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Light from the West  by Armariel 3 Review(s)
LarnerReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/18/2006
The Light of Truth indeed, as well as aiding at healing souls and bringing them to their potential from self-centeredness.

Gentle HobbitReviewed Chapter: 24 on 8/2/2006
I am really enjoying this story. I've got all caught up, and I must say that I especially loved the exquisite descriptions of the glass butterfly and the unexpected corners, mosaics and windows in the city that Frodo discovers each time he visits the city.

You have a lovely way of telling a story that makes me feel as if I were receiving those letters. I am looking forward to more chapters!

Author Reply: Why thank you Dearie! A friend sent me some photos of a "glass" butterfly once, I still have them somewhere; the wings actually are transparent. Don't know what country they are native to, though. So I thought I'd just incorporate them into my universe:) I've been to such cities (San Antonio is one, NYC is another) where every time I go out into them, I discover some lovely or unusual thing I didn't notice before, often in out of the way places, as well as in the usual streets and squares. They usually happen when I'm NOT expecting them, rather than when I've got an eye out for them.

Thanks soooo much for reviewing! Hope to have another chappie up before the end of the week.


AntaneReviewed Chapter: 24 on 7/27/2006
A peerless fragment of your own true Shining/Held blessedly in the palm of your hand...

Very nice! And so cute that he's playing Bilbo. I'm glad he got through the retelling of his ordeal all right. I'm looking forward to seeing this play performed since I didn't go to the one in Toronto which would have been neat.

Namarie, God bless, Antane :)

Author Reply: Wish I could have seen it too. From what I've heard/read it was a success. Wish I could at least find the script online so I could get an idea of how, um, Rudy's, should go--a screenplay and a stageplay being two entirely different beasts! Well, of course I've no intention of presenting it in its entirety anyway *g* maybe just fragments.

I recall reading that the ancient Greek dramas had to be sung in order to be heard in those vast ampitheaters, so it seems the Greeks actually invented opera, unless some other ancient culture thought of it first (like the Elves, for instance?) I seriously didn't think Frodo would want to play himself, so I figured the next best thing would be Bilbo...which would surely make the old hobbit proud!

Thanks so much for reviewing!


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