Kopairin into the story again!

Oh no… Aragorn and Legolas have had *hard* lives. It’s a wonder they survived it all the first time, reasonably physically, mentally and emotionally sound. But now… Vardnauth does have plenty to work with, doesn’t he. *winces* As if they don’t have a hard enough time dealing with their guilt complexes as it is. I have a feeling this could be really good… Er… That is... Did I say *good*? I meant bad, of course. *Bad*, yes... *eg*

I do love the way you blend the history of the MC into your stories, though! For me, the MC have kind of become the cannon of fanfiction, and your writing is *so* good, and blends so well with it… It’s almost like they’re extensions of each other. So it’s *really* fun to have backstory from both your other stories and the MC included! LOL, even if it does occasionally make me forget exactly which details belong to which authors…

//"There are three of us and Valar knows how many of them, gwador-nin; we have no tactics that will aid us here. Whoever finds a chance to break through and find Aragorn and Legolas, do so."// *groans* “We have no tactics”, hmm? Why have I always suspected that… *g* Heh, three against a hundred or so, though… Lucky for them, they’ve got easily-confused enemies. Particularly considering the fact that one-third of them are *not* in the best of conditions… Poor Eression. He certainly has been paying his fair share of penance for long-past mistakes.

Absolutely lovely chapter! VERY much looking forward to more!

- Cami

P.S. LOL, yup, I’m kinda recovering from heatstroke… *sighs pathetically* We poor Minnesotans just weren’t made for heat… At least we’ve got a lake to swim in now, though :-) Hmm, I very much doubt you’d know the person who was graduating - particularly since I don’t even know him myself… LOL, he’s from our new church, and I’ve become quite good friends with his sisters, but I doubt I’ve exchanged half a dozen words with him. Had a good time talking with the girls at the party, though, even if it *was* nearly the death of me ;-P

Author Reply: Ha! It's as I've always said: cats are smarter than some people credit them! In general, I believe, you can train cats to do most anything, but just not always as easily as you can train a dog. Cats have the awkward twist of occasionally deciding that they're just not interested in cooperating. *grins* That's hilarious about poor Strider's food! Poor guy -- you give them an inch and they drag you a mile.

Yes, the corsairs are showing off their best nitwit side there. Clearly nobody ever told them that dwarves are made of rubber. it just didn't seem fair that the good guys should be the only ones susceptible to corpse-neglect syndrome!

The twins excel at good timing! *laughs* Exactly! I figure, given Aragorn's reputation, there's not a whole lot of room left for surprise when he turns up several hundred miles from the place he is supposed to be. They're probably aggravated, but not shocked.

Regarding your side note, I'm really not sure if Eression told them or not... Hannah wrote all these scenes, and frequently both of us have extra thoughts or background events in our minds that we don't bother to write out on paper ('He's doing this because he thinks ______', or 'Which makes sense because _____'). This may have been one such unwritten scene. My guess, though, based on Eression's character as Hannah has developed it, is that he didn't tell the twins.

"Recover my strength...!" *laughs* It does kind of resemble that scene, doesn't it?

Valihondo just can't seem to make a permanent exit from this story, can he? Particularly funny since he was a very late addition to our plans.

*nods* I'm afraid we made things all too easy for our main villain by giving him Aragorn and Legolas... He's not even going to have to try very hard! Or is he...? *rubs hands together* Oh yes indeed, quite bad!

*grins* So glad you enjoyed the inclusion of MC!! We feel exactly the same way, and thus it occurred to us rather belatedly that not everyone will have read Cassia and Sio's work prior to reading ours! I'm so glad you had already read it -- the snippets of memory are so much better with the context behind them. Hey, any confusion between our work and MC is a high compliment indeed! *wink*

The poor twins! We'd run out of clever ideas to give them. It was snatch-and-grab and hope for the best. Admittedly, there was only one entrance, so the initial attack would have been chancy no matter how many people they'd brought with them.

*commiserates* Believe me, we Oregonian-Illinoisan-North Carolinians aren't much better with direct sunshine. It's something of a minor miracle that we all came back from the beach unfried and even slightly tanned. *laughs* I probably wouldn't even have asked, except that I was curious if it was someone from SNWCG! Glad you had a good time visiting, in spite of the heat!

Thanks for the fantastic review!! We look forward to posting more, hopefully sometime to day!

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