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Your Heart Will Be True  by Write Sisters 2 Review(s)
ImbecamielReviewed Chapter: 40 on 8/18/2006
Heh, and now I’ve managed to miss two chapters, haven‘t I… I thought for sure I’d be able to review, but then my Grandpa died, and we had to take an emergency trip down to Arizona for the funeral, and by the time everything was over I was so tired I’ve spent the couple of weeks trying to dredge up the energy to get my internet life back to normal. But, even if I haven’t had the energy to review, I have been reading and enjoying much, and now I’m finally back to say so.

Oh, I’m just loving the interactions between Legolas and Anto. Absolutely hilarious! One particular favorite part - //Anto's eyes widened, but he nodded without any hesitation at all. Could it be the young lieutenant thought that elves typically did the fighting of thirty men? Had he the time he could have told Anto no, such behavior was too suicidal for the average immortal — but prolonged friendship with a certain human could drive any elf over the brink. So much for insanity.// LOL! Well, it must be rather convenient for Legolas, to for once not have anyone arguing with him about insane, foolhardy, stupid attempts to prove that “immortal” and “invincible” are indeed synonymous… Not exactly good for his health, but convenient none-the-less :-P

Hehe, and I must say, Legolas, if you *are* planning on making some attempt at convincing Anto that elves are not quite the virtual-gods of mythology the stories he’s been hearing have made him believe… Um, taking *off* all your armor *before* heading out *alone* into the Southron camp and telling him you’re going to get them all to leave and that he can then carry on as planned *may* not have been the best possible way of going about it. But then, far me it from me to attempt to tell the great elven prince how to go about ridding all these of their *obviously* false impressions... *attempts to hide smirk*

Ha, and I love Legolas attempting to look and sound like a human. Harder than it looks, hmm? *g*

Ah, and yet another favorite line (wish I could quote them all, but that’d be rather pointless, since I’d just have to cut-and-paste the entire chapter…): //How was he to hold the attention of an entire camp of Southrons? He'd been called many things in his life — silent, cool, dangerous, invisible, even prissy— but never distracting. That was what Gimli was for! And, of course, Aragorn.// LOL! Love it.

I believe I’ve mentioned before how much I absolutely love your action scenes? Definitely continuing to hold true. They’re never boring, and always *so* easy to visualize. Gah, poor Duurben! Honestly, though, we’ve seriously got to work on this guy’s self-image. He’s nearly killed, and all he can think about is being a hindrance and telling Aragorn he‘ll join the fighting as soon as he can… *shakes head*

//But Duurben had a bad track record of staying reliably unconscious where he was put.// *snickers* Yeah, yeah, and look who’s talking…

And I love the way both Aragorn and Legolas constantly fluctuate between thinking that they could really use the other here, and thinking they’ve probably got waaay more than enough on their own plate as it is, and thinking they could REALLY use the other here RIGHT NOW. LOL, and their mutual conclusion - this is indeed ridiculous.

Awww… Sweet reminder of Bartho and Arien’s “side-story”, even in the middle of the battle. Um, yeah, Bartho. Whatever you may think, I’m one-hundred-percent certain that she *would* much rather have her scarf completely destroyed than have you sitting there breathing in dust ;-)

Ha! LOL, well, an elven prince may not be terribly distracting, but an enraged, terrified taerg spreading fire and destruction in its wake? Yeah, I suppose that qualifies as somewhat distracting. Go Legolas! Very cool. *g* I fear, however, that any attempts to convince Anto that you’re not *quite* so incredible as he thinks are now forever doomed to be futile. Actually, you’ve probably only made certain that they’ll be passed on to the next generation, as I’m quite sure this is one little adventure Anto will be passing along to his children… *giggles* And yet somehow I can’t *quite* feel it in me to feel sorry for Legolas. Poor elf, doomed to hero-worship for the rest of his immortal life…

Wonderful, wonderful chapter, mellyn-nin! Thanks for all the much-needed laughs and excellent reading :-)

- Cami

P.S. Oh YES! I’m so happy to hear you liked the new POTC, too! Quite a few of the people I’ve talked to were disappointed in it, and I just don’t understand that. We’ve seen it twice now, and I think it’s just fantastic! The whole feel of it was quite different from the first one… but *definitely* not different bad :-) The character development was *so* fascinating! The whole storyline with Will’s father had definite promise. Norrington, though, now he surprised me! I’d been curious as to what he’d be like in this movie, but that was nothing like what I’d been expecting! And *Barbosa*?! What’s up with THAT?! Hehe, and so many lines you’ve just gotta love… “Captain Jack’s acting strange…er.“ And when Elizabeth shows up: “Hide the rum.“ Jack, in reference to Norrington’s shocked exclamation that he actually *was* telling the truth: “I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised.” *giggles* And Jack and Gibbs’ whole conversation at the beginning, which *Jack* concludes with “Now you’re just not making any sense at all.“ And of course, Jack’s “final words”(*snorts* riiiight…) “’Ello beastie.“ LOL, suffice it to say, I’m most definitely looking forward to next memorial day…

Author Reply: I'm so sorry about your Grandpa! That must have been really hard -- particularly since it was so unexpected. Was your family very close to him?

I'm glad reading afforded you some enjoyment -- that's all we really need to hear! Not that we don't love your reviews when you have time to give them... *grins*

Ooh, I'm pleased you enjoyed Anto and Legolas! I had an unexpected amount of fun with them -- mostly because of Anto's charming naivete in regards to elves. You're right, though I'm sure Legolas will never admit this to Aragorn: since the crazy elf insists on pulling insanely impossible stunts no matter what, having a companion who doesn't realize he should be protesting must be nice. *laughs at Cami's massive dose of sarcasm* Yes, exactly! And I quite agree: years and years from now tales will be told of the Great And Powerful Elf who single handedly rescued Granpa Anto's entire company from utter destruction, and Legolas will have no one but himself to blame.

*bounces* Glad you liked that line!

*hugs Cami soundly* All praise for action scenes is very eagerly stowed away for later replay! Thank you very much! See, I figure, if the scene comes off with anything like a visual quality, then it's a fair trade for the grief it gave me to write it. *grins*

Great minds think alike, eh? I was trying to tie them together a little, in spite of the fact that this is the first time (I think) where I haven't had them ride into battle side by side. I may as well let slip a spoiler here: there was supposed to be a second major battle in this story, but by the time I finished with this one, I couldn't handle the thought of writing it, so I came up with a much more brief alternative -- you'll see.

The delightful thing about Arien and Bartho is that, while some things like 'practicality' and 'seriousness' are common traits between them, they bring out other sides in each other as well. In this case, Bartho is actually getting downright sentimental... *eyes the man as if he might suddenly start doing cart-wheels*

Thank you so much for your review! Really, it made my day!

*bounces s'more* Wow, you reminded me of a whole bunch of things I'd forgotten about! I just got through laughing at them all over again... You'd fit in really well in Hannah, Chloe, Emily's and my conversations -- we have these post-movie powwows where we re-quote every line we laughed at, and pick apart the plot, and discuss which characters were the best portrayed, and, well, everything... We do it constantly. *grins* And I join you in awaiting memorial day! I want to see where Barbossa came from, and how they can save Jack, and whether Will can rescue his dad like he promised (I loved that part of the story!), and just how long they plan to drag out this ridiculous 'love-triangle' (I know they don't mean anything serious by it, but golly, poor Will could do without the stress!), and of course whether Jack will ever truly reform! *grins* I'm not holding my breath.

BeriathwenReviewed Chapter: 40 on 8/16/2006
You know, if Legolas had had to distract a whole camp full of Southron WOMEN he wouldn't have had a problem. As it is, I'd say he did rather well! Lol! Good thing he's fast! That was great!

Yikes! I was so scared for Duurben there for a minute. Poor Aragorn, he has the curse of winning everyone's undying loyalty, otherwise he probably wouldn't face the problem of half injured, old guardsmen insisting on following him into perilous situations all the time! I just hope Duurben stays put this time! (yeah right) *Maybe if I whack him with my skillet...*

Wow, only a few more chapters to go and I'm beginning to worry about everyone making it through unscathed. And why do I get the feeling that Halda might be the one who offs Mavranor? I don't know, just a guess. :0)

Can't wait for the next chapter. Fortunately, I'm going on a trip, so I'll be kept busy! Namarie!

Author Reply: *snorts* Yes, I'll bet. Actually, had Legolas walked into a camp of Southron women, they probably would have defected instantly.

Give him a whack -- it can't hurt! *realizes how odd that sounds* Yes, Aragorn is cursed by the ability to make long-lasting friendships with loyal people. Golly, that sounds odd too... *grin*

Don't worry too much -- Hannah and I honestly don't much like killing people off. That's an interesting guess about Mavranor's demise! *refrains from further comment*

I hope you are having (or rather: *had*) a lovely trip, and I hope that also means that you were unaffected by how late we have been in updating! *grins* Thanks for the great review, we really appreciated it!!

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