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Drabbles, Vignettes and Such  by Gandalfs apprentice 8 Review(s)
Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/4/2006
Very enjoyable and so like Sam.

Author Reply: Sam was pretty bold for such a self-effacing guy, don't you think? Boromir is learning a lot in the north.

DreamflowerReviewed Chapter: 15 on 7/4/2006
Oh you *do* have Sam down perfectly in this: his perception of how other people are feeling and his clear statements of the truth, Shire wisdom or plain hobbit-sense, it is just what Boromir needs to hear! Well done!

Author Reply: I've had fun writing Sam, the few times I've done it, and look forward to more. As for Boromir, his head must be reeling. There's so much to explore in the relationships inside the Fellowship.

Thanks for reviewing,

ElemmírëReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/19/2006
You should really listen to Sam's advice, Boromir!

Lovely little story!

Author Reply: Travel broadens, even for the son of the Steward. Thanks for reading!

RSReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/18/2006
I can actually hear Sam's voice saying those words. Those sentences were totally Sam Gamgee. Though I disagree with Sam, I think Strider was MUCH to look at and I would definitely invite him to my parlor! But then again, Sam did come to his Hobbit senses! I really enjoyed this.

Author Reply: As far as Strider goes, I agree with you! He'd be welcome in my parlor any time, and he is eye candy in my book. But after all, Sam is a very conventional Hobbit and hasn't been out of the Shire very long. It's fun to write him, because his voice is so distinct.

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/18/2006
Good for Sam. And oddly, I can see him being much more outgoing with Men - after all, they have no place in the social system of the Shire!

And loyalty - well, if it isn't Sam's middle name, it should be.

Author Reply: I was thinking of the scene in The Two Towers where he tells off Faramir, shaking a finger at him. That would be something to see! Sam is bold when it comes to defending his own--and by now, Strider has joined that group.

Thanks for reading!

shireboundReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/18/2006
I do love 'plain hobbit sense'! And a Sam-Boromir scene is always a rare treat.

Author Reply: Boromir is learning a lot in his trip to the North--kings in disguise and cheeky halflings are just the beginning. You have to wonder what he made of Rivendell, since, it seems, Gondor had lost all its connection to the Elvish kingdoms.

meckinockReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/18/2006
Hi, GA,

This made me smile. You've captured Sam's instinctive and fierce defensiveness of those he loves (a membership in which club old Strider has recently earned membership) and I love Boromir's affronted . I see a man of Númenorean blood, and damn my eyes if that is not Elendil’s sword. Yet he spurns me, the Steward’s son of Gondor? LOL. Wish this was longer...

Author Reply: Hi, it's nice to hear from you--it's been a while. Boromir doesn't quite understand Aragorn's priorities. The interaction between the two Men at the council is Tolkien at his best, I think, showing Aragorn's political canniness and Boromir's rather rigid lordliness. Aragorn has got Boromir right where he wants him, for now, and doesn't want to venture further for the moment. And the book does say that he left Rivendell to scout with Elladan and Elrohir the very day the Council ended. There certainly was no time for a long chat about the succession!

harrowcatReviewed Chapter: 15 on 6/18/2006
It really is amazing just how uncommon common sense seems to be. But then Sam has far more than his share so it leaves some of the rest of us short!

Author Reply: True! I think Sam missed the significance of what happened between Boromir and Aragorn at the Council meeting, but he did see Boromir's suspicion. And he is in a very good position to give advice about that!

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