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Light from the West  by Armariel 5 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 19 on 8/17/2006
A worthy scare thrown into the infant, and well deserved at that. Maybe she'll begin learning a bit of empathy and compassion.

Author Reply: And as someone else (Bodkin) noted, an Elf has all the ages to learn to become the Elf he/she can be. And yes, thanks to Frodo, perhaps the infant will grow up after all. The Peacemaker certainly has his work cut out for him, what?

Thanks again for reviewing!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 19 on 6/29/2006
I know I already left a review, but does Sam know exactly what happened to his dear one in the tower? I would think Frodo wouldn't want him to know. He should have noticed the glass changing colors I would think, probably Sam wanting to cry and be angry and want to do some bodily damage to some orcs. But then talking things out and getting it out of you is a good thing too even if causes pain...

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Well, I didn't think Frodo told much more than he told Sam in the tower what happened...I thought the only thing he added was the orcs touching him, and I've found out myself that you can only keep something to yourself for so long, sooner or later it has to come out, even if it will upset your dear ones to hear it. And Frodo does mention that he considered it a mistake for Salmė to have held back so much from her great-granddaughter--perhaps if she had told the girl more and shared her true feelings about what happened to her, Aredhel might have turned out less self-centered and unempathetic. Not that Sam would ever have turned out so, of course. But perhaps Frodo has concluded, maybe unconsciously, that too much holding back of the truth is not a good thing all around, and needs to get it out. Oh yes, it does cut me to the heart when my best friend tells me she's hurting badly and I can do nothing about it, but I just have to bite my tongue and let her tell me, if it helps her any at all!


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 19 on 6/29/2006
Oh, the poor dear, to have to relive *that* and still have such a deep reaction to it, even in the West. But now as then, he is surrounded by loving arms - too bad they aren't ours! but ah well. :) That was interesting that he was instructed by Gandalf to tell Sauron off as it were. Glad he was up to his pipe so soon afterwards and cute that he tried to look a little sicker for Elrond. :)

Namarie, God bless, Antane

Author Reply: Ah well, a gal can dream, what?;) Well, this gal would dream of somewhat taller guys, but each to her own! Actually I think the Dark Lord in question here was Morgoth/Melkor, the Lucifer of the Valar, and Sauron is just his patsy...but yes, they are both devils to be cast out in that sense. I'm not totally comfortable with the hurt/comfort school of fanfic writing and when I catch myself indulging in it (maybe it's just a bit of a guilty pleasure sometimes, but I often feel there's something slightly perverse about making a character suffer just so we can "make it all better"), I try to get out of the hurt as quickly as possible and temper the "comfort" with a touch of humor. That way I can feel less guilty;);)

I would venture to say that the memory of torture is virtually impossible to overcome completely. But Frodo in "Bear Me Away" scored a victory over it and Sauron by choosing not to have his memory erased, so it may haunt him occasionally but never dominate.


BodkinReviewed Chapter: 19 on 6/29/2006
A bit of misery and fear will do Aredhel a great deal of good. She needs to break out of her cocoon and join the adult world.

Then maybe the rather dippy poet will look back her way. Or maybe she will find the elf who is actually meant for her!

Author Reply: Yeah...she seems frozen in that adolescent phase in which she sees herself at center stage and every eye in the universe is fixed on her alone, just waiting for her to screw up, and she'd as soon be seen without her clothes as with a hair out of place. But she's hardly adolescent any more and needs to grow out of it fast. (Reminds me a bit of my ex-roommate, but she at least had a heart...of sorts) Happens that way sometimes when parents or parental figures who had to grow up too fast try to ensure that their children will have it better than they did, with the result that some of those kids end up not growing up at all, or not fully, and with little or no appreciation of what their parents went through.

So maybe Aredhel will grow up...who knows? We'll just see!


Samwisegirl12Reviewed Chapter: 19 on 6/29/2006
yay! you updated it! ... oh dear, now I can't remember which stuff happened in this story and which happened in the others! But all the same, I really enjoyed this chapter and I hope that your 'muse' will let you write some more of this story! It would be a shame for it to be abandoned like so many poor, sad WIPs I've seen before ;)

~ swg ~

Author Reply: Heheh...well, they are all the same universe, the same narrator, some of the same characters! And I doubt my muse is going to turn me loose anytime soon, so there will be more...hopefully I'll keep getting ideas, and I've been known to get some from reviewers like yourself, so please keep it up! Since this one isn't a story in the usual sense but a series without any apparent plot, I've no idea how long it will run, as long as my inspiration holds out, I suppose!

Thanks once more for commenting!


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