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Peregrin and Diamond  by Pearl Took 3 Review(s)
BodkinReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/14/2006
Oh dear. Nothing like taking two tired and stressed people and putting a spark between them - explosions inevitable.

Mind you, a few good rows before they get married aren't a bad thing! They don't want to be left with the illusion that their whole lives are going to be filled with marshmallow sweetness. And fighting and making up are a good way of seeing that this isn't one of those milk-and-water relationships.

But still ... I hope they make up soon. That wedding is looming closer!

Author Reply: Totally right. It's a good thing they learn that they both have a bit of temper and how to work things out before the wedding and the marriage. Yes, the wedding is coming soon and this has been a rather whirlwind courtship, so it's good to learn as much as they can about each other :)

Thank you so much, dear Bodkin, for reading and responding! :)

PIppinfan1988Reviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/10/2006
Uh-oh! Trouble in paradise... Every couple goes through something like this--they'll think things through and get back together again. Hehehe...I hope!

I thought this edition of this chapter had a bit more of a kick to it than the first one. I loved the first edition--don't get me wrong, and there isn't too much of a change here, but I thought their emotional states and inner thoughts were expounded upon more. You're doing a fantastic job!


Author Reply: Thank you :) If they are, it's most likely Dreamflower's doing :) I'm glad you're enoying the rewrite. And thank you so much, Pippinfan, for staying with me and leaving resonses :)

Grey WondererReviewed Chapter: 18 on 7/10/2006
LOL Written like someone who has planned a wedding or three! I loved how fussy they've become and the idea of them living at Crickhollow fits in so well with your other Diamond and Pippin stories. This was, my dear, another lovely chapter.

Author Reply: Actually . . . my Mom planned most of my wedding for me and my daughter is planning most of her own. This was written betwixt those two events. I guess I had just heard enough stories about it all :) I'm so glad you enjoyed it, GW and thank you, as always, for responding :)

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