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Celebrian, Sell i Nos Galadhad   by Redheredh 3 Review(s)
Kitt OtterReviewed Chapter: 15 on 5/8/2008
I like seeing more aspects of Celeborn: a lady’s protector, charmer, and diplomat.
The whole scene between them was fun.
Like Aurthon, I want to be more acquainted with Hrassa.

Celebrimbor’s missing of the Trees is a wonderful touch. True, the furniture would need last a while to be practical… I always wonder over that.
I am glad to see Celebrian again! (Impertinent imp). Her ideas had me laughing – to be Celebrimbor’s husband, inviting Hrassa to tea, and horsie, of course. It is too bad no other children are around, but then the adults’ lives would be duller.


Author Reply: Let's face it, as a female, Galadriel lasted where others were felled. She had to have had better support, if not an outright advantage, from her choice of mate. The Professor did not dispose of Celeborn, as he did of other spouses either. Once he saw the Two Trees archetype in two of them, he increased Celeborn's role. I tend to see Aurthon and Hrassa as more alike than dissimilar.

Everyone gets nostalgic about something they use to have that made them feel wonderful. Celebrimbor, though, has turned inward to find another source of fulfilling grace. He has turned to the Flame Eternal, the stuff from which the world was made. The energy source of creation that Sauron seeks to use.
Preservation is an Elven ability and goal. Thus, the Elessar and the three Elven rings.

lol! "husband"? I know you meant him to be her husband. Well, she will be out of the picture for a while after this. There are children around, but not living in the palace per se or free to play with her. Her parents would prefer she have proper company to associate with and not keep the scullery girls and busy pages from doing their jobs. (Aurthon and Laerlinath will soon help out with this problem, me thinks.) Yes, I agree with you there, the adults' lives would be a bit more sedate!

Thank you for this review, too!

BodkinReviewed Chapter: 15 on 8/16/2006
I love seeing Celebrimbor with Celebrian - who is close to being irrepressible! He had a job maintaining his dignity and upholding parental authority, and I suspect Celebrian knows perfectly well that she can manage him to her heart's content. Probably just as well he didn't agree to marriage, though. I can't see Celeborn and Galadriel going along with that. Especially not for the next several hundred years - until their little princess is properly grown up.

She's not stupid though. She's picked up all the information Celebrimbor has dropped about Hrassa - and possibly put together more. So she can't own him as her own personal pet ... she will have to come up with another scheme, because I think that she is determined to foster this link she feels with Cliff.

I do love the way everyone is scurrying around trying to get some advantage and understand what everyone else's motivation and desires are. At least Celebrian is fairly obvious! And this is all the same day! They must sleep well at night from total mental exhaustion.

Author Reply:
Yep, close to being irrepressible. Something that will be a plus later in life. Poor Celebrimbor needs a better self image. Maybe in another couple centuries, he'll know he's not so unworthy of the women he loves.

Ah, so she does have some semblance of her grandmother's wisdom, if not her looks. ;) She is definitely going to try and keep Hrassa's attention on her. I think the adventurous part of her spirit is feeling a little couped up in the palace. A kindred spirit, of some kind, would be welcome.

Oh dear, are things getting monotonous and predictable? Sorry, and the night is not that far along yet...

perellethReviewed Chapter: 15 on 8/15/2006
This was lovely, Redheredh! I really loved the first part, with Celebrimbor sailing the turbulent seas of the palace after the dragon. It is full of detail (apart from the continued, perfectly drawn nautical metaphore) and that is one of the things that amaze me in this story, the way you portray the atomphere in the palace with little details.

And I really like this instrospective Celebrimbor. The detai about the lamp and the light and the comforot that it brought to those who had seen the deseprate Drakness after the death of the trees was a very impressive touch. As the detail that he was against withholding the secret of the lamps for the apprentices, considering it a piece of civilizatino that was better spread off aloud that witheld. I think that here you have come to pindown such a perfect Celebrimbor, itnersted in his forge, seeking company and friendship, feeling a bit lonely and uterly undesrving, yet trying his own cunning for his own purposes but without succeeding.. ar teast at mischief. I come to tink he is a good elf, and I think I like that.

And Celebrían is a delightful child, this scene between Uncle and niece was lovely, for lack of better word. It is clear that there is deep understanding between them , and his reflections about celeborn through the child's behaviour are hilarious, not to mention her mimicking of the Adar...

Wonderful tale. I am so enjoying it! Your writing is so rich that is a pleasure, and, as i've said before, I am most abosrbed by hte depth of thought you have devoted to rebuild from almost nothing the epic of the third hiost, which is now hinted at so naturally here, giving depth and sense of doom to all conversations and relationships around here. Wonderful.

Author Reply:
Thank you! I did have a bit of fun with that metaphor. ;)

Thank you! Celebrimbor was not a bad guy, doggone it. And he was good at what he did. He just was not much of a prince or king.

Thank you! You always put something very 'human' in your stories that makes me laugh too. And what is more realistic than children taking after their parents - and everyone but them noticing it?

Gosh... you effuse, me thinks. But, thank you anyway! As they say, it is a privilege to work at something we love.

"Wonderful." :) Thank you! again ;)

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