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We Were Young Once ~ II  by Conquistadora 10 Review(s)
mystarlightReviewed Chapter: 10 on 11/16/2019
A gripping and thoughtful tale from beginning to end. I am glad that I have the whole story or I would go crazy waiting for update. Thank you so much for your story.

NoAjtqeZNReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/23/2013
The plan is to have ready to serialize for late September of 2009.That would be ralley cool if you get to go to the JWHA conference!!! I expect that my brother will be there since he's very active in the group. Be sure to tell me if you do, and I'll tell him to look for you. And then blog about the whole thing -- I'll be happy to add you to ! :DI'll bet your kids are adorable! I have two myself (same two as back in my exmo-social days), and if you page thorough my blog, you can see how cute they are. ;^)

EwVQjXXBReviewed Chapter: 10 on 10/21/2013
Let me know as son as you do. In other news, I may get a chance to meet your btheorr. I am possibly (if I can scrape funding together) going to the JWHA conference. A friend of mine is very active in it and I've started to help with some of his research and with him and a few others, we are working on a paper that we may present there. Oh yeah, few other things, I'm now working on my Master's in History at Utah State and we just had twins in October, so now I have 4 kids, two girls, Viktoria, 7, Elizabeth 4 and the two twin boys, Michael and Thomas.I have been sort of writing, but mostly doing history stuff, not fiction (which I really need to get back into, my writing style is suffering from too much dry historical writing). Anyway, still stuck in Utah, but it's at least entertaining.

k_lara7Reviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/27/2006
It will be quite interesting to see where this goes from here...

Do they condemn Thranduil, or believe him?

He sure knows how to pick his fights!

Author Reply:
He certainly does. ;)

RedheredhReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/26/2006
Holy Mole! Just as was feared! Gwaelas was lead astray and set upon! Oh, you are so lucky he is going to survive... *huff!* But, poor wrung-out Thranduil too! Ooo, that Honey-tongued, glamorous-lying, balrog-in-waiting... I really am enjoying this adventure... hopefully you can tell that. :)

I have to say I *really* enjoyed you little vignette on the mystic of royalty. Very interesting description of a almost indescribable instinct, in elves or humans. ... a shard of the magnificent era they had never known. As I an unashamed support of the Lindarin princes - yay! good on ya for letting Gwaelas prize his feelings. However, ... never quite understand what had caused that idyllic world to collapse... ? I cannot see the Silvan ever having forgotten Melkor or not feeling the repercussions of his return as Morgoth.

Like I said before - Can't wait!

Author Reply:
I'm sure Gwaelas remembers the age of Morgoth (although I don't know if he's old enough to have lived it), but Greenwood is a long way from Beleriand, and I think what Gwaelas really doesn't comprehend is how the Kinslayings could have happened. He's innocent that way.

I'm certainly glad you're enjoying it. :) It's really starting to pick up in my mind as well. It will take a miracle to get as far as the Last Alliance before the end of August, but there are precedents . . .

jwdisneyReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/26/2006
Goodness, gracious. I love the story, and can't wait to find out what happens next! Thanks for writing such an exciting saga of pre-LOTR Thranduil! He's one of the most dynamic and least documented characters in Tolkien's universe, and I appreciate your approach to his character and motivations. Thanks again for donating your summer to keeping us all entertained! :)

Author Reply:
You're welcome; I'm glad to do it. ^_^ I only wish I was more prolific and could promise more regular updates, but I already know next semester's schedule won't permit it. Thranduil isn't happy, but he's resigned to wait. Hopefully I'll be able to cook up a great reopening chapter for Christmas. ;)

valjeanReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/26/2006
Gah!! The dread cliff-hanger *again*?? Could you at some point conclude a chapter in a manner that doesn't leave me a nervous mess of jelly on the floor? It's bad for the sleep cycle.
But seriously, that was a great chapter. You only seem to get better as you go along!

Author Reply:
Hehehe. Of course, we all know that the close of a chapter is one of the hardest parts to round off properly, hence the popularity of cliff-hangers among authors. ;)

Thanks! ^_^ This whole project is primarily an exercise in practical experience, so it's good to hear we're accomplishing our objective, little by little.

Lady SarumanReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/25/2006
OH NO! Miss Coriel, you are simply evil. I bet the so called 'Amroth' who had approached Gwaelas when Thranduil was sleeping was Annatar. Then he set his dogs on him and injured the young elf. Good thing someone found him, or it would have been too late. Bringing him to Celeborn and Galadriel was probably the best thing to do. Well, obviously, Thranduil was able to figure out for himself that the extreme tiredness he had felt in the library was the result of Annatar's control of his brain or something. Now, I //think// (the slashes represent an italicized word) Annatar has started to shape-shift into other people as well, to fool and corrupt innocent victims. Gwaelas, who was already sick from the stone walls of Ost-in-Edhil (I forgot if that is where Thranduil and Gwaelas were currently staying), has already become worse when Annatar took control of his mind. And poor Thranduil. I //know// he already has enough to worry about after the meeting with the evil lord, but now he has Gwaelas to worry about too.

And, finally, at the end, Thranduil retching and coughing up blood? That doesn’t happen of his own accord. Annatar must have taken control over him again, just like he had in the library. OH NO OH NO first it was Gwaelas, now Thranduil. There's going to be a LOT more trouble coming up.

Oh yeah, I'm so pleased you've finished Chapter 10 so quickly. Well, I think you'd better hurry, because summer is almost over. As for me, school starts on August 30, so I don't have much time left. But I'm still going to review!

-Lady Saruman

Author Reply:
Annatar is starting to remind me of a combination of Jafar from Aladdin and Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist. Maybe with traces of somebody else thrown in for good measure, but I can't quite place who it is. ;)

Ah, you'll be heading back to school the same day I head out of the country. Of course, we won't actually get there until the next day.

Ginger RichReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/25/2006
Bah!! What an ending! Actually I should say, what an un-ending! Goodness, such a wicked cliff-hanger. I know Thranduil and Gwaelas don't die, but I am still incredibly worried. The visuals were amazing! You are a truly terrific writer, and sometimes I hate that you're so good because it makes me so anxious for the characters. It feels so real. lol. Keep up the great work. And tell me what happens!

Author Reply:
Thanks! By the time I get a chapter posted, the visuals are so worn out in my mind that I can't really appreciate them again for a month or two.

I am certainly not going to tell you what happens. ;) Nice try, but no banana!

lwarrenReviewed Chapter: 10 on 7/24/2006
I have been holding my breath ever since Thranduil awoke last chapter and Gwaelas was missing. I just knew that Annatar had gotten hold of him again, and the injuries suffered by Thranduil are somehow tied to Shadow, too. In just a few paragraphs you showed Annatar's abilities to present himself as something or someone else entirely, thus concealing his true self from everyone involved. Layer upon layer of deceit - the inhabitants of the city don't see past the pretty, helpful face he's presented...and Gwaelas, bless him, who only knows there is something terrible and dark to be feared, has been tricked by the Lord of Tricks into leaving with him! AGGGHHHHH! I know Thranduil doesn't wish anyone to know about his little field trip into the halls of the elven-smiths, but Coriel, he's not looking too good...I sincerely hope that this is the eye-opener for Celeborn and Galadriel, once they realize who is to blame. I hope.......Wonderful, tense, cliff-clenching chapter, Coriel, you evil author you!


Author Reply: I know, I'm terrible. ;)
Actually, I think I'm just lazy for not writing the other half of the chapter before I posted this much. But, of course, I couldn't resist. Hopefully we can resolve the present difficulties in a timely manner; there is still much work to be done before August, but Thranduil will not be ignored. ;)
Thanks for reviewing!

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